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Everything posted by daveiw

  1. Bit of all for me, plus the US tends to (at least) get their patches first
  2. Does that mean that the target gets peppered with all those 5lb bombs or are there more flyovers by the same plane until the ordinance is used up?
  3. Why is the usps so slooow? I know that the US is (slightly ) bigger than the UK, but we usually get next day delivery anywhere in the UK...
  4. I can't possibly argue with that now can I?
  5. Anyone care to share their views of CMBB now that they are playing it? Is it *much* better than CMBO or a slight disappointment?
  6. Kick ass special forces, yup did a greeeaat job on the armed & dangerous Rainbow Warrior huh?
  7. I too would prefer a US copy, hence my post. John aka Tiger has very kindly agreed to forward the game to me. This just goes to show that (on the whole ) this is a friendly and I must add well informed group. Cheers, Dave.
  8. Thank you very much, I'll drop him a line. Cheers, Dave.
  9. Hello to all, particularly our American cousins. I was wondering whether anyone in the US would be kind enough to order a copy of CMBB and forward it to me in the UK on release? There I've said it now. If anyone would seriously consider this act of kindness, please email me and let me know? PS September the 20th REALLY is my birthday, so please help? MTIA, Dave.
  10. Oh, and by the way I bought cmbo too, so don't flame me please!
  11. I am new to register, but have been playing cmbo for about 2 years, so hi everyone. I am a little concerned that the uk delay will lose sales for cmbb, because many people using file sharing programs such as kazaa will be able to download for free rather than wait for a month (or more) for the uk release. Furthermore, it seems strange nowadays given file sharing and piracy for the need of seperate release dates particularly when dealing with the english language versions. P.S. I have pre-ordered my copy through Game and can't wait!
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