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Strontium Dog

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Posts posted by Strontium Dog

  1. Better late than never. Definitely heroic futuristic derivation (2000AD fan from 1970 something smile.gif ) as opposed to ****-dog variation (although I quite like that too smile.gif ). Glad to see my screensaver is getting some use. I should point out that this isn't actually a photograph, it's a 3D render of a model I built composited (using Lightwave) with a photo and a map I found on the net. The same model was also used to make my CMBO jagdpanther mod. Just thought I'd point that out as junk2drive seemed to be suggesting that not much work (!) went into this (I'll let him off though as if you can't tell the difference then I achieved what I set out to do ;) ).

    Indignant smelly brown-stuff dog (woof!)

  2. Can someone shed some light on why tank hunters insist on lobbing all their useless molotov cocktails at enemy tanks before resorting to the much more deadly grenade bundle? This usually results in setting some grass on fire and having the tank crew gun your tank hunters down before they can actually lob the grenade bundle. Also how accurately modelled are these things. Did grenade bundles get used a lot and where they as deadly as they appear to be?

  3. Hi guys

    Glad some of you like the splash. Gautrek, I must admit (without being too self-congratulatory smile.gif ) that I quite like the buttons too! smile.gif Junk2Drive - thanks for uploading some of my mods, I had wondered if any of them were on the cdv se disc (someone from battlefront.com asked about them sometime ago but I never heard whether they actually got used or not). I'll try and upload my mods again at some stage - I've only got a slow internet connection so it'll probably take a while.


  4. I'd never heard of one of these before CMBB and I've just got to wondering about this apparently deadly device. In a recent scenario my vet troops took out 3 IS-2s with grenade bundles and in most cases from some considerable distance. I can see how a bunch of grenades stuffed through an open hatch might cause a few problems for the occupants but I'm a little surprised at how easily a casually lobbed bundle can cause a total system malfunction. I'd have expected most attempts of this sort to end with the said bundle bouncing off the target and exploding harmlessly in a muddy puddle. Presumably a non-shaped explosive device of this sort would have little to no armour penetrating power (?) so did they work by blowing up fuel tanks or something? Where were the fuel tanks on most tanks - I assumed they'd have been pretty well protected but perhaps not? Were the fuses on the grenades synchronised? Did grenade bundles have some sort of sticky gunk applied to them to make them latch onto a vehicle? etc.... Any info appreciated



  5. Originally posted by Rob Murray:

    I always thought that a Panzerfaust or Panzershreck had a horizontal trajectory ( couldn't be fired vertically [ or close to vertically in this case if your AT team is on an upper story ] ). Is this true ( I'm asking because I've never seen it yet )?

    Just guessing but if you fired one of these downwards from an open window you might expect to have more trouble with the backblast hitting the ceiling?
  6. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    Yes it does give the game a much different and may I say improved look. Thanks there Strontium Dog I was needing a change and this will provide it nicely. You da man.

    Glad you like it . You can make some nice looking woods by mixing up the 'woods' and 'tall pines'. I think I spend more time looking at the scenery than concentrating on the battle smile.gif
  7. Originally posted by nevermind:

    One question though(and its not a big deal),what about the overhead view,little puff looking bmps?The colors dont match now.509,523,539,just to name a few.

    Hi Nevermind

    I never (well almost never) use the top-down view so I couldn't be bothered to mod them. My humblest apologies smile.gif


  8. Hi

    I've just uploaded my 'Trees for CMBO' mod (www.cmmods.com). Some of the images are the same (or similar) to those in my CMBB tree mod but there are quite a few different ones and I've also included a set of 'deciduous trees' which can be used to replace the 'tall pines' images. This gives a different look to the game (see the difference between image (A) and (B) below). They're designed to go well with my grass/mud terrain mod (or the gridded version) but I expect they look OK with other ones too.



  9. Originally posted by incarna:

    Greetings. Downloaded most of your mods from cmmods today, I noticed in your screenshots that you've got some GREAT looking trees installed but I can't seem to find them, could you (or anybody) clue me in as to what they are and where I can get them?

    Also open to suggestions for good Building mods if anyone has them.



    The trees are my own ones or a mixture of mine and others. I've nearly finished a set of CMBO trees and I'll upload them when they're ready. I got a bit distracted by the arrival of CMBB.

    I like Magua's buildings mod for CMBO. I think I got them in the cmmos section at www.combatmission.com

  10. Hi again

    Thanks for all the postive comments, it's good to hear that my trees are increasing your CMBB viewing pleasure smile.gif

    As to Qs:

    Lou2000 - The only mods in the screenshots are Tanks a Lots peasant shacks (which I really like - I hope he's doing the other buildings too) and my trees. The rest are the default maps that ship with CMBB.

    BadgerDog - Installing these trees won't effect Captain Wacky's (or anyones) terrain. You'll still be able to see the grids just fine.

    bfamily33 - Maybe smile.gif Do you know the bmp numbers for the Jagdpanther in CMBB?

    Louie the Toad - Minnesota and Russia are probably not as different as you think smile.gif

    Do you mean CMBO in general or trees for CMBO? I've got a tree pack in the works. It's nearly finished (It would have been finished but the arrival of CMBB shifted my attention).

    Tom TCMHQ - As for grass ;) just the stuff that ships with CMBB.

    I think that's everything?


  11. Hi guys

    I finally got CMBB a couple of weeks ago and I've just uploaded my first CMBB mod to www.cmmods.com

    I've replaced the stock trees (summer and autumn) with new versions which I think look more like the sort of trees that are common in Russia. The conifers are pine, larch and spruce (Taiga) and the hardwood trees are predominantly birch.

    There is a hi-res version as well as a lo-res version for people running older systems or systems with a card that downsamples the higher res images more dramatically (e.g. My DP Mac with Geforce 4MX card)

    There are a couple of screenies below.

    Hope you get some good use out of them.



  12. Originally posted by -hero-:

    Is there a conversion tool for formatting these .zip files correctly?


    You need to unzip these files first. I'm on a Mac so I use Stuffit Expander to do this. If you're on a PC you can use programs like PKunzip, Winzip, etc. They're all freeware and can be downloaded or obtained from most PC magazine CDs.


  13. I saw a program on TV (or read about it, can't quite remember) about the battle for the bridge at Arnhem and a British soldier recounted how the German tanks had fired smoke rounds into the building they were holed up in to set fire to it. Apparently the German smoke rounds were white phosphorous which is highly incendiary. Do smoke rounds ever start fires in CMBB (or CMBO for that matter)? I don't think I've seen this happen.


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