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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Avatar, A middle east strategy is a hard call and normally I vary my strategy in that area. Sometimes defeding it strongly, other times sending only token units to delay an axis conquest. The Key I have found is normally 2 air units to intecept attacking air fleets targeting Cairo, control of Beruit, and stationing 2 bombers near Beruit and 1 Cruiser sheltered in the Suez Canal. I hold off using my bombers until Axis transports are in Range and then sink them, giving priority to sinking HQ transports and sally forth my Cruiser only if a tempting target presents itself, as the Axis will surely sink it once it reveals itself. They key is not letting your air fleets be stranded in the middle east, which can occur if you all the Axis to control both Cairo and Beruit. [ August 12, 2004, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Here's an idea. If Russia attacks a neutral nation while still neutral, Germany can send aid to that nation without declaring war on Russia so long as Axis units do not attack units in Russia. What does this mean? Russia attacks Romania, Germany operates 4 AirFleets to Romania and uses its MPPs to purchase a Romanian Corps. The Russian attack is replused. Perhaps, Russia can't operate units while Neutral?
  3. 5. Option to Attack Finland A renewed attack by Russia on Finland has several interesting effects; 1 - Finish Partisans are activated. In future years they will tie down Russian troops in Garrison duty. 2 - Sweden and Turkey tilt towards the Axis, fearful of Russian aggression. Unopposed diplomatic efforts by Germany may cause them to join the Axis. 3. Russian war readiness declines, allowing Germany more time to prepare to fight Russia. Ah, Romania, perhaps in the face of Russian Agression whatr if the USA can not send Russia any Merchant Ship Supplies until the US enters the War? Russia Gains Finland but loses access to lend lease supplies from the west. [ August 11, 2004, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. I say give the Neutral Russian player the following options: 1. Option to Annex Baltic States 2. Option to Attack Turkey 3. Option to Attack Iraq 4. Option to Attack Romania Of course, a good Russian player will probably only select option 1 - Annex Baltic States! Now, what should the conseqences be? Option 2: Neutral Russia DOW's Turkey If Russia selects this option Turkey automatically joins the Axis and US war readiness decreases as politicians and the German Bund inflame American fears of the Red Menance and Russian War Readiness towards Germany decreases, allowing Germany more time to prepare for war. There is also a slight chance (10%) that Iraq joins Turkey in fighting the Russians. Option 3: Neutral Russia DOW's Iraq If Russia attacks Iraq, perhaps Turkey or Spain joins the Axis anti-communist alliance or US war readiness decreases by 20%. Three possbile outcome of comparable effect means that the Communist player faces unpredictable consequences to adventures in the Middle East. The Axis player can send aid to Turkey without declaring War on Russia. Option 4: Neutral Russia DOW Romania Unprovoked Russian attack on Romania causes the other minor axis nations in the region to immediately join the Axis Alliance, tilts Turkey towards the Axis and reduces US war readiness as the red scare picks up supporters in both American political parties. [ August 11, 2004, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. From the Developer Forum at Experience Gaming: Excellent. Choices, Choices, Choices. Note that the US can't ship MMPs to England or the USSR until its friendly leaning is >= 30%. Now their are immediate consequences to the UK or France attacking Ireland or the low countries.
  6. As the neutral Russian player will be semi-active will the human Russian player have the option to forgoe annexing the Baltic States? Why, to avoid triggering a small reduction in US war readiness, so the US enters the war a turn or two sooner or to sucker the Germans into attacking the Baltic states thus causing Russian war readiness to jump. [ August 11, 2004, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. 1. The key question here is at what point should the US AI adopt a control the Atlantic naval superiority strategy. Axis Naval Units in the Atlantic > Allied Combat Naval Units (excluding transports) in the Atlantic? Axis Naval Units > 5 and > than Allied Combat Naval Units in the Atlantic Axis Naval Units have 2:1 or Better Combat Naval Superiority in the Atlantic and Axis Naval Units in the Atlantic > 5. Any thoughts on what should guide the AI in making this choice? 2. The next question is what it should do when it does adopt a naval superiority strategy.
  8. Thanks for the Clarification Desert Dave. Sounds perfect for my planned Korean War (weekly turns) and Roman War (seasonal turns) Scenario.
  9. Yes, in an earlier post it was stated that the length of turns could be changed, monthly , quarterly, weekly, etc.
  10. I can see it now, a Russian HQ commanding US troops and the English speaking Americans don't advance because they don't speak Russian.
  11. Occassionaly, in SC1 the Allied AI will find itself facing Axis naval superiority in the Atlantic. How does it respond to this? It sends a stream of transports frm the US to the UK and they are sunk. It does not build new subs, cruisers, or battleships or bombers. It acts as if the Axis does not control the Atlantic. In SC2 I would like to see the AI adopt a strategy to counteract Axis Naval Superiority when and if it occurs. Perhaps by building Naval Ships and Bombers to provide air cover to transports. Perhaps by stationing Bombers in Eastern Canada and Western Ireland to provide cover to American transports. Perhaps by researching naval bombardment. Perhaps by saving up its MPP production to produce several warships at once so that the Axis can't focus their attack on one ship at a time. Perhaps by sheltering their ships under air cover until a large enough fleet is built to engage and sink the enemy. [ August 09, 2004, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. Idea: In the country editor have a check box allowing for Diplomacy to activate post -surrender partisans in that country. With this option turned on, a player could expend a diplomatic Chit to activate partisans in that country. Why would this be used? Take Greece, in SC there are no Greek partisan units. With this option turned on an allied player could activate Greek partisans by spending a diplomatic chit, costing say 400MPPs. Now the Axis will not know if, when or where partisan activity could occur - will it be Greece, Norway, Sweden, Spain or Turkey. They will have an incentive to garrison the capital cities of all conquered nations. The Allied player can choose to purchase a partisan diplomacy chit or not. To ensure that partisans don't pop-up everywhere I would have the cost of subsequent partisan activation diplomacy chits increase by, for example, 50%. Thus the first partisan activation costs 400 MPPs, the 2nd 600 MPPs and the 3rd costs 800MPPs. In addition, Intelligence Tech should affect the chance of activating partisans with a diplomacy chit. How? Allied Tech 0/Axis Tech 0: 50% Allied Partisan Activation Successful Allied Tech 1/Axis Tech 0: 100% Allied Partisan Activation Successful Allied Tech 1/Axis Tech 1: 50% Allied Partisan Activation Successful Allied Tech 3/Axis Tech 1: 75% Allied Partisan Activation Successful Allied Tech 1/Axis Tech 3: 25% Allied Partisan Activation Successful Which countries should have the Diplomatic Post Surrender Partisans Option Activated? I would say: Norway/Sweden/Spain/Greece & Turkey. ------------------------------------------------ Partisans Proposal Summary 1. Allow Diplomatic Activation of post surrender partisans for selected countries. 2. Allow Intel tech to influence the chance for successful diplomatic activation of partisans. 3. Percentage chance for a nation's partisans is directly related to the number of cities controlled by that nation's partisan units. (0 Cities = 15%, 1 City = 25%, 2 Cities 50%, 3 Cities 75%, 4 Cities 100%, 5 Cities 1 Unit + 25% Second Unit,....) [ August 09, 2004, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. My list is a bit shorter, 1. A cunning, unpredictable and devious AI that uses the strategies of the best players to secure victory.
  14. Here's an idea, that was mentioned before - allow each side to build Dummy Corps, say 2 units - for 25MPP each (even playwood tanks cost money). These units vanish if a land unit approaches within 2 hexes of them or they are attacked, but appear to be a normal unit to air units and to the Intelligence Screen. As for intelligence tech in the current game, from my readings of this forum, it will allow you to see units that are in a city hex (TILE!) or adjacent to a city hex (TILE!). No information on whether an enemy's Intel Tech Level will reduce your effective Intel Tech Level.
  15. Or use colors on the DOW Map. Dark Green - Allied Green - Leaning towards Allies Light Green - Slightly Leaning towards Allies Dark Red - Axis Red - Leaning towards Axis Light Red - Slightly Leaning towards Axis
  16. Perhaps the simplest way to duplicate the Canadian war effort give the UK player a second industrial center in Canada, so they can produce units in Canada. Additionaly, if the UK surrenders I would have Canada become a minor ally of the USA. PS: Where are the Great Lakes on the map of Canada? [ August 07, 2004, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. Perhaps the game engine will allow for a random event, based on intelligence tech, that allows you to see the location of enemy units for 1 turn. For example: UK: Event1 ((Your Intelligence Tech Level less Enemy Intelligence Tech) x 2%): UK spots all Italian Units for 1 Turn. Thus with UK Intelligence Tech 1 and Italian Tech Level 0 the UK has a 2% per turn to spot the location of all Italian Units for 1 turn. With UK Tech Level 5 and Italian Intelligence Tech Level 2 this chance increases to 6% per turn ((5-2)x 2%). 2% = 1 in 50 Turns 4% = 1 in 25 Turns 10% = 1 in 10 Turns PS: If I had a choice I would have the event reveal only a percentage of enemy units - say 50% at most, as no intelligence is perfect. [ August 07, 2004, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. Air units would spot the merchant ships traveling the convoy route. Seeing the merchant ships is an indication of where the convoy route is.
  19. Question: Can Axis Air Units Spot Allied Convoy Routes when they are within Spotting Range?
  20. Thanks for the feedback Jersey John, I was thinking that if a player selected an overly long convoy route, to avoid Axis subs, that they pay a 25% reduction in MPPs being transferred to reflect the reduction in the number of round trips that could be made by those merchant ships. Thus a player could select a direct route and transfer 40MPPs per turn or select a much longer route and tranfer 30MPPs per turn (40MPPs less the 25% penalty). Thus the game might have 3 routes - 2 direct routes and 1 overly long route for the Allied Player to select. Perhaps, an event that is activated once Norway surrenders to the Axis? [ August 07, 2004, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. Nothing in war is predicatable, if it was would Germany have invaded Norway or invaded Russia or taken Crete. The Allies attacking the LOC on Turn 1 is a gamble, one that has never worked for me but its livens things up to see a player using it, especially when I am Axis. As for me, I don't think that it should be banned.
  22. It will be interesting to see what percentage of UK production is derived from merchant ship convoy routes as this will have a big influence on Allied and Axis strategies.
  23. 1. Will there be a penalty/cost for overly long convoy routes between NA and the UK? For example, if a convoy route goes North pass Canada, then east along the North Atlantic border and then South to Manchester. Why a penalty/cost? A longer route takes more time to transit and merchant ships can make fewer return trips. Example: 20 tiles or less - No Penalty, 20 titles or more 25% penalty. 2. Will player be able to change their convoy routes every turn or every quarter or every two quarters? or will there be some delay in new routes taking effect. So if the German subs attack a route, you can change the route but it will take a few turns for the change to take effect. Excellent. (Perhaps a reason for the UK not to attack Ireland or Belgium if this pushes Swedish leanings towards the Axis?) Ah, no routes from South Africa to the UK? Excellent [ August 06, 2004, 04:04 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  24. I am still confused, as the attacking player normally attacks on the same turn that he issues a DOW. John, could you elucidate on your concept. = ah, I understand, an extra phrase before the end of your turn. The only thing I have against this is that any good player will place - for example - all Greek units around the capital - or all Swedish units around the capital. [ August 03, 2004, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  25. I agree, a timer feature is really required for competitive play and it can make for a more interesting game against the AI.
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