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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Good ideas, SeaMonkey. To elaborate these ideas just a bit; Perhaps 1. You see the location of Eisenhower's HQ unit for one turn. 2. Perhaps a popup: "Axis Submarines sighted in Atlantic", but not where in the Atlantic or how many. 3. Perhaps a popup: "Allied transports sighted passing Cape Town." 4. Perhaps a popup: "British Naval Fleets pass through straits of Gibraltar" - but the popup does not tell you in which direction or how many fleets. I would also like to see each additional level of Intel Research give you various bits of information on the enemy force structure and their economy. If you are cooperative allies you would see this information, on allied countries, automatically. Example: Intel 1: Economic Production - ie 254 per turn, Lend Lease 50, War Mobilization 50%, Industrial Tech Level Intel 2: Research Chits - ie 5 Intel 3: Force Levels - ie 12 Land Units, 6 Naval, 2 Air [ March 06, 2005, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Interesting, UKs capital moves from London > Manchester > Alexandria. :eek: Cool: :cool: Really Cool :eek: [ March 06, 2005, 08:33 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. Good point, but I should point out that I am againt bridges (at this scale), stacking, and mulberry bushes. What I am for is a stronger and more unpredicatable game vs the AI or Human players. I was wondering what would happen if both countries on the same side, tried to influence a netural country, especially in multiplayer games where the allied/axis powers are controlled by many players.
  4. Basically, I think that the Republicans could have won if Stalin had sent me a lot more aid and the Germans and Italians sent a lot less aid to the Fascists. This would have probably resulted in a government that leaned more towards Moscow than London or Germany. The problem is that there is no prewar phase in SC to reflict the diplomatic manuevering that went on in the pre-war years. Although it will not be included in SC1 it might be interesting if each major player had access to 3 (out of 10 per major player) randomly selected strategic options at the start of the game (on a strategic option only turn) and could select "one" and only one of thse to execute if they choose to in a Pre-War Game Phase. One of these for the Russians could be: Stalin orders Massive Airlift of Military Aid to Spanish Republicans during Spanish Civil War. Effect: Fascists defeated and Neutral Spanish Government becomes Russia Leaning. Cost: Russia MPP Bank reduced by 500MPPs.
  5. Excellent, I did not realize that the effect of adjacent enemy units also applied to naval units vs ground units.
  6. True, but what if Moscow gave substantial support to the communists of Greece and helped them to overthrow the government? With enough money (ie MPPs) you can buy anything? An interesting article on the history of the Greek Communist Party during the Period of WWII and its aftermath: The Greek Civil War As for Soviet Aid to Spain, it was too little and had to travel around Italy and Germany. Moreover, the Spanish government and the largely rural populace with their attacks on the Church.
  7. What if Franco had been overthrown by those he defeated in the Spanish Civil War?
  8. If Soviet Russia and the UK both expend diplomacy chits on Greece or Spain and this country joins the Allies, which country will it ally itself with? The Soviets or the British Commonwealth? as both countries had strong communist/socialist/anarchist movements.
  9. Good point, I was trying to think of a simple way to reflect this; ie No Port = No Allied Naval Presence in the Area.
  10. Note: I think that the port rule is best for Malta - Unit can't reinforce above 5 if port is zero.
  11. I should have expected that answer. :mad: Will Axis victory require conquest of Norway and Sweden as it seems to in SC1? If so, will the AI invade Norway and Sweden (as most if not all Sc1 Vetern Players do)? This question will probably get the same answer as the question before. PS: I still think that the Allied AI should consider an invasion to liberate the Nordic countries if the Axis presence is weak: Example: 90% Invade Norway if 1 Axis unit or less in Nordic Countries................. 0% Invade Norway if 7 or more Axis units in Nordic Countries. [ March 02, 2005, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. True, historically, the British invaded Syria and easily took Beruit. Perhaps a better way to reflect this would be to have a chance for reinforcements, 1 corps, arriving from Australia. Then if the UK attacks Vichy France, there is a chance that the Free French unit in Beruit lays down their weapons and runs away (ie is removed).
  13. Bridge would be good if HC released a followup game aimed at a more operational level of warfare; however, at this scale there would be a bridge in every hexside.
  14. 1. Is there a unit script to order a unit to move to a specific tile. Example: If Italy DOW France Move Beruit French Corps to tile XX,YY (so it becomes Free French when France surrenders). 2. Can unit scripts be linked to a Master Script or to a flag set by a script. Example: 10% that UNIT Script Flag is set to 10. If so then all unit scripts with Flag 10 are activated. --------------Move Beruit Corps to Egypt when Italy DOW --------------Move UK Carrier in Egypt to Atlantic --------------Move French Corps from France to Suez [ March 01, 2005, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. Dear Pzgndr, I read the Developer Diary #2 this weekend, and found it most interesting, although it did leave a lot of questions unanswered. Was glad to read that Germany can now have a scorched earth option. Looking forward to seeing if HC adds a Naval HQ unit or allows one to add play buttons for audio files, of old radio broadcasts, to pop-ups Day of Infamy Speech by Roosevelt Hot Time in Old Berlin [ February 28, 2005, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. Another quick Question. Can you insert fixed sized JPEGs into Popups? Example: I want to create a popup for Dec 7, 1941 with a photo of Pearl Harbor under attack and the text "Japan attacks American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii" and another Popup for Nov 8,1943 with a photo showing the meeting of Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin in Tehran (if Russia and UK have not surrendered).
  17. Can the following event be created: Battle of Midway Event, June 6, 1942 95% – Popup: "US defeats Japanese Navy at Battle of Midway" 05% – Popup: "Japan defeats US Navy at Battle of Midway", Siberian Transfer option deactivated. (1 in 20 games)
  18. Does this mean German controlled cities will become if taken by Russian units - aka Russian scorched earth. PS: Great Feature [ February 27, 2005, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Legion of Merit awarded to General Mihailovic by President Truman with the following dedication: Chief Commander General Dragoljub Mihailovich distinguished himself in an outstanding manner as Commander-in-Chief of the Yugoslavian Army Forces and later as Minister of War by organizing and leading important resistance forces against the enemy which occupied Yugoslavia, from December 1941 to December 1944. Through the undaunted efforts of his troops, many United States airmen were rescued and returned safely to friendly control. General Mihailovich and his forces, although lacking adequate supplies, and fighting under extreme hardships, contributed materially to the allied cause, and were instrumental in obtaining a final Allied Victory. March 29, 1948 HARRY S. TRUMAN</font>
  20. I will have to return to my history books, but as I recall the UK reduced aid to the Royalists as the royalists declined to attack German forces once they begain to punish innocent civilians, in contrast the communists, as I recalled continued to attack Axis forces, reagardless of the effects on the locals. As I recall this lead to a redirection of aid from the Royalists to the Partisan operations headed by Tito. I will check into this and let you know if I am correct or wrong. I agree, the Yugo partisan movement should not be researched, and note that I did not list in my list of countries for the reasearch tech. What I would like to see is some ability for opposing powers to support partisan operations in a limited number (perhaps only 1) of countriesc of their choosing. Naturally researching this tech should be expensive - perhaps costing 600MPP for 1 chit, and perhaps the investment level should be limited to 1 chit. So, if it works it will divert enemy resources to garrison duty but if it fails, it will be a waste of resources attributed to the enemy intercepting supply drops and using double agents to infiltrate the resistance.
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