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Eden Smallwood

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Posts posted by Eden Smallwood

  1. Originally posted by Agua:

    The deal is that the rounds which fall in one turn, but have not yet begun emitting smoke, are somehow lost track of by the start of the next turn (or that's my understanding of it).

    The rounds which are "in the air" at the end of the turn do not "freeze" like all the troops and stuff- they continue falling...

    That's what that 'limbo-time' you may have noticed at the end of the turn is, when the clock says 60 but you're still waiting for... something.. those rounds are "falling".

    Since at the beginning of the next turn, the "fresh" rounds have just started on their merry way, all the rounds taken as a whole are not uniformly distributed over time but have a phasing in and out, which, as you've noticed, makes smoke density phase in and out, (esp the smaller ones).

    The BFC guys said that we were stuck with that one, it's in the 'too hard' category, so unless we unite and speak as one, eh... well... you have my empathy. Try spending the bucks on the larger arty and it shouldn't phase out.

    All preceeding from my memory of Steve(?) explaining stuff why/how/etc they don't wanna/can't wanna fix it...


  2. Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    But that doesn't mean the discussion is over, right?

    Course not- how could it be over when I want to gloat about being the first(?) to have Italians! They wasted no time- came over to help me on the first day they were available...

    On the 'work' side, for the thread: Two things which might simplify matters, for Biltong's concerns about complexity, from emails he's had, these might help at least a bit:

    1) Why not just roll "# of Days" for next battle? Does it matter? Would that be simpler for noobs looking at the rules, or just simpler? If die result wraps around Day, then increment Week; if Week wraps around, then increment Month...?

    2) Why not just one roll/one table to determine Aux Size? I'm still failing to grok why we need a separate roll per category...? The method is a complication, which often enough gives you 600 pts of Armor, only to find that the QB won't let you buy *any* armor...?

    I'm there was a reason for it when introduced; how about a SimpleAuxRoll (among other things), in "*** BCR Lite ***"...?

    Smallwood = Kleinwald in german
    Omigod. That sounds like something to bang on with a bronze mallet during Oktoberfest...


    [ December 21, 2002, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Eden Smallwood ]

  3. Originally posted by Apache:

    Just an aside, I do find the text being in yellow on a white background hard to see at times (front page). Once highlighted after visiting the link it turns even brighter yellow and goes almost invisible.

    Way ahead of ya'.

    I've already mailed the webmaster with an html tip on that subject; perhaps we'll be able to read it soon. Here's his reply:

    from the webmaster:

    I suspect you are talking about the CMMC2 site. Yes, that is not a bad idea to apply a default color such as black to body of the site css.



  4. Originally posted by 86smopuim:

    I go to scenario editor, add my forces, at exact experience/squad.

    86, ( H Buff too?), you can use the *same exact file every time*! It sounds like you make a new one, 86? I just go into my scenario, "Campaign 01 Kore.cme"... Maybe this time I have to bump one squad up in experience, (or down smile.gif ), maybe delete a halftrack I lost... If I got some scrounged unit I would add it here, permanently. Then like you say, generate a *new* map, save & exit, and then proceed with the QB...

    Using that same exact file every time, my guys are even *** in formation *** !!! Yes! Gawd, anything is better than that stupid police lineup! At least my core is always in proper formation, with their kool names, ready to go...

    Hey, what's "Smallwood" in German, you guys? Anybody know? And don't tell me it's Sch*kopf, please. But Co HQ "Hpt Smallwood" is starting to look a little funny to me in the games... smile.gif

    U have to bump the soviet handicap to make up for your extra 600 odd points.
    Or if you Allow Human you can buy the exact amount of aux you should have, if you did the math right.


  5. Originally posted by Biltong:

    Tue 24th v1.5 comes out with:

    "Note 14 - Date

    .... If this battle is not a Counter Attack/Assault you can trade in 30 points of Favor to alter the die by a maximum of 1.

    If this battle is an Immediate Attack/Assault you can trade in 50 points of Favor to alter the die by a maximum of 1...."


    BTW Time also has:

    "Can trade in 20 points of Favor to alter die by maximum of 1....

    In the case of Immediate/Counter Attack/Assault Time cannot be altered by Favor."

    So this reads that in the cases of I/C A/A, one can alter the *date*, but not the *time*? Is this really what is meant? The battle could be postponed 24 hours, but not postponed 18 hours...?


  6. Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    Eden, did you think I was a grog or something?!

    I don't think I assumed one way or t'other, but...

    And many things (well, some, or at least one...) I was wrong about, those Air pts that I turned to arty, that was completely wrong by the rules, as it turns out.
    ...to the rest of the post- sure, sure, sure! I get it! Well I think it's good that we unearthed that one- the rules viz a/a are being clarified, at least... But I swear your interrogation is over- you're free to return to your own lines. smile.gif


  7. Originally posted by Biltong:

    (S.O.) 2. Do Claude’s layout changes – also see Eden’s use of .1 for pre-parameters

    The suggestion was to rename all pre-roll sections with a "0." prefix : "0.1 , 0.2 ... " In a very similar way, I've found one point I think would really help the rules ease-of-use factor.

    Each of those pre-roll sections, by definition, is referring to a section somewhere in the Parameters sheet, so for example Section 2, (or "Section 0.2" smile.gif ) currently says in the instructions box "Enter this value in 38 on the parameters sheet..."

    That number, in this case *38*, it would be really nice to have a separate column for, with that number in BOLD, for each of the prerolls...

    In parentheses, really. Like so, for the first row of TIME

    0.2 | TIME | ( 38 ) | In case of immediate attack, yadda

    If you don't get what I'm saying, which is perfectly understandable, just say so and I'd be happy to send you something making it clearer.

    12. Investigate: Sewer movement
    Sewers are only available between Large buildings in town, so... To be honest, I think we could all just put Sewer Movement as "Allowed" and forget about it till the end of time. If there are no suitable sewers of course there won't be any sewer movement, so unless I'm missing something, why worry?


    [ December 20, 2002, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: Eden Smallwood ]

  8. Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    Not every week, only 9% of the weeks.

    Speaking not just of nation, but also division type, then pretty much every week, but...

    I really have no idea how these things went in the real war, so I can't answer...
    Ah, ok. I didn't realize that was a possibility.

    You can only use the "captured" weapons that BFC included, not something you captured yourself. So in -42 you can only get a M34 and some AT gun, I think.
    Aha. That does sound right, since there are few captured weapons one ever sees... Well, nuts.

    Ah ok, I suspected you were doing this "mistake". What I do/did when I rolled air, I just bought one plane and spent the rest of the "arty/air" pts on arty. I don't know if that's what you are supposed to do, but it made sense to me.
    And that's why I'm prodding you to talk to us- the possibility that I/we noobs could infer such a thing from what's in the rules there is almost zero.

    Going on assault without arty is, as you have notice, quite insane.
    Well a (virtual) man's gotta do what a (virtual) man's gotta do, and of course I'm trusting these rules to have the right amount/likelihood of arty... Sure I've had some bad luck, but... I guess I'll try it your way, since it's hard to understand why axis wouldn't have plenty o' arty at the beginning of the war, you must be right. But it sure doesn't say that.

    Speaking of bad arty luck; Battle 09 I got two 105mm guys... in Fog and Rain. OK, funny. ButWaitTheresMore. I gave them each a target just a wee bit out of LOS, and yeah, of course they started dumping all over my *rear* troops. Ok, still funny. Then I "Adjust" fire to a place *IN* LOS... it's still dropping on my troops.

    Eventually I just had to say, "Hey guys, let's just forget it, OK? Thanks for trying. Really."

    My brain doesn't storm, more of a breeze... But sure, I'll stay. As Biltong said he's put BCR on "feature lock", all we can do is discuss "add on's" and such.
    True, our Supreme Commander has defected to the Darkside of SelfGratification, while we Selfless Individuals suffer long hours of Gruelling 'Playtesting' for the Good of the Party... For our discussion, the winds of change, (you're almost done with me poking you, perhaps), for the rules, the ice of feature lock.

    You just have to write down like "1 bat. ss mech rifle", "2 LMG", "1 50mm mortar" or something like that... But ok, some people are lazy.
    You see? Just a *little* bit of practice, and this stating-the-obvious thing will come to you naturally!!

    I do, actually. 0. It NEVER buys any air. Ever.

    (Disclaimer: That might not be 100% accurate. Just in my experience.)

    Interesting. Strike one problem on your method.

    I don't know if that really makes a difference, but maybe it can help us drop this with a "ah right, different rules"?
    I'm not trying to change your mind, btw! Just want to hear your solutions *and* your problems with alternate methods. But don't worry- you've served your time. And who can say whether further discussion on rule mods has any point to it, given the recent decision from High Command. At least until we possibly have a central site to list them, or... something...

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Eden Smallwood:


    Hmm I like it, and I kinda do the same thing, except the favor thingy.</font>
  9. For the various parameters which can be set to 'Random' in a QB, what does it really mean?

    A) Uniform distribution- All available choices for that setting are equally probable

    B) Historically Adjusted- The choices are weighted with respect to how likely that setting was given the date, time, yadda

    C) Something between A & B- Possibly somewhere between the two, as a concession to having interesting results with Random in cases where one choice was vastly more likely, (Sov vs Part?) or one choice would almost never be picked via B, etc.

    D) It's different for different parameters...

    E) Something Steve will explain. smile.gif



  10. In the last game of my campaign I wound up with six of those SPW hot rods. I've found them pretty fragile in the past, so I zoomed all six of them up into the shadow of the big hill in the middle of the field, let out some HMGs and ATRs and let them listen to the radio for awhile. Count one bogged so far. ( Of course! smile.gif )

    Later, when my Big Guns had traded themselves with the enemy T26s and whatnot, I was reasonably sure I'd gotten all the armor, and MGs in trenches were just freaking out all my infantry, and all mortar had already been spent on the last of the guns.

    Around the hill come the five HTs... Boom! Count one gone to a patient Gun. Oops. Ok, so take care of one more gun, THEN around the hill come the remaining... ah, four valiant halftracks.

    The enemy didn't like it one bit. Staying on the roads, very very clearly staying on the roads, I have over four hundred HE rounds to spend on anyone who wants to act tough.

    The difference? What would have been a long and annoying endgame became a very efficient enemy surrender, taking several guns and Co HQs as prisoners... While delicate even against ATRs sometimes, what they've got is a neverending supply of HE. Where I would have to worry about a tanks load, I can put a HT on Area Fire and not worry about it for ten minutes and he'll still be fine. Not that I would, for ten minutes, but... oh, you get it. I love these guys. smile.gif


  11. Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    But it doesn't bother me that much, I think it's fun trying different nationalities.

    Yes yes of course; you take me wrongly- I love anyone who shows up wearing a different colored uniform than my guys, believe me. My point is that it's hard to understand how this one company of men is hooking up with completely different force nationalities/types/sizes every week? Who are these guys, the Freelance Fascists? Do they advertise on for work on the internet??

    My belief is that one particular company is in one particular division/battalion/thingie, and they're in that same spot pretty much for the rest of the war? Possibly the fuhrer will rename some things, to throw off the enemy, but still we just have a different name, and we're in the same place.

    It might happen that the force surrounding the co is decimated, and the co is shuffled off to reform into some other force somewhere, but that wouldn't happen every week...???

    I think the aux force is just a way to vary the Force Size (how's that for stating the obvious?).
    It's not bad for a beginner. But the question is not about the *result*, that of varying the force size, it is about what is modelled, which means what is it in history which we are *simulating*. If we are not simulating anything, id est, if this aux force variability is just a *concession* to game play, then that's perfectly fine, I'm ecstatic about it I promise, but I'd just like to *know* what's going on. If it's a concession to game play, would someone please "admit" that, or something?

    Or if it's perfectly accurate historically that this co has different friends every week, then would someone please just say "Yes it is" and I won't understand but at least I'll have what I really want- just to be clear on the yes or no of it.

    I'm anxious to see what you can cook up this time.
    My cooking causes you anxiety? Well don't worry- I've been nibbling at it, and it's pretty tasty. It's cooling right now...

    But remember, if you really want it, do it yourself. Use BFC's AAR numbers for favor.
    Just the "Final Result" percentage number... FAVOR += ("Final Result" - 50); I may produce and release an AAR sheet, following such a method, given the astounding popularity of my previous spreadsheet release. I am thinking that some of the small additions to the summation of favor, which would be justified by virtue of the fact that CM is not "thinking" from a campaign viewpoint, are 1) Enemy Surrender (gotta be an extra fruitcake for that one!), 2) Captured Weapons, 3) Company HQs should, I think be worth more than Platoon HQs, Battalion HQs more still...?

    The entire issue of Captured Weapons I have been working on for some time- I've been keeping track of all weapons I capture and while I haven't figured out what to do with them, and in fact I don't think you can get Captured Weapons into your force in the *&$&*(@#$$ Scenario Editor....? Well, like I said, I'm still thinking about that issue.

    You've rolled up 7 straight battles with no arty whatsoever using the standard rules?! That's... "impossible". No, plain impossible. You must be doing something wrong.
    Er. I do have some little experience rolling icosahedra across the table and reading these kinds of tables... Ahem. But you are perhaps on to something here- let's look at table 31, and assume we are in June with an Axis Assault. The mods for this total to +5 (I ignore player exp), ergo the rolls of 1-10 become immediately mapped to 6-15. The highest die roll reads "10+ Goto Air". Since "10+" in the current domain consitutes 10-15, which is six out of ten outcomes, I will be going to Air sixty percent of the time. Follow? Only 6-9 which is four out of ten outcomes will get arty. So yes, it's very possible to get no arty. ( Ignoring for this discussion getting popped back into Arty from Air... I've had rain only once... )

    Now is this what is meant, or should rolls outside of the 1-10 domain be re-rolled until one is found? If so, then the table should not read "10+" but "10 Goto Air" and "11+ Reroll". Follow? That would bring the (initial) GotoAir probability down from sixty to twenty percent.

    I don't think I would unleash my rules to the unsuspecting public, they are far to ugly for public release. If "the scalpel"

    saw it, he would travel to Sweden and kill me.

    OhComeOnYaBigChicken. "Scalpel" is an Appalachian nickname meaning "Nice Little Boy Who Spends Too Much Time With GI Joe Action Figures", ok? Well let's at least brainstorm our methods together a bit, and perhaps we'll really get something of a workable alternate method happening, can we count on you for that, comrade? Yes? OK.

    Yes, since I get more than a small AA gun for aux, I have to write it down to remember it...
    Last game I had 1000 pts for QB setting, or 1700 internal pts adjusted for Assault, with 600 core, which means in the QB I had to select about 1100 SS Mechs who were in the neighborhood. I'm just not going to write down that 1100 points, I assure you, and I wouldn't hold it against a newbie to be turned off at the one more chore needed for that method...

    Furthermore, you have no idea whatsoever how much AIR the AI has purchased for you, n'est-ce pas? Not that it does very often, still...

    They really must hate campaign'ers. (Again, a joke. Relax, any-outsider-peeking-in).
    "Relax" my foot- they need to get off their butts and do something NOW!! The rewrite can WAIT!!! :mad: :mad: "GRR." Two years is a long time to be hamstrung...

    I would love to buy my own aux, to be able to use variable rarity.
    But...? But what?

    would I have bought only two AT guns that battle when you knew you were up against allied

    Armor Force Mix? I think not...

    Think again- last game was against allied armor... and I didn't have the *option* of purchasing any armor in QB. There I was, pushing these dang Guns up and down hills, with the one IVE from my core... Especially for an *assault*, do you consider it gamey to not choose what you need? It might not be available to you anyhow, and we could address the issue of high rarity with... a solution. Yes I see your point, but (especially in the case of axis assault/attack) is that complete utter randomness more important than... ease?


    Scrounged units apparently are "leaderless units scattered around the field" post battle. In other words, leftovers. Ok, so, unless this is what is meant by the rules in the first place, why not choose your scrounged units solely from what appears in your AAR game??? The previous game, I rolled 80 for scrounged units... I looked at the field, and I found a "Recon Squad" which totalled 81 points- close enough for me. So I've added an "Aufklarung" whatever squad to my core scenario...

    They've worked out great- they're really getting along with the other guys...

    Since I was victorious that game, I have no problems pretending that I've made a call to my CO and given him the great news and told him how much I could use THAT independent recon squad attached to my little party... Is it historical? Well, maybe not. But it seems alot more satisfying to me than the idea that we just go into the editor and pick whatever our hearts desire...!?!? Yes, from an RPG viewpoint, it strikes me as satisfying. For those doing the Auto QB step, it is guaranteed that the AAR field has historically accurate units. For me, well...

    The only real problem, (that I see- chime in), is that if we scrounge infantry, we need restrictions and regulations concerning when and how replacements are available, ie, not what quality, but how many. Probably we should have such a thing anyway? Certainly it would be historically accurate to say that replacements are not always fully at our beck and call? Well more on reps next recipe...

    It also raises the issue that this 'scrounging' units should really be half a constant matter of simple scrounging, and half a matter of calling in... you guessed it, 'favor'. Anyhow, what do you struggling masses out there think? I like it, and I'm definitely a struggling mass, but we won't know what *you* think, you lurker, until you break your beans and spill your chains. Arise!


    So my squad has lost two men, let's say. I would like to leverage BTS investment into the game as far as choosing what level of experience and quality the incoming replacements have. Like so:

    Select the 'Quality' according to the appropriate table, or choosing 'Random' (depends on what Random really means in the game), or... Then merely let the QB AI determine the quality of each HQ and squad by purchasing the same exact force as your core force; look at the game, and for each unit there, the quality of the replacement is the quality of that unit. In other words, those *are* your replacements. Follow? This method is of course portable to the North or to 1945 or what have you, leverages BTS knowledge, et cetera yadda. Does require a 'step', but it's more replacing an existing one than adding one... For an RPG player I find this a very suitable answer, and of course it is accurate at least with regard the quality of what would be around at that time/place.

    About the objection, (I foresee), that reps would more likely be green than an 'average' soldier at that time/place, we could temper their quality, and simplify the process at the same time, no less, but considering a quality picked by the AI to be at the bottom of the scale. So if you lost two guys in 1 squad 1 platoon, do the QB thing, look at it's 1s 1p, and it's a Regular, (which currently means anything from 10 to 59), you would use "10" as the numeric value to average in with the 8 remaining guys in the squad...

    Yeah well... that's my, uh, two cents. Can I get a comment? Critique? Hate mail? Fruitcake?


    [EDIT- dang linewrap...]

    [ December 19, 2002, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: Eden Smallwood ]

  12. Originally posted by Slappy:

    Actually, there is no way to give them specific orders to clear a minefield. There is also no way to prevent them from doing so.

    Sure there's a way. Just keep a friendly within satchel blast radius of the field, ncluding the pioneer himself- if he's too close, he won't blow himself up. He's not a fool, you know. smile.gif If you keep a different friendly close to it, make sure it's not foggy at night...


  13. Nope, I can't make it happen. And I've stretched those guys out to the exact pixel, in setup, where they are still in command...

    I figured out, at least, why I never see this- I'm always attacking! Almost always...

    But anyhow. If y'all have a saved game and want to leave it on my doorstep I'll take it in and stick it under BFC's nose, calling it my own child. Otherwise, it's back to the campaign,


  14. Originally posted by Conanart:

    actually i do, but I live in San Diego


    I lived in University City, Ocean Beach, La Jolla Shores... Our house in La Jolla shores was across the street from the retired Captain of the USS Enterprise, (the carrier, I mean). Actually he was the realtor who sold it to us.

    Respond to this post and you only have 998 more to go... Junior. smile.gif


  15. Sesam-

    I have *failed*. Or rather, my computer has failed- it is just too big. I tried, really, but at this rate it will take a month to finish. I insist you send me the next one which is closer to your number 1 or 2 or 4, (I think?) of this series in polygon size... Sorry. I will now add some final polishing to the text below. [EDIT- missed one]

    Title: Vuosalmi Campaign, 8. A Cold Night

    Type: Finnish Assault (Historical)

    Date: March 6th, 1940

    Time: 02:00 hrs

    Location: Äyräpää, Karelian Isthmus

    Region: Finland

    Weather: Clear, Night, Extreme Cold

    Terrain: Snow, Farmland

    Turns: 50+

    Author: Matti Vesanen, matti_vesanen@hotmail.com

    Best played by Human Finland vs. Soviet AI. If played by two players the better player should play Finland.

    Stick to scenario default


    On February 15th the Mannerheim Line was broken. Finnish GHQ decided to pull the troops back to the intermediary defensive positions on the Karelian Isthmus. On February 27th the Soviets had broken through the intermediary positions and the Finnish forces began to withdraw to the backline defences. The 2nd Division was ordered to defend the Vuoksi river line on Vuosalmi sector.

    There is a ridgeline on the southern bank of Vuoksi, from which there is a good field of vision to the open lowlands of the northern shore. Therefore it was decided to hold a bridgehead and put the main line of defence on the ridge.

    The Vuoksi line was the last line of defence. The Russians made continuous attempts to break the line with four divisions, strong artillery barrages and air attacks. Weak Finnish forces managed barely to hold the line until the peace on March 13th.

    This is the eighth battle of the Vuosalmi campaign (1st - 13th March, 1940)

    Vasikkasaari was lost on March 5th. On the following night the Finnish battalion III/JR 24 is ready for the counter attack.


    This scenario is historical, therefore the forces are not equal. It is balanced for a veteran CM player against the Russian AI.

    If you think my scenarios are generally too hard, give yourself a +25% bonus.


    Karjalan kartat CD-rom, 1:20000 topographical map

    Talvisodan Historia 2

    Strategic Situation:

    Yesterday was a hard day for us. Our assault on the church hill failed, and after that the enemy captured Vasikkasaari. The Russians tried to continue the assault to the northern shore of Vuoksi, and we had to commit all our reserves to prevent the enemy from crossing the river. Even the men from the supply formations had to be used to hold the lines. Late in the afternoon we got reinforcements, when the third battalion from JR 24 was attached to us.


    02:00, 6.3.1940 - You are the commader of III/JR 24

    Your mission is to recapture Vasikkasaari. Fire a preparation barrage near point 16 and charge to the shore. Use your MGs to give support to the assault platoons. When you get your troops to the shore, keep moving, and don't let the enemy regroup. Artillery observers have placed several TRPs on the island, so you can walk the artillery in front of your advance.

    The III/JR 6 follows behind you, and when you run out of steam they'll continue the assault (not modelled in this scenario).


    We believe there are two weak battalions on the Vasikkasaari island, maybe 400-500 men combined. The enemy fought hard all day and suffered heavy casualties so they must be tired.

    The enemy has strong forces on the church hill. We have spotted 2-3 artillery batteries and over a battalion of infantry.

    The sky is clear and it's pretty cold, -22 Celsius. The ice won't support tanks, but it grows stronger every day.


    III/JR 24

    - 3 x infantry company

    - 7 x Maxim MG

    81mm mortar FO (60 rounds)

    2 x 75mm FO (100 rounds each)

    105mm FO (50 rounds)




    Vasikka-saari = calf-island

    Musta-saari = black-island

    Lammas-niemi = sheep-cape

    [ December 18, 2002, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Eden Smallwood ]

  16. Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    Sorry, you can't use more than 8 pictures in one post

    And :mad: count as images. Ask Mr Goodale (pronounced Good Ale) for more on that one.

    What does the Force Size have to do with how historical my campaign is?
    Well nothing, the way you ask it, but if the question is How does the size of the Historical-Yet-Random-Attached-Aux force matter, I'm guessing ten battalions of Romanians today, ten battalions of Hungarians tomorrow stretches credibility. But I admit that I don't really get what we're modelling with the whole aux thing.

    Heh, I dropped the aux rolls because I thought they were on the insane side of historical accuracy. Or at least made the Force Mix unimportant. You can get Armor Force Mix without any tanks, or Infantry Only Force Mix with 250 pts tanks.
    Now the world can rest- I get it.

    As for historical accuracy, I trust BFC enough to think the automatic purchase will buy me "correct" units.
    Yes!! smile.gif ( #2 ) Now you're talking my language! This thinking was, of course, one of the key selling points in my Favor-From-AAR scheme, recently dealt a Total Defeat by our Supreme Commander. But I have two more ideas for leveraging BTS knowledge in regards the matters of 'Scrounging' and 'Replacements', which I'll get to... next post? smile.gif ( #3 ) But same idea- let's use all that BTS knowledge already crammed in the game when we can.

    My biggest problem is I never seems to get as much arty as I would like... Damn cheap auto-buyer!
    YOU get ARTY?!? In Seven games I've gotten NONE, and it's starting to annoy me- in the last two games I have been *DESTROYED*. :mad: ( #4 ) Not having arty is one thing, assaulting on a wide open flattish field is another, but the two together is getting a bit old- the only type of battle so far...

    This way I also get one of Apache's wishes, that "major offensive" happenings.
    I personally don't see the need, but I can grok it, and maybe it would be cool to have a 'User Mods' section on a central site somewhere...? I mean we could post the little rules that we each have come up with to get our own thing working... smile.gif ( #5 )

    Of course not, discussing is gold. I never ment that we shouldn't discuss things.
    No I never meant that you meant that. You're witnessing my genius for stating the obvious. smile.gif ( #6 )

    That's pretty much what I do too, but as I don't trust myself, I have to do a "Auto QB" run to see what aux units I should get. That also give some suspense, as in my last battle with only 2 AT guns against a soviet Armor probe.
    OK, you have to WRITE DOWN what the QB got you, (*snicker*). I wish I could hit a 'gimme random' will *in* the purchase screens... There's just no way to get this whole thing to work the way we'd like...SE won't import a QB map, QB won't edit troops, can't import troops without map... Round and round, it's just a stymie in each direction.

    As I've already rolled for whom and from where the Aux is, it's perfectly fine for me to "choose" them myself- I'm not going to choose things with +80 rarity or what have you... And as far as *suspense*!!! Uh... there's still a *bit* of that left, even after buying manually. smile.gif ( #7 )

    Too bad BFC didn't make the SE map generator as good as the QB one, it has all the needed info, number of flags, battle type for setup zones, map dimensions.
    Gawd, no kidding. Oh, but wait!! Why don't we generate a 'smart' map in QB, and then import it into the SE, and then... oops. You understand why I'm insane, now, don't you?

    BTW, did you know that you CAN use a user made map? Just Load it in the SE. You have to add your units again and change exp. and names, but at least you will have setup zones and flags placed, and a nice map to boot!
    Not just a nice map, but usually a huge map. Map designers seem to always want to make something bigger than necessary... For me, my little co, an Aux force sometimes only one extra gun or so, to *assault* across one of those monster maps, with no arty... smile.gif ( #8 ) It's just not going to happen. Maybe I could use them if I just multiply #turns by two. I'm serious.

    In closing, I'd like to give you a smiley, but I can't- out of ammo!! Sorry...


  17. Originally posted by redwolf:

    Well, obviously it would be strange if I gave recommendations, so interpret this from your point of view.

    Au contraire, mon frere, je pense que tu sois tres bien... qualified! LOL! Your post here really belongs in the FAQ- redwolf's tactics for bug reporting!!

    If you post on the forum, you must have savegames.
    I've never seen it, but then I've never looked nor have I tried stretching my guys out to the limits... except for mortars; I definitely stretch mortars out, frequently... does it happen to HQ/mortar links as well...? At any rate, I'll look for this next game, try to reproduce it if possible, and post a saved game quickly if I can.

    Yes to all your advice... I agree especially that the logic hoops some will go through to "explain" how it all makes perfect sense is sometimes quite impressive.

    If bozos join your side...
    I've yet to have the problem of anyone joining my side. smile.gif

    Concerning pix of 0% exposure guys: In my most recent (thereafter 'next') game I had this occur about *four* times, in *varied* terrain... The first time, it happened in Trench; looked neat, I snapped a little pic. Very arty, too. Then it happened again, again... *Including* in 'Steppes'!

    Then I went out looking for a free web hosting deal where I can host images, something I'd been meaning to do anyhow- I need one with FTP; I still don't have a solution for posting images here, for petesake. Ah well- you 'get the picture' anyhow, I'm sure.

    Don't mention my name
    Who said that, and where am I?


  18. Originally posted by JaegerMeister:

    No advice on the maps then?

    JM, in earlier posts announcing MPs I think it's pretty clear you just choose the 'next' battle named appropriately for your battle type...

    Pragmatically though, unless these maps were all in a searchable database indexed not just by attack type but also point size, map size... I don't think you can really pick a map 'blind'- you really have to look at it.

    For me it doesn't matter- the way I'm doing this, don't have the option of using them, boo hoo.


  19. Originally posted by 86smopuim:

    I RTFMed and didnt see it anywhere...

    guess I am dumb.

    Oh I wouldn't go that far, but you could be more specific about what you're asking, that would help.

    If the question is "How do I stick a 'Label' onto a map in the Scenario Editor?" then the answer is very easy:

    When in the Map Editor, it says "Ctrl-click to set a landmark", so... hold the control key down, click on some square of the map and a dialog comes up... type in 'Hollywood & Vine', close that dialog, "Preview" the map, and then hit Shift-L until you're sure that "Labels" are On... there it is!

    Now... was that the question? smile.gif


  20. Originally posted by redwolf:

    I you report it, maybe. I certainly won't.

    Oh for petesake. I'll do it, manly man that I am, (or is it just that my reputation couldn 't be any worse?).

    What exactly is required here, just to post something called "BUG DAMMIT" on the main forum, or is there some formal kind of bug reporting form thingie somewhere...? Sir, command me, and thy will be done, Sir!


  21. Originally posted by Biltong:

    History Buff; Eden Smallwood;

    Grog vs RPG or rather Easy exp gain vs Difficult exp gain

    Just for the record, this is not an adequate equivalency. Say rather that from an RPG viewpoint, there is nothing wrong with an exp gain for the company which is not representative of the historical army as a whole.

    "Easy vs Difficult" is not the description- the exp gain in RPG "mode" could be as easy as history, or as difficult, or easier, or more difficult or whatever the community as a whole or the player chose to make of it.

    Carry on,


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