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william bowen

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Posts posted by william bowen

  1. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @Wild Bill --- Sorry Grandpa, didn't want to see you get worked over. How's the family?

    Folks, Bill's name is really Fred, in My Three Sons, one of the worst TV shows EVER!!!


    Fred was a lot better looking than me when I see that picture you posted and of course he always explained himself a lot better than I do.


  2. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    How does a thread that starts off with the word Dear end up with a warning after four posts? :D

    Anyway, things like this happen from time to time, things get misunderstood, sometimes a spillover from an earlier thread. I've been guilty of a psychotic kneejerk myself on occassion. ;)

    Is nothing sacred anymore how did you get that information from my shrink, thats what he called me last week.


  3. Von Strachwitz I apoligize to you it was uncalled for by me, I probably used the wrong wording when I brought up scorched earth, what I meant to say was instead of the Russians manning the borders and getting wiped out I found a better strategy to back up almost to the Urals to save MPP's and build better forces, I thought of this as scorched earth, my mistake, no exuses for my behavior but I was probably upset with the AI's reluctance to do the same thing and also upgrade units that I find to be of one of the most important aspects of fighting the computer's forces. I took it out on you instead of explaining myself in a more calmer fashion. I am playing Blashey's mod and I noticed his Russian forces are well back initially and he has the AI upgrading the computers forces. I stand corrected please forgive my stupidity.


  4. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    Wild William Bowen & Hyazinth von Heinz Ketchup need to be a little bit more professional. You can cut the tension with a knife in this thread.

    Good one Rambo, my two sons and my three grand children will enjoy the word "wild", they think I am too easy, this post answer will show them I am meaner than they thought. I usually try to write good posts and I was trully looking for a good answer on the AI upgrades but alas it did not come down that way but I apoligized and meant it so that should be the end of that.


  5. Originally posted by Madmatt:


    Looks like you and Hyazinth have some history here but I see nothing in his post to justify your rather rude reply back.

    Manners in this forum have been diminishing a lot lately. That will end as of NOW.

    You guys treat each other with respect (and I mean the lot of you, not just you two) or I will start kicking you from the boards.

    This is a game, and this forum is setup for the MUTUAL and RESPECTFUL desimination of game info, comments and questions. Anything else, is not acceptable.

    Also, Hubert is currently away on some much deserved vacation time but I am sure he will reply when he gets back.


    Thank you Madmatt, you are right of course about manners lately, but I would have appreciated it if he had tried to answer my post instead of questioning what I might have meant, the AI not upgrading units is a major issue in the game for me. I will refrain from making any comments in the future of a negative nature, please accept my apologies.


  6. Originally posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz:

    What exactly do you mean by scorched earth policy pls? I thought it is represented by the russian cities/mines/oil/seaports going to 0%... how else can you do that strategy?

    Did you read my post or just pick one word out to suit yourself, you do that all the time, I addressed it to Hubert. You did not give me one clue to tell me that some things would be corrected, that's why I wrote the post in the first place mainly about the failure of the AI to upgrade it's troops, you didn't even give me the courtesy to give your opinion on that.


  7. You may already have adressed this, but two major changes I would like to see made, one the Allies AI would allocate research points to build up their ground forces, played the axis and carefully watched the Russians with FOW off just to see what happens, they amassed 1800 mpp's and not one went into infantry weapons research which is a must against the germans, as can be expected went through them like a hot knife cutting butter, is there a script that changes that? Second, why cant the Russian AI use the scorched earth policy to defeat the axis, I use it and always win with it on any settings. Backing up allows me to conserve MPP's for more infantry and tanks instead of always reinforcing my troops.

    Thank you


  8. First of all I just started playing the allies against the computer's Axis AI, and for your information if I was CIC of the ETO arena like IKE was the Germans would still be goose stepping in London and Washington, I was always bashing Russia now I am getting bashed WHEW!

    Question, when the Axis AI invades Greece they over do it with too many units including Germans, Italians and minor country troops, total over-reaction, one fourth of these troops is all that is needed if that, now this does not upset me at all because I have enough trouble with the troops that are attacking me in Russia as it is now, let alone if those troops in Greece were pitching in to help the initial onslaught of Russia, I hear comments that this would be addressed in the next patch, I do hope you programmers forget about it as I need all the help I can get.


  9. Originally posted by Cary:

    Accept it, you've won. I'm not sure that defense scripts for the United States should be that high a priority in comparison with other projects...

    It may not look like it, but you're trying to word-process on an excel spreadsheet. Of course the US's defense plans are under-planned. And of course any A/I can be counted to do very stupid things when out of its range of expertise.

    Perhaps you should start PBEMing.... Or raise the difficulty level.

    If you're very concerned that the United States is a push-over once invaded, I'd suggest working on the A/I scripts yourself. For that matter, build an "Invasion US mod" -- the danger with scripting US defense A/I is that it's code that might get used once or twice.

    Gary thank you for your input, whether anyone will attack the U.S. I guess is questionable, and your right maybe it wasn't necessary for Hubert to properly script that portion of the game, but Gary the troop ships have no protection and that must be fixed, also my post was not a complaint just an observation, as for doing my own lets not go there as I have no talent in that area. We pay for that talent in cash.


  10. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    William, this has been fixed for the next patch.

    Thank you Hubert for your attention to the posts, maybe I should not be playing in 1946, who knows. One other issue that maybe needs attention and that is Malta, with both the Suez and Gibralta and North Africa in axis hands there should be no way Malta can be reinforced with troops, maybe supplies but not troops, I was told in an earlier post that would be too much micro-management, but beings Malta has a lot to do with Axis supplies in North Africa I think it should be looked into.


  11. Not a complaint just something that needs a fix in the next patch. I am attacking the U.S. in early 1946 with very good power, the U.S. is about to be wiped out and guess what it is still sending units to england [lots of units] and without any kind of protection and I keep picking these units off with ease with my subs. Maybe we should not be playing in 1946 in this game but I have been and it needs fixing. PLEASE!

    Thank you


  12. Originally posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz:

    @ Williams: basically you are right, but the abstraction level in this game is too high... we all know that troops to Malta must come via ship, but since the supply ships theirselves are not modeled, the game cannot "play" it. I think it would be funnier to see all the supply convoys shipping over the Atlantic, but this is way too much micro management. Just bomb the infrastructure down to zero and it works...

    Agreed, thank you
  13. This is the new civil me, question on Malta and allied invasion of France, I do not really care if this is corrected or not but Malta in my opinion has to be rescripted or something, I control both Gibralta and the Suez canal every sealane around Malta is covered by my fleets and I am pounding it with seven airfleets and for six turns I get it down to one and six times it is reinforced to a seven, being corps are about 60,000 men where did these 300,000 or so troops come from huh! Please don't tell me it is being supplied from within the fortress with all of those troops, this has to be corrected please.

    About France, there was not a space left in England for any more allied troops and they sat there through all of 1944 and most of 1945 and did nothing, please correct this.


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