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Strontium Dog

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Posts posted by Strontium Dog

  1. Originally posted by blazethedog:

    I agree with you. I have played about 10 QBs and very seldom have seen a tank get brewed up. ....

    Hmmm, maybe there should be a 'More flames' option smile.gif I feel cheated when the enemy just sort of sags on you. I want them to go to hell in a fiery chariot.

    I know what you mean about the number of hits too. I stand corrected but from what I know (which isn't a lot as it happens) the sights on these machines were a bit rudimentary and I'd be surprised if they were this accurate in battle conditions.

    Strontium Dog

  2. Thanks Mikey

    I did wonder if it might be something to do with the guns . Each german tank needed to be hit about 10 times before ceasing to operate. I don't think I'd have liked to be a Russian gunner back then.

    I wonder if it wouldn't have made more sense to have scenarios which produce more pyrotechnics included with the CMBB demo. If I hadn't played CMBO before I think I might have found these ones a bit dull and I doubt they'll pull the punters in as much as some nice whizzs and bangs would??? Just a thought.

    Strontium Dog

  3. Hi guys

    'SPOILER ALERT - picture below may ruin your enjoyment of CMBB demo - AVERT EYES NOW!!!'

    I've just got hold of the CMBB demo and have been having fun messing around with the new stuff. One thing I've noticed is that it now seems incredibly difficult to get tanks to burn. Call me a pyromaniac but I quite like watching the enemy fry. I've tried everything in CMBB but no luck so far. Check out the attached picture for an example from the 'Citadel Schwerpunkt' scenario. Practically every tank knocked out and no fire or smoke. Did they have built in freon extinguishers on the eastern front?

    Strontium Dog


    [ October 10, 2002, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Strontium Dog ]

  4. Hi guys

    Good to see that there are a few rough-edged road lovers out there smile.gif

    Thanks for all the info Philippe. In the end I think I worked out most of the road stuff by putting blobs of coulour all over the place but it was a bit trying. I don't think I'll bother messing with the railway tracks (not unless I'm feeling particularly masochistic smile.gif ).

    Gyrene, enjoyed that quote you posted smile.gif


  5. Hi

    Just thought I'd post this other Mod that I've been working on. Its a little flakey in places but I'm not so sure thats down to the Mod rather than the way in which CMBO strings the road bitmaps together. Anyway it works pretty well and is basically a combination of paved and dirt roads to give a paved road with a dirt shoulder. I think it looks a little better than the plain straight edges of the paved roads in CMBO but I guess thats a matter of personal taste.

    Its designed to work with Tom's Field Road Mod in the sense that where paved and dirt roads intersect I have only included one option for bitmaps 626 and 627. i.e the dirt road matches Tom's mod at this point.

    You can download it here:


    There are a few screenshots below as well.

    Please feel free to make changes etc. or to make them CMMOS compliant or whatever.

    Let me know what you think.

    Strontium Dog




  6. More thanks to everyone - I just hope you get as much pleasure as I do watching this beauty take out enemy tanks at range.

    Gordon, thanks for the info on Jagdpanther schurzen. That's a shame as I think my schurzen looked pretty good.

    Also thanks for the CMMOS info. I think I may have come across this before but it looks like a PC only thing (?) and being a Mac freak I probably lost interest. Is there a Mac version. Would I need a PC to make Mods CMMOS compliant or is it just a matter of writing a batch file or something?

    Bruno - Woof to you too smile.gif

    Havermeyer - even I have figured out what CMBB stands for smile.gif Assuming CMBB runs on my system (?) then I'll make sure I do a CMBB version of this Jagdpanther at the very least.

    Strontium Dog

  7. Hi again all

    Thanks for the positive responses to my JagdPanther smile.gif Its great to be able to contribute to the game in this way.

    Warmaker, I like your idea of unit markings but to be honest I don't know a lot about this stuff. I did a lot of research when I built my model but while the camo scheme of my JP is not entirely made up I doubt its 100% authentic either and I have no idea what unit markings looked like. If you have any ideas let me know and I can try and add them.

    Gordon, you're welcome to do what you like with it. What is a CMMOS version?

    One question that someone might know the answer too. I'd like to add schurzen to this MOD as well but I couldn't figure out what bmp number to use. Can this be done for the JagdPanther and if so which bmp do I modify?


    Strontium Dog

  8. Hi

    I've just finished a Jagdpanther Mod (my first one - I was a bit late arriving at the CMBO party) and have uploaded it for anyone who's interested.

    There are some screenshots below.

    You can download it here:


    It should all work OK. Its been tested on Mac and PC (thanks to John and Dave who helped with this).

    Hope you enjoy it (in the few days remaining smile.gif ).

    Strontium Dog



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