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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE FRONT The Russian infantry forces of the long-absent Nestor were given a rude surprise last night, when my forces of the Reich unveiled the new Wonder Weapon, the dreaded (for him) Sonderkraftuberschleppenfan155 Ausf. A As his infantry advanced over the open ground behind (what he thought) was an impeneterable smoke screen....my troops plugged the Sonderkraftuberschleppenfan155 Ausf A, into a handy outlet and swooosh, blew away the smoke. What happened next is too horrible to describe, but suffice to say, the now exposed sons of the Rodina were horribly cut to pieces. Strike up the "Horst Wessel Lied", break out the sauerkraut, "Sieg, Sieg"
  2. You talkin' to me, Bub? So, am I to take it that you DID NOT receive the e-mail from me requesting people who had not gotten a return move from me to please resend their last move as it was lost somewhere in the ether? Or did you receive it and just not understand the request? You know, former squire of mine, if you get any stupider, you're going to have to start wearing a helmet. As I recall, in our latest effort to maim and crush each other, I was shelling the living daylights out of your positions and had just gotten a penetration into one of your hunky pillboxes. I don't think you fully understand the meaning of the word "ineptitude", which is surprising. I mean, isn't it emblazoned all over your family crest? Two hillbillies fighting over a single chromasome on an azure blue field, as I recall? Understandably. Now shut up and resend that move. And as for the rest of you grundoons. If you have not received a move from me in the last few days, please resend your last move to me. Or you could just surrender now and get it over with. As for the problems with MSN, now they want me to log into their "chat" line, so one of their technicians can "chat" with me about the problem. Just what i want to do, "chat" with an employee of MSN. Well, it can't be any worse than reading through one of leaninkorndog's posts. (This ought to bring him/it/her bubbling to the surface for another series of semi-legible rants.) </font>
  3. Whoops,.......... stunbled into some mighty weird doins' Crikey, are we back to this Kricket Krap again?, isn't there any time when no former colony is playing this stoopid game? lenakonrad is Jeff giving you English lessons? Sometimes your posts are almost lucid, but most of the time they are like AJ's when he is coming down off of whatever type of speed he is mainlining. By the way Boo_, my former master, not only do your picture links not work, but you have not sent a turn in AT LEAST A FRIGGEN' WEEK!!!! Stop blaming MSN for your ineptitude, passing the buck does not suit you....passing the gas is more your speed I'm afraid. Top o' mornin'... for those experiencing it.
  4. Hortlund, maybe in the future you should stick to litigation, maybe sending people to the gas chamber or something.....oh I forgot you're from Sweden...there is no crime there...and leave the technical aspects of microelectronics to the pros and those without two left thumbs. This is the lamest excuse I have heard yet for ducking a game.
  5. Ho ho ho, this is really rich, two non-native English speakers giving each other lessons. I haven't seen anything this entertaining, since I saw the documentary showing the chimpanzee learning sign language. Anybody ready for a banana?
  6. I believe this idjit has made his committment...(too bad for him), I once again request the ignominius right....wrong? to take him to squire, and thusly, cleanse and expunge all traces of that pretender thread from his pea brain. [ February 26, 2003, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  7. Does that mean shaped-charge shells fired from our CM tanks or towed guns are less effective than warhead size would indicate? Or are they fin-stabilized? </font>
  8. Thanks JasonC for an accurate discription and explanation of the terms involved. Maybe you msunderstand my confusion of the term Recoiless Rifle as relating to an indirect fire role. I am aware that "rifling" as a physical application of lands and grooves into a gun barrel, to impart spin and thus improve accuarcy is something that has been around since the 1860's in both shoulder weapons and certain artillery pieces. What confused me was my personal experiences with 1960's era recoiless rifles as direct fire weapons, and the information that the Germans used a "recoilless rifle" for an indirect fire application. What I was saying is that my experience with RRs indicated that they had spotting rounds fired first and had to be aimed to follow the spotting round. I just could not picture a RR firing effectively in an indirect fire role . Granted the Germans in WWII developed these weapons for airborne and mountain troops to be used in an indirect mode, it just seemed odd to me that they would employ the the RR technology, which I thought was basically a direct fire weapon in my experience. I believe the Russians were the first to start using a smoothbore tank gun, with fin-stabilized rounds, but again these guns are aimed for the most part, and they have a fairly flat trajectory. I guess like an RR you could raise the barrel and "lob" shells to a target with a tank gun, but why would you do that when you have all sorts of supporting indirect fire weapons available. The shoulder fired weapon known as a "rifle" obviously takes its meaning from the fact the barrel is "rifled", two terms that can be applied differently, but can be confusing nonetheless. Thanks again for the detailed response.
  9. Does that mean shaped-charge shells fired from our CM tanks or towed guns are less effective than warhead size would indicate? Or are they fin-stabilized? </font>
  10. Ach so, that is a distinction that I need to remember, thank you.
  11. sGTGoody, You are right, but they were never shoulder fired, they were man portable, but either mounted on a tripod, a jeep as you stated, and if you remember the "Ontos" it had six 106's mounted on a small lightly armored tracked vehicle. My problem arises from the term "rifle" which indicates to me that the weapon has to be aimed. I guess you could point a "rifle" up in the air and get some trajectory out of it, but it does seem to be a contradiction in terms.
  12. Vielen dank, Andreas, I'm going to read it anyway because I need the practice. I can see the German need for a lightweight airborne weapon for Fallschirmjaeger use, especially in the early war years. However since Hitler put the kabosh on major airborne operations after the Crete fiasco, the Germans did not continue with the development of light indirect fire weapons in the vein of a RR. I guess going forward from there the RR developed into a pure direct fire AT weapon.
  13. The thing that still bothers me, is the fact that the Germans were using a Recoiless Rifle in an indirect fire mode. Its going to take me a while to read through Andreas's link, because my "deutsch" is not what it used to be. Perhaps I'm just fixed on the RRs that I was used to. I guess you could just elevate the barrel and fire one that way, but I never saw it done.
  14. A laugh, a giggle, and then a hearty guffaw, to hear that our own "King of Verbosity" Seanachai , has just returned from the great battle with the evil darkness which is MICROSOFT. After heaping mounds of abuse on my poor former Leige, for his continued difficulties with the horrid Butterfly, one Seanachai apparently was off line because of same said Butterfly. Is it just dumb luck that both of these sods claim MSN problems to avoid the rigors of CM combat or is it a plan? Boo_: Seanachai, we are both continually getting our asses kicked, is it tactical ineptitude or something far worse, what to do? Seanachai: I tell you what Boo_, let us feign PC problems, you know we can blame our Oulook progam, or...wait even better...MSN is a big target, everyone hates Bill Gates. Boo: Good idea, you are so smart, I often wondered why I fawn over you so much...I have used that ploy many times to avoid sending turns. Seanachai: Good, my favorite lickspittle, I'll stop posting and sending turns for awhile, and after a period of time, you post something about missing me terribly. Boo: Yes, yes, another wonderful idea, you are so clever, these fools will never realize. Seanachai: OK Boo, I have to run now, the "Paul Hogan Marathon" is starting on the Oxygen Channel now. Boo: Bye Seanachai, one thing though....I never really meant all the bad things I said about Minnesota, I have always secretly wanted to move there. I have kept my "Sons of Norway" membership current all these years. Seanachai: I know, Boo, I know..... [ February 25, 2003, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  15. No need to explain yourself to little ole me!!!, but if the shoe fits....so on and so forth.
  16. "convenience" has nothing to do with it...perhaps laziness, sloth, and downright inability to control your own miserable life is to blame. Happy Birthday BTW.
  17. PAH, I say to you and to you again I say PAH! Where are The Olde Ones to lift us out of our February doldrums? Where is Seanachai with his merry sing-songs? Where is the biting rancor? The accusations? The glorious threats, lies and taunts? Olde Ones, please fix or do somefink! </font>
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