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Posts posted by Kuniworth

  1. with all respect but I don't think Steve Smith played any of the other games in the SC series. It's easy to be impressed with a game evolving for 6 years, but talk to him in 6 years of playing and see if he still would give it 95%, although I'm sure the game is good.

    I continue to wait for sc3, which if still ww2 in europe, will be a classic

  2. Xwormwood, I mean what had you expected.

    For me SC global, pacific, pde, waw, sc2 is all the same game with some extras. I think they took it way too far, it should have stopped with one or two of these expansions and then moved on. Frankly I'm surprised that not more people cried out for sc3, guess it's because the old gang is long gone. But I'm pretty sure that milking this cow can't continue for ever, sooner or later even the new crowd will want to have something completly different.

    The good thing is during these years a good dev-team emerged ready to take on bigger challenges.

    What we need is SC 3, that corrects some of the things lost when the game transformed into the sc 2 engine. The sooner we move on the better.

  3. Sorry JJR. You credited your source (Wikipedia) for the post on the Doolittle Raid, as you should have done.

    But the post on Ike was not credited. The average person would assume, then, that you had written it.

    There is a term for this. It's called "plagiarism". You could check that out with Wikipedia, too.

    Eh, since when do anyone got a responsibility to post sources at this forum? Nothing in the battlefront rules about it.

  4. @Kuniworth --- I never compared the US vs European infantry in my post, did I? Why don't you comment on what was stated. Amazing, anything pro-USA on this site which is FACT, is attacked. We won the war just because of firepower......well, that's war, son. If the Nazis were so smart at war, they should have taken some boots to Stalingrad. Battles are won/lost before they are started. If the Russians were so great, they wouldn't have walled in their people. Reminds me of Rocky movie with the Russian,"At least we don't have to build a wall to keep our people in" --- Paulie, Rocky's brother-in-law.

    Far as your Swedish University Professor, I'm glad you have a friend. Maybe you guys can meet in a social neutral coffee shop, swap gummy bear stories. Sweden was buddies with the Nazis, so it doesn't surprise me a bit. I couldn't even imagine what they teach over there. As for me, I'll stick with Oliver North's War Stories on FOX.

    Good grief where did I wrote that this was a reply to you?

  5. PowerGmbH,

    As for why the USSR would want a port on the Norwegian coast in addition to Archangeal and Murmansk, it could be those two were closed off part of the year by ice in the Arctic between themselves and the North Sea. Or, it could be Norway would have been a better location for a Soviet port. Or, it could be Stalin just wanted to get his foot in the Scandinavian door, and that's why Hitler never even responded.

    Interesting it this is correct because there is another fleet base nearby that had a key importance in the norweigan campaign. As part of the ribbentrop-molotov pact the USSR leased a top secret fleet base to Germany - on russian soil! Thanks to this base german forces in Narvik could recieve supply and hold the city, as the Royal Navy effectively cut off supply ships from Germany.

    This fleet base was simply referred to as "Base North" by the germans is located in the Litsa-fiord around 45 kilometers east of the norweigan-soviet border, 120 kilometers from Murmansk. The soviet union evacuated the population and completly sealed off the area to give the kriegsmarine complete secrecy. Beginning in the winter of 1939-40 this fleet base was fully operational and used by german supply ships even as the winter war was going on.

    Today this base is called Zapadnaya Litsa and have replaced Murmansk as the main fleet base for the russian orthern navy. It's location make it less vunerable to be sealed off in case of a war with USA, compared to Murmansk.

  6. Adolf could have taken over the world if he bought Jesse Owens some new shoes. That's it! Adolf Hitler failed to take over the world because he didn't buy Jesse Owens shoes.

    Everybody happy? I've solved the reasons why your hero Adolf Hitler didn't win world war 2. He refused to use Jesse Owens shoes! So run out to the store, buy a pair & start goosestepping.


    Jesse Owen did indeed run fast in those shoes. Rambo should I increase the speed of german infantry with 1 or 2 in my 1939 operation Owen scenario?

  7. Before anyone starts to believe we randomly lock up threads


    It was unfair saying you randomly lock up threads. But that's how I feel about it, I miss the old days with all the wild discussions. I can give you an example, I remember the ronald reagan thread that just kept on going despite beeing off topic(finally locked due to spammers "aid"). But if it had been along the release of a new game it would have been locked immediately. Reason for this is of course as Moon once put it, that you dont have the time to look into all threads, but I also believe that you are loosin up on moderating on "low seasons". When there is no new relase etc it's easier for threads to be allowed to stray off topic. So why not apply the same level of moderating all the time?

    That's what makes it so weird that we could talk all kind of thrash to each other in the ronald reagan thread and nothing happened. Now suddenly Rambo got banned when some dude cried bloody murder in some heated discussion. Excuse me for having a hard time knowing what you can discuss or not without getting banned or locked up. And speaking off topic how come ronald reagan can even be discussed in an sc forum without locking it?

    Either way, the old riots in these forums that caused the lock ups in the first place have not happened in a long time, probably why this whole discussion may be a surprise to any of the new posters, and I think you can all guess who the main *agitators* in this regard were.


    Yeah I remember that menace, we were all deeply chocked. Jim Boggs or Jersey was the name right?

    After several warnings and a few bannings over the past few years, notably to Kuniworth and Rambo, things have definitely become more civil and this is a good thing from my point of view.

    Actually I think you are wrong here. Lucky Elephant holds the record.

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