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Posts posted by Hortlund

  1. Hrm, first a lill disclaimer. My German is not what it should be, maybe someone from Germany can correct all my grammar errors here. Anyway, the first one says something along the lines of

    You should shoot less and hit more, that makes Reichsminister Speer (armaments minister) happy.

    The other one says

    Save your ammo, you have plenty enough

    to fill your wagon with Knights crosses.

    Of cource they sound a bit better in German since it rhymes. They lose in the translation, and they loose even more since I am the one doing the translating smile.gif

  2. Thanks for that link. Really interesting to see that manual.

    Am I the only one laughing myself silly at the short mottos on almost every page? Like this one

    Drum scheisse weniger, treffe mehr,

    Das freut den Reichsminister Speer

    or this one

    Spar Munition es reicht bereits,

    ein wagen voll zum Ritterkreuz

    [ January 08, 2003, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

  3. Personally, I would love to be able to look at the map before I purchase my units.

    The way it is now, the player has to guess and/or take a chance...the CMBB version of russian roulette.

    I mean, you dont bring a knife to a gunfight, neither do you bring a platoon of Marders to a street battle...or a couple of Nashorns to a wooded alp-like foggy nightmare...or [insert own experience of unit purchases rendered useless due to terrain here]

    Now before anyone points out that it happened in real life many times that commanders had to make due with their forces no matter what the terrain was and I should stop whining etc...I know I know, but the entire point with the QB is to let the player himself choose his forces, once passed that point, you have pretty much tossed all realism out the window. If QBs are supposed to be even battles between two players who gets to pick their own forces, why not let the players look at the map before they pick those forces?

  4. Originally posted by Andreas:

    Well, I found your post pretty insulting. You can pull an ASL Vet of course and try to hide behind your low-level sarcasm.

    How about this - if you don't have to add anything to the topic, which you clearly don't, since you busy yourself with sniping, just stay out of it?

    Now I know that English is not my first language and all, but what does "pull an ASL vet of cource and try to hide beind your low level sarcasm" mean?

    As for my participation in this thread, and your objections to me posting here. Would that be another example of how someone (me apparently...simply by posting here) has violated commonly held conventions established by this community?

    [ January 07, 2003, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

  5. If you guys want to get all legal about this, which I think is the wrong way to approach the problem (check my profession in my profile if you want), I'll give you something to chew on.

    What law is applicable to files found on, and downloaded from the internet?

    Basically it all boils down to this one question: Where is the server located and what does the laws of that nation say about the specific file?

    There you have it, the legal aspect of it all.

  6. Originally posted by Andreas:

    I am however very seriously concerned, and have been for a while, that on this board it seems now en vogue to expect something for nothing, and insulting those delivering that something in the bargain is also all hunky-dory. And when they don't like it, you insult them some more.

    If you look a bit more carefully at the various posts in this thread, you will note that most of the insults come from various scenario designers.
  7. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    But then again, the arguments matter not, as was ably pointed out. You

    a) violated commonly held conventions established by this community, and,

    B) violated the intent of the Scenario Depot from where you got the scenarios, and,

    c) violated the trust of members of the community

    Oh please drop the melodrama.

    Granted I've only been here for half a year, but the "commonly held conventions established by this community" as they are displayed in this thread is definitively nothing you should be proud of, nor should want to hold on to. From where I'm sitting, many of the scenario designers posting in this thread are coming across as the scenario making equivalents of ballerina primadonnas.

    Violated the trust of members of the community did he? Who trusted him? And with what? Do you often trust unknown people posting under false (or real) names on a bulletin board?

    and despite the rantings of a vocal and talentless few, that kind of makes the arguments irrelevant. The apology might have been accepted, but the continued pleas for sympathy coupled with your inability to see the other side of the issue pretty much cancelled that out.

    To be perfectly honest, you are not exactly coming across as the level-headed pillar of rational discussion either. He has said that he understands your point of view, but he disagrees with it. To me at least, that means that he does see your side of the issue, he just doesnt agree with it. The same thing can hardly be said about all the "he should have asked first, now he has betrayed us"-people.

    I sincerely believe it is for the common good.
    Weird, I think that threads like these do more harm to the community than good. I mean at least my views on a couple of things have changed.
  8. 3 german infantry regiments supported by 60 tanks attacked out from Koningsberg. 3 infantry divisions and 100 tanks attacked from the Pillau direction. Ljudnikovs front quickly crumbled. The Germans managed to capture over 150 AT guns from a single Soviet regiment. The red army units were showing signs of disorganization and chaos (the book is detailed on this subject, with several chapters covering the soviet morale that seems to have been non-existent at times when the units focused more on plunder than on waging war).

    The Soviets recieved reinforcements for the specific task of counterattacking and closing the corridor. But the counterattack stalled mostly due to artillery support from German warships in the Baltic.

  9. Found some interesting numbers. (Its amazing what you find when you are going through your old books)

    On July 4th, Das Reich had combat ready

    48 PzIII (no info on what type unfortunately)

    30 PzIV (1/4 with short barrels)

    12 PzVIE

    8 PzIII command tanks,

    18 T-34 (no info on what type)

    33 StuG's (no info on what type)

    10 Marders (no info on what type)

    From July 5th to July 16th, Das Reich claimed 448 Russian tanks and SU's destroyed, losing a total of 46 panzers and assault guns (write offs).

    [ January 05, 2003, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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