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Everything posted by Fubarno

  1. At that site it says SC2 will be sold in shops for about 45 Euro's, equivalent to around $54 US. That's quite an increase from SC1's $25 US. When will BATTLEFRONT make some official announcements?
  2. Since Rambo wants to be involved with beta testing so badly, why doesn't BATTLEFRONT put him in charge of timers. Here is a site that he can contact, http://www.kerekesequip.com/static/pid1951.asp . He should pick up a sample and begin intensive testing. Seriously though, what's with all the whining Rambo? Every thread is poisoned with some of your negative vitriol. Don't try to say that it's constructive either. It sounds like spoiled child behavior. I thought the consensus was that SC2 would be the game that added all the features you now seem to be complaining about. "The sky is falling." Chicken Little
  3. Did you immediatly capture Gibralter and then dominate the med, supplemented by your two spanish cruiser fleets?
  4. Absolutely, and I think this is reflected in the fact that in SC 1 Germany is the only nation (other than the Soviet Union) which starts with armored Corps, but more importantly they are the only nation that starts out with HQ units. In a game of this scale, the modifiers of these HQ's reflects the advanced military doctrines that formed the basis for their battlefield strategies (Blitzkrieg) and superiority. The French, and arguably the British, had tanks that had superior armor and weaponry than that of the early German forces. Despite this, the Germans managed their incredible early victories through their superior doctrines of organization, communication and combined arms tactics.
  5. Thanks Blashy, I'm sure you're correct about the OOB, that makes sense.
  6. Oh, and the Army formations are white while the infantry corps are country specific colors. Is there no other way or is this something that modders will need to change? Here's a link to the page - http://www.battlefront.com/products/sc2/screenshots/pages/5sc3b.html
  7. From the screen shots in what looks to be the 1939 scenario both the Italians and Poles have tank corps. Will this be the default start forces for these nations or is this just to show some unit types? Do the French and Brits have tank corps at start too? If so, why? Strategic doctrine at start of WW2 didn't take advantage of massed tank corps except in the German army. The introduction of lightning warfare was the basis for success for Germany in early war. Other countries misunderstood the tank and integrated it into infantry formations which precluded concentration of force and exploitation of the enemy supply lines (I know you guys know this, that's why I was surprised to see them on the screen shots). Three other things: Do the italians start with an air corps? If I recall, they had one of the larger airforces in 1939 Europe. Also, is their an event for a Polish uprising if and when Soviet forces approach the eastern Polish frontier and if not, is this something that can be added by the player as a custom event? Thirdly, I noticed on the nato symbols for the tank corps have a yellow hew, regardless of nationality and the air corps are blue, regardless of nationality. One looks to the base of the unit to figure the nationality. Maybe this is something that I could get used to after some prctice, but initially I thought it was wierd/confusing and I thought the tank corps were british units. Why not make the colors country specific on the nato symbols (except German tank corps which should be black :cool: ).
  8. Fantical religious extremists, on both sides. They take the fun out of everything. Sheesh.
  9. @ Rambo - It's that kind of close minded thinking that tells me you'd have been a great robotic Nazi cheerleader if you were a citizen in Germany in those years. Nice take, rack em. Fubarno doesen't do jingoism, Fubarno is a free thinker and calls a spade a spade when he sees one. Rafter Man says, "Well, at least he died for a good cause," "Which cause was that?" Animal Mother says. "Democracy...?" Animal Mother says, "Flush out your head gear, New Guy. You think we waste gooks for democracy? Don't kid yourself; this is a slaughter, and if I'm gonna get my balls shot off for a word I get to pick my own word and my word is poontang." Full Metal Jacket [ June 20, 2005, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]
  10. Damn, it's refreshing to see that so many people are calling a spade a spade. I hate the extremist mantle the GOP and their 'base' are using for their policies. It's frightening how the Republican party continues to redistrict to maintain Congressional majorities and play hard and fast with the established rules, ethics and traditions of our government. They'll say and do whatever is necesary to maintain their grip on power, including election irregularities. According to their thinking, it's no longer Amrican and patriotic to have a divergent opinion. Jefferson, Madison and the rest would not be happy with the new mad king George. The consternation I feel when they claim to be the party of the moral high ground ... Hipocrites, all of them! It's their way or the highway, their god and nothing else, they know what's right for everyone because they are so rightous. But, they're the ones with the blood on their hands. How crappy is the selection we are given from which to choose a new leader if we want something different? Where are the wise, inteligent leaders we need to take our country to another level, to be respected by the world and hold the moral high ground? To truly serve the people and the greater good. Drowned out by the loud mouths is where they are. Sorry for the rant, but I get a hopeful feeling when I hear some others feeling dissatisfaction with where the U.S. is being taken, and that doesn't mean I don't support the troops. THEY ARE THE ABSOLUTE GREATEST. Let's take back our country or the extremists will win.
  11. @ Soddball - I definetly make no claims to defend Rambo's so-called "atropied" brain, but I must say that if you condemn the facts coming from the History Channel over the "facts", so frequently decietfull, coming out of the White House, then I must seriously question your faculties. What I think you meant was the National Archives and not the White House.
  12. I heard the WW2 Wermacht, far from being highly mechanized, relied on vast numbers of horses to move their artillery and supplies about. Boarding and hoarding should be a new tech. At advanced levels special horse shoes could be developed for advanced mud and snow traverse and newer horse blankets could be developed to withstand the Russian winters. Furthermore, shouldn't the Germans recieve a combat penalty and morale boost during fall turns when Oktoberfest takes place?
  13. SC1 demo came out months before the game did and served as a large scale beta test :cool: that Hubert Cater monitered, took some suggestions, and ultimately improved what was already a fun sim of WW2 strategic war in Europe. If I remeber correctly, TCIP and oponent replay from email games were aditions that were discussed in the demo stage and were added by him in succesive patches soon after the game was released. There were occasional geographic tweaks that were suggested by the community that changed the map. I'm guessing that there were other things too. :confused: Unfortunately some low life (hacker Hags :eek: , since banned) revealed he had hacked the demo to play through the whole campaign, and how great level 5 jets were . Well, you didn't have to have supernatural powers to feel HC's anger, even through my monitor, and the pixels within Battlefront's responce glowed red :mad: . Many in the community, too, spoke with disgust about his hex edititor hacking . Do I have a point? Well, I guess it's just that I'd like to start playing the demo,.. because I'm a giver . Yes, I promise to devote good amounts of time to playtesting. For free even. I may even,... Wait a minute. We don't need a beta demo because HC is putting the final touches on the game and it will be released soon. yeah, that's it. I have optimistic hope that SC2 will be the game I have been wanting, setting the new bar for WW2 tb strategy games, for both grogg and pretzel munching beer swillers. This may be what HC, game designer, is banking on. Who can blame him with scaliwags lurking in cyberspace. But, if this game's not coming out till December or something, a demo sooner would be an early gift for my stocking and get the big man some constructive feedback. I'm there for you HC! [ April 29, 2005, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]
  14. Poetry is nice but some new screen shots with some AAR's from playtesters would get some Pavlovian dog type salivation going.
  15. I don't really have much desire to pick up the GGWaW and the posts and reviews are confirming my decision. Maybe if there had never been a SC I might have picked up WaW, but SC scratched that itch well enough and I think I can forgo 'Axis and Allies Advanced' for now. I know one of these days I'll check this site and there will be an announcement of the impending release of SC2. One of these days...
  16. ok here's the link. http://www.wargamer.com/forums/tm.asp?m=120477&go=last
  17. I saw a post at the Wargamer site in a thread for the new Gary Grigsby World at War by someone with the handle of pzgndr (I don't know if it's the same as the admin at this site) in answer to someone that brought up the soon to be released SC2. The pzgndr at Wargamer said - don't get your hope up as the game won't be out until late summer. Sorry I don't have the link to the thread and I don't purport this person to have the last word. I'm just reporting what I read. [ March 29, 2005, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]
  18. Perhaps the airborne corps will exert a zone of control for the turn of it's landing in addition to having a 'partisan' like efect on nearby units supply level. These effects are reflective of the units purpose. The following turn after the airborne unit landed, it will have some small bonus against being cut off and unsupplied by land, taking into account their training for operations behind lines, plus some air resupply factor that is generic to the unit and rationalized as part of it's higher unit cost. The effectiveness of the air-resuply would be instantly calculated by the computer in comparison to in range fighter cover strengths. This would not involve any player choice but take place behind the scenes, but accounted for as part of the airborne strength. If enemy fighter strength overpowers the allied air fighters than little to no air re-supply would reach the unit. At any rate, an airborne unit that hadn't reached the land bridge of supply within a short time frame will most likely be annihilated, reflecting the need to link up, unlike the ability of the partisan to live off the land.
  19. Liam brings up a point that isn't really reflected in the game and that is, the fanatacism of troops in defence of their homeland against an invader. The Russians do exert a scorched earth and have partisans, as do the Yugoslavians. I think I read that the Germans in SC2 will have a scorched earth. But, what about some bonus to defence of the homeland? Surely the British would have been tenacious in defending against a Sea Lion, more so then in some other theater. The Germans Became quite fanatical in the last year of the war in fear of what the advancing Russians would do in retaliation against the Fatherland. The Russians had the same motivation once stories of German attrocities were spread about, and the NKVD carried out the orders of Stalin that prevented retreat or surrender on pain of death. I am reminded of the old days playing Squad Leader and rolling snake eyes with my Russians on a morale check. The troops would go berserk and charge the nearest axis troops to enter into close combat. The squad would usually get mowed down, but it was always greeted with a sense of dread by the Axis player and excitement by the Russian player. Only death would eliminate this unit. Yes I know the scales are at opposite ends of the spectrum, squads versus armies and corps, but shouldn't the fanatacism of defending ones homeland be reflected? It could be a random event like in Panzer general, where a defender in his homeland could put up a 'rugged defence'. This could be offset by the experience of the attacker. Just some thoughts...
  20. Hey CVM, I discuss this topic knowing full well that this is an issue near and dear to your heart. I'm hoping that you have got your beta tester version and have already experienced some of these enhancements to SC2. You won the beta test opportunity in an AAR contest, right? I noticed in one of the screenshots what looks to be a Finnish HQ. Could it be Carl Von Mannerheim? I'm looking forward to you getting Mr. Cater's permission to post some beta AAr's for us that aren't so lucky. Cheers! [ June 03, 2004, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]
  21. Excellent ideas ev and Edwin P regarding the effects of 'General Winter'. The winter weather in Russia, as well as the fall rains and spring thaw which muddied everyting up and made movement so slow going, will be a welcome addition to the Russian front. As of yet I don't believe it has been reveiled how these conditions will effect play. I have a feeling that HC has something ingenious planned. pzgndr - glad to hear that the events that transpired in Russia/Finnland in 1939 have been considered for gameplay as they hold interest for many gamers. I look forward to seeing how it is handled. I'm also glad to here that the non active major countries will have the options you mentioned in preperation for war. Can you divulge anything about how the winter weather will effect gameplay? Also, I haven't heard anything about mud, other than it is in the game, which was also a crucial weather effect that the invading Germans were unprepared to face and the Russians were counting on to slow the invasion drive on their capitol. Man, writing about this stuff makes me even more excited for the game. It's so much more important now for the Germans to consider what time of year they will invade Russia (hour glasses may prove important after-all ), which adds more tension and strategy to the game. Then, the Russians will be delaying the blitzkreig as well as possible in the knowledge that the rains and the snows are coming and this will give them an advantage/ slow the advancing Germans. They didn't call it General Winter for nothing; it was a serious advantage that the Russians were depending on. Great stuff! [ June 02, 2004, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]
  22. Will the USSR 1939 invasion of Finland be part of the SC2 campaign? This might give a Soviet player something to do in a multi-player game while waiting for Germany to invade, or for the moment when a pre-emptive strike on Germany is available ot Russia? What gives HC, or any one else in the know? The Soviet invasion took place in Nov of '39 and involved nearly 2 million men with lots of tanks artillery and air assets. Facing them in defence were 133,000 highly motivated Finns. I imagine that whatever penalties the Germans will suffer in their first winter in Russia would be suffered by the Russians in their attack on the Finns. It was a David vs: Goliath disaster for Stalin's armies. But, did the Russians learn some very important lessons that would later be put to great use? It is reported that Finnland is where the Russians gained the knowledge and experience of fighting in the cold that was put to great use in defending their homeland against the Hunn in that 1st 1941/42 winter in which they drove the invaders back from Moscow. Maybe the game could reflect that if the Russians don't attack the Finn's, they don't get as much of an advantage in their first winter against Germany. But, the Finn's must get some great entrenchment advantages as well as whatever Hubert has planned for winter effects in order for the Finn's to be able to hold off and destroy large sections of the Soviet invaders. Of course a lucky and ingenious attack by the Russians might be able to annex Finnland for Communist indoctrination before it has a chance to later enter the war in support of Germany. There would be Finnish partisans for Germany to use. :cool: Thoughts?
  23. Has it been decided what snippet of the war we'll be able to sample? Will it be Fall Gelb again, or will a different period of the war be picked, and are you willing to disclose what it will be so that we who are waiting so patiently can have just one more teaser to appease our curiousity for this highly anticipated game. Thanks
  24. http://www.battlefront.com/products/sc2/screenshots/pages/north%20africa01.htm Doesn't Malta seem like it is placed too close to Sicily? The med seems a little narrow too. I noticed that North Africa has a wider land mass then in SC1. It looks like 3 to 6 tiles in SC2 as opposed to 1 to 2 hexes in SC1, which will have the desired effect of promoting maneuver warfare in the desert. I like the authentic candy stripe on the decks of the Italian ships. Nice touch art dude. [ April 18, 2004, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]
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