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Posts posted by Nidan1

  1. Jesus F Christ. They get the ONLY actual working Tiger, In. The. World., for the movie, and you complain about the freaking smoke launchers?

    Who are you, Dorosh?

    (FWIW, that Tiger was captured in Tunisia in early 1943, and was from of one of the earlier production batches, so the nit you picked is probably technically correct. But JFC ... wood for the trees, much?)

    Actually the proper expression is Jesus H Christ, if you want to show frustration with my nitpicking at least use the oath properly.

    No, I am not now, nor ever have been Dorosh.

  2. Do the Sherman tanks look like Easy 8's?, most surely not short-barreled 75mm, although some may have been that type. Also the Tiger looked as if it had smoke dischargers on the turret, weren't they gone in later models?

    Trialers always have the best looking scenes, one cannot make a judgement until you have seen the whole movie. War movies are always entertaining, because the dead guys get up after the scene is shot. Also in today's war movie making, the drive for realism in period uniforms and equipment is very strong.

  3. Why is it that some folks start an "I am thoroughly disgusted with Combat Mission" for the following reasons, and I will never play it again unless BFC fixes this horrible problem which causes my frustration" thread, and then never come back in to comment on subsequent posts relating to their rant. I find that quite curious.

    There is probably a logical reason for it.

  4. And they're welcome to keep you. Preferably in a cage in a galaxy far, far away. Maybe on a planet circling a star set to go supernova...but that seems a bit harsh, even applied to you. I mean, why blow up a whole star system when a few well done strokes with a Louisville Slugger will accomplish the same end and provide greater emotional satisfaction?


    Yeah we sent him to a small planet near Alpha Centauri. He is is very happy, the first episode of "The Golden Girls" finally reached there.

  5. So how's the whole doddering old man thing working out for you? Got it down pat by now, I'd imagine. You've been at it for such a long, long, long, endlessly long, one day slowly, inexorably grinding into another, time, eh? Know the meaning of entropy inside and out... literally... I would say. Come to realize pudding is your best friend?

    But I assume you've also come to embrace the concept of truly how liberating adult diapers are.

    Good for you, Michael!

    Only someone who is intimately familiar with the ravages of age could describe them as well as you have Olde Boo!!

  6. gawd I somehow came across the podcasts y'all used to do and thought, huh an interview with Steve from 2006, that could be interesting.


    Um yeah right, instead I end up at a link from some Japanese pervert with a message so foul my wife blushed. I didn't bother asking her to translate even though it might very well have been the normal ramblings of someone from the cesspool...

    Thats some really disturbing archival content. Thank goodness the actual podcast links are broken.

  7. This thread proves that we will respond to just about anything, even something as obviously set up as this.

    Even Emerys got sucked in, but that is not saying much, he replies to everything.

    He even added a smiley, just to make sure we knew he was not being serious, wow!

  8. The TAB key gives you the perspective of the unit you pointed to before you enabled it.

    You can get down to low level and basically "see what that unit sees". If you leave the lock on while in the movie phase (if you play WEGO) the camera will follow the unit as it navigates across the terrain. Hitting TAB again disables the lock.

    View Lock and Unit Lock are esentially the same thing. The tab key only performs the one function. However in unit lock you can move the camera around the unit that you are locked on with the mouse to see that unit from different camera perspectives.

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