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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Originally posted by dalem: Well, dependent upon the amount of power wielded by said queen, one could; A)forget the disagreement entirely. Be prepared for it to come up again at a later time however. admit the cause of the disagreemnt is your lack of sense. C) Beg forgiveness D)All of the above One usually opts for letter C, it's always proper etiquitte to grovel before royalty. [ November 08, 2003, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. Originally posted by R Leete: Did we ever have a coronation for the other buffoon? No I say, and we probably will not have one for the new Queen either. First of all you have to be up at three o'clock in the morning, to see the olde decrepit ones posting anyway. What good can come of anything, at three o'clock in the morning? The only bauble Boo would donate is his shiney violet glass eyes, the ones he wears when he dresses up as Elizabeth Taylor.
  3. Rules...schmooles...what would a pea-brained, poxy nong, such as yourself know about rules. Stop imitating an invertebrate long enough to check your in-box, if your flippers are capable of operating the send-receive button that is.
  4. You've entered the Peng Challenge Thread CMAK Edition, I might add. If you're an SSN, just leave now and avoid the embarrassment of getting sand between your cheeks. If you are the masochistic type....look around..admire the digs, check out the potted plants, not Seanachai , the potted plants you numbskull!!! Challenge someone, in a way that amuses and delights. Use the language as it was meant to be used. Challenge someone of your own miserable standing, and not a Knight or Olde One. Use words as if you really had a pair...but please no references to your pair, we're a cultured lot in here. Be polite and respectful of the Ladies or you might find yourself alone in the Qattara Depression without food, water or a good book. Still here? Stop letting sand in will you!! Why don't you just sod off then.
  5. When did the transition happen? Movies are now rated on how much money they will make, not whether they are good or bad. In other words....a really lousey movie, that makes money, is now good? Why are people so stupid? Why am I asking these questions?
  6. His fear, that I believe is shared by all of us, is that as a Texas lawyer you were unaware that there is a difference. </font>
  7. Originally posted by MrSpkr: I for one, thought that you were filling that void quite nicely. The Hamstertruppen MODs were really a hoot all right. Edit: See I wasn't the only one, who thought that! [ November 06, 2003, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  8. Originally posted by Buzzsaw: Eeeeew!, ****adjusts eyepatch, and strains to see with damaged left eye***** please refrain from making eyeball and vitreous references, use something from the digestive system or brain housing group, will you please.
  9. Originally posted by Aces_and_8s: Excuuuuuuuse me! ,oh wait...thats not ORIGINAL...hold it, its coming......let me think, its tough, I do nor posess the wit or obvious command of words of Aces_and's, something fresh, says he....hmmmmmmm, OK...Well laddie since I am the Knight here, that might surprise you...but deal with it....and you are also junior to me in the Corps, and not worthy to lick the offal from my jungle boots...and thirdly because I am home on disability and not up to my usual original self...why don't you send me a setup? if you can figure out the intricacies of PBEM, and shut your clacker long enough to accomplish that feat. I'll play a QB or premade scenario, I'll be the Germans, all other details I'll leave in your hands....why does that worry me?
  10. Say what you will about the Air Farce, Squids, Octopii, or other spineless lifeforms you find here, but there's no cause for insulting the Cub Scouts like that!!! </font>
  11. All this inter-service rivalry is quite amusing...ssems to bring out all of the events that have been lurking in the memory banks. Its nice to see the youngsters are still defending the Corps...some things never change I guess...but to use the olde cliche'... I was in the Corps when you were a glimmer in your father's eye. That was the REAL Marine Corps, back then ...I'm sure you've heard that one as well. Must be the fact that the Birthday is right around the corner, that has me waxing so sentimentally...
  12. Originally posted by Aces_and_8's: Nidan1 Didn't want to over-tax the several brain cells you may have left, son. Sorry won't happen again. I guess you've heard all the brown bar hacks by now...who knows you may even be a Colonel and a bell weather example of the Peter Principle in the military.
  13. Originally posted by MrSpkr: So how long have you had this delusion? Fantasies are wonderful, but when they take over your daily existence, they can be dangerous. You don't take pleasure in hurting small animals..do you?
  14. SirReal perhaps you might want to check to see why your server is rejecting my EMails...that is if you would care to take your head out of your a** for a few seconds.
  15. Originally posted by Aces_and_8's: I believe the Evil One has explained it... There is nothing dumber than a boot Second Looie, now run along and polish your shoes, if you are still suckin air on the 10th, I'll wish you a Happy Birthday. Semper Fi!
  16. An Officer of Marines should have more sense than to come in here and ask a dumb question like that. Are you part of a communist plot to destroy the Marine Corps?
  17. Hail Queen Emma!!!! I've noticed that Berli and Seanachai seem to be nocturnal creatures, you know like bush babies and hyenas..... or maybe even vampires. They either rule the night, or feel more comfortable posting with Aussies and other illiterate types. Do they spend the daylight hours suspended from the rafters or the ceiling of some dank cave? .......curious. Congratulations Grandpa Noba [ November 02, 2003, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  18. BCR also had a hit with a song called "Saturday Night", weren't they called the "Saxons" at one time? Oh and Mace, isn't there a self-immolation tournament that you should entering? I thought Aussies love to have fun?
  19. Don't sell yourself short there bucko. There's definitely some rocks in your head. We should start calling you Jethro...as in Tull, as in "Thick as a Brick". That would remind you of the way you are playing in our current game using tactics you found in a weeties packet. You keep lining 'em up, and I'll keep knocking them down. Your style of play really skews the percentages waaaaay over in favour of the Russians....you are living proof of why the Germans lost the war. Noba. </font>
  20. Originally posted by MrSpkr: When you fly American, if you voluntarily submit to the pre-boarding body cavity search, you get a 20% discount.
  21. This is something that anyone manning a Soviet built tank from the T-34 right up until the T-80 series has had to deal with. The low turret sillhouette, and sleak design did not allow for effective hull down position. You were right when you said that they were designed for fighting on the move. [ October 31, 2003, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
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