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william bowen

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Posts posted by william bowen

  1. Originally posted by Edwin P.:

    Sea Lion can be most helpful, if you can complete it quickly.

    1. If you take the UK it increases the leaning of Spain and Turkey towards the Axis.

    2. It hurts the enemy's morale

    3. It destroys any UK units currently in production.

    4. The USA is denied a safe place to base air unit support for landings in Europe.

    5. The threat of strategic bomber attacks on Germany and France is removed.

    6. The Axis ability to support a submarine war and detect advancing subs is greatly expanded.

    7. You gain MPP income from the captured UK resources.

    The problem is to complete it quickly.

    If your opponent leaves the UK unguarded with land and naval forces so he can reinforce Egypt and take on the Italian Navy, it may be worthwhile to attempt a Sea Lion invasion of the British Isles.

    However, if you attempt a Sea Lion and fail it will usually spell your doom.

    You actually showed me I was wrong. Good job, I think it took me until aug 1941 to capture uk probgably too long. Thank you.


  2. In my humble opinion there is no point in capturing England by itself meaning not taking North Africa at the same time, you get no points of any kind it lets Russia attack you before you can pick the time to attack them, if you can't get to Russia by June 1941 and does nothing but put you in a hole thats hard to get out of. I am sure some players will say it hurts the United States not to have a place to land witout a fight, I dont know about the AI but a good allied player that should not bother them, they most likely can land in a friendly Spain or take Spain by combat or go past Gibraltor and land in North Africa. Please tell me I am wrong and tell me why?


  3. Pzdgnr again my compliments for a terrific endeavor in modding Advance Third Reich. The large map allows many more tactical options not available in smaller maps. The only drawback is because there are so many units it takes the computer AI quite awhile to make all it's selections but still well worth the wait. Thank you Pzdgnr.

    Supply in WAW needs a little adjusting, not a complaint just an observation. An allied HQ's unit did an amphibus landing in Spain which I had conquered along with two allied corps the two corps were destroyed right away but the hq unit moved to a mountain hex where I reduced it from an 8 to a 2, completley surrounded and cut off with no port from which to be supplied it received a 4 supply to bring it to a six. Even though it would probably be destroyed in the next axis move and the supply rule most likely does not effect the game that much I would like to see it adressed and fixed if possible in the next patch.


  4. Please correct me where I am wrong here. For example lets say Riga has an army corp inside the city [for easy math say a corp is 100,000 troops] and after an attack by many axis units it was reduced from a 10 to a 2, that means to me that 80,000 troops have been lost. Axis have the city surrounded and the Russian fleet has been destroyed, and the axis have multiple fleets off the coast of Riga, on resupply Riga goes from a 2 to an 8 or more, that means that Riga received 60,000 troops Huh! Common sense tells me that this is impossible. Now I know this is just a beer and pretzles game but I would like something done about supply. In the global game I noticed fleets running out of supply quickly, how do you keep these fleets in supply? A new wargame is coming soon called World in flames and all they talk about is supply and how it affects their game, they might not be able to implement it properly but it seems to be their major concern, zones of control etc. Could this game improve the supply dilemna that I see or am I wrong.

    thank you

    Bill Bowen

  5. When you players of SC2 talk about WAW in your forums are you referring to the WAW thats coming out next year[maybe] or something else? I wish I had read these forums before I posted a new topic agout the global war in patch 108 it would have answered all my questions about this game and what was wrong with it. Can the global game AI be changed so that it is playable against a human opponet?

    thank you

    Bill Bowen

  6. I do hope that the weapons and warfare addon that I payed good money for is better than the global warfare game.[still waiting for the hard copy] Some observastions about the global game, do hope no one gets mad at me, I believe everyone should be honest with their feelings, right is right and wrong is wrong!

    1-it is dec. 1943 and the americans have 5 carriers all on the east coast[wrong] and have not moved for 1 year. 2-The allies have been trying to land in France for 1 year[okay] but when you try to land with units that have a 5 strength or less[wrong]3-I the Japanese have been ravenging the Pacific for a year and no reaction from the Americans at all[delared war against the Americans a year ago] 4- Some kind of an explanation on how to conduct the Pacific war would be most welcome[island hopping]5-please explain to me how I can reduce the island of Guam

    with b17.s on it from and 8 to an zero and the next move it is a 4 embedded again, I thought it only goes up 1 each turn. Many other things I would like an explanation but if these can be explained to me and other players if they are interested that would suffice. Last but not least is resupply, you cannot supply an island that is completely cut off in every direction by warships, I am not trying to be mean I just want a playable game, I realize that this was a gift [patch 108] but the possibilities are awsome for the global game do help you will answer me and things will be corrected.

    Thank you.

    Bill Bowen

  7. Blashy good mod, have played it up to Sept. 1944, these are not negatives but observations, I liked the way the russians played up to a point, I was hoping they would back up more instead of trying to hammer it out with superior german forces which cost them dearly, but towards the end the AI russians played very well. On the American end of the AI, I noticed a lot more tank forces which you mentioned you would do, your new scripts and mod may have nothing to do with this but 4 american tank units sat in St. Johns Newfoundland for almost a year doing nothing, maybe because there was no room in England and that's why they sat there, could you have the AI conquer Ireland for much needed space for units or is that a nono. Also when the allies launch D-day it should be an all out invasion with every unit landing as close together as possible or the invasion is always doomed, again this might be Hubert's problem and there is nothing you can do about it, no american combat units outside of airpower went to North Africa which might be a good thing. I realize the AI cannot micro-manage all situations that arise but there are some glaring omissions that arise and you are not aware of them unless someone playing notices them and I believe you talented programers can correct, if you feel I should not bring these things up I won't do it again, but I feel you are dedicated to this game and would like to know how battles are turning out


  8. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:


    I got my Shrink cutrate, free actually, because he's, uh, on the other side of the couch so to speak. ;)

    Originally I was from Brooklyn and spent my first 45 years wandering to places that embraced civilization. Tragically, twelve years ago, I made a bad turn and wound up in New Jersey, where a mishap, marriage, has resulted in my current exile.

    The screen name was a desparate call for help. I've since found that I share it with some nefarious Internet dweller who runs a virtual house of ill-repute. Didn't surprise me at all. :D

    Are you also a captive in The Garden State?

    Live in Upper Darby about 2 miles west of Phila.

    my son lives in Marton NJ and he has a place in Ocean City NJ on Asbury ave. If you are familiar with that area.


  9. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @Willy --- Please, please, tell me I didn't just read that! Plese tell me your aren't that big of a shed.

    Yes unfortunately I am that big of a shed[shed?]

    I am retired but don't you people have anything else to do but do post reply's, I am now going to play Call of Duty on line where men are men, and you can shoot prisoners under the new rules.


  10. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by william bowen:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    ... I've been guilty of a psychotic kneejerk myself on occassion. ;)

    Is nothing sacred anymore how did you get that information from my shrink, thats what he called me last week.

    Willy </font>

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