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Posts posted by Bogdan

  1. You are right !

    I'm actually preparing the original BMP files (those who are installed from the CD), and it's a boring work ! Separate all the tools, pink zones... :rolleyes: It lets me some time to think about the next part of the job : painting :cool: In fact, panzer grey is the most obvious color in my opinion.

    Cheers !

    PS : I know you're french too (Appui Feu...) but I still write in english here in order for the others reader to understand everything ;)

    [ July 25, 2003, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: Bogdan ]

  2. Hello there !

    Effectivelly, as you surelly know, I'm actually trying to mod this vehicule. But the StuGIIIE was an early assault gun. I mean it was mostly operationnal during the first period of the war in the east (41-42). So, at this time, panzer grey was the standard painting. Also, I don't know if a yellow camo stripes scheme was historically accurate. Do the tankers used that type of scheme or a kind of mottled yellow ? Maybe a dark green or a brown ? :confused:

    Grognards, let's post now ! tongue.gif:D

  3. Hello gentlemen,

    I have put my "brown mottled" camo texture of the early Marder II to the early Marder III ! As a said in the other topic, there is no grey Wespe (correct me if I'm wrong), and I now think that the grey BMP files of my ZIP package for Wespe won't serve for anything :rolleyes: ...

    Ok, here are the screenies :

    Marder III


    Early Panzer IV G


    (Thanks to PanzerMartin for the aerial recognition flag ;) )...

    So now, I can work at the StuG IIIE :D



    [ July 23, 2003, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: Bogdan ]

  4. Hello gentlemen,

    I have put my "brown mottled" camo texture of the early Marder II to the early Marder III ! As a said in the other topic, there is no grey Wespe (correct me if I'm wrong), and I now think that the grey BMP files of my ZIP package for Wespe won't serve for anything :rolleyes: ...

    Ok, here are the screenies :

    Marder III


    Early Panzer IV G


    (Thanks to PanzerMartin for the aerial recognition flag ;) )...

  5. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    Hey Bogdan tomorrow sounds great. I for one do appreciate it. Now that yellow striped StuG III sounds extremely interesting. Would love to see it. Looking forward to tomorrow. Thanks again Bogdan.

    You are welcome ;) It is interesting to see how BFC realised the BMP textures for the StuGIIIE : they took some photos of a plastic model :eek:

    More infos later :rolleyes:;)



  6. Ok guys ! Bicolor version (grey and brown mottled) of early Marder III and Wespe are ready. They will look approximatelly as the same as my Marder II... Have a look at cmmods.com to see.

    I have also preparder a yellow/Brown Panzer IVG (early). I tried the famous "pre-shading" technique under my camo layers. This technique is well known for those who made some plastic models ;) . The vehicule have balkenkreuz (sides and back), a marking on the turret (white small 808) and an aerial recognition flag (Big thanks here to Mr PanzerMartin, 'cause I took HIS flag... :rolleyes: ) and some mud...

    I'm thinking about a panzergrey StuG IIIE with some yellow stripes, dust, mud... Any idea/suggestion will be greatly appreciated smile.gif !

    Except the StuG, all the stuff will be available tomorrow (at least the Marder III/Wespe package).


  7. Originally posted by Von Paulus:

    Why not modding the JS III ? It would be nice, even if it's rarely/never used :rolleyes:

    Yes, why not ? Unfortunatelly, Modding the ISIII would be the same as modding the ISII, as both share the same BMP files (IIRC...). Some guys around there ask for a REALISTIC model to BFC since the patch 1.01... ...you surelly know what they answer :rolleyes::(


  8. Originally posted by tooz:

    Je vous remerci infinitement! (How's MY FRENCH grammar?) :D

    Paris huh? Great, great city! smile.gif

    LOL :D Your french is perfect to visit Paris : "Où est la Tour Eiffel ?" :D:D Please tell me if you are in town someday, I 'll invite you for a glass of wine or... ...A BEER :cool:

    For the StuG IIIE, I have to find a good camo scheme, historically correct, and eventually a winter version. Then, the work can start smile.gif

    Best regards !

  9. Originally posted by Von Paulus:

    A very nice work. Mud on the summer version would be great for a scenario on Korsun.

    Winter version is also interesting.

    Merci Herr Paulus...

    More mud on the roadwheels / schürzen :confused: ? Why not... I effectivelly remember a picture from "Panzer color" book where a Panther was totally "mudded" from wheels to the turret sides :eek: But Hey ! I also like my old dunkelgelb texture !


  10. Originally posted by tooz:

    Hey Bogdan, ANYTHING new with regards to these Stugs will be downloaded as soon as they're posted. I know I won't be the ONLY ONE downloading whatever comes out. Oh yeah--LOVE the Panthers! :D

    Thanks Tooz smile.gif

    I have put my brown camo layer (from my Marder II) to the Marder III / Wespe BMP textures. I could upload it now to cmmods website but I haven't taken (grammar ?) any screenshot yet... :rolleyes:

    More news during the week about StuG III E... tongue.gif

    Bye !

  11. Originally posted by tooz:

    "If you want, I can put the camo layer of my bicolor early Marder II to the early Marder III."

    Sounds good to me! I'd DL that baby in a heartbeat!

    Now, ahem, excuse me for being a pain the backside and acting childish but WAHHHHHH! I WANT A STUG IIIE!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! PLEASE!!

    Nope, now that I'm on summer vacation I DON"T have anything better to do than mod and play(test) CM and do some travelling. Cool. :D :cool:

    LOL :D

    I was actually looking at a PzIVG (which is, IMHO, a very common panzers in most CMBB battle ;) ). I'm now going to add the camo layer of my Marder II mod to the Marder III (the Wespe will then also have the same texture...). It will be fast.

    About the StuG ausf. E, I will have a look at the BMP folder to localize the textures, in order to edit them. IIRC, this vehicle is an early model of the Stug serie. Then, the camouflage may be a mix of the original grey texture, with a dark yellow scheme. Of course with a lot of dust and mud ! Of course, please tell me your suggestions or your ideas about that stuff : maybe you already have a very accurate idea of the model in your mind ;) !



  12. Hello there !

    I have finally done the summer version of the Panther A (early). smile.gif

    I have put some mud, dust and others "dirty" thing all around the vehicle. The winter version is based on the same mod, of course with another layers...

    Summer version :


    Winter version :


    Advices and suggestions are welcome smile.gif

    PS : Oops, I forget to say where files are... ...at cmmods.com of course !

    Best regards

  13. Thanks Monty !

    The winter version is now ready to upload... About the dark yellow version, I have unabled a "blue metal" texture layer necessary to the winter version. The color is now brighter/"saturated" and more acceptable for a summer vehicle.

    I now need another preview 'cause my host doens't accept me to link the jpeg files here :mad:

    More info as soon as the mod will be available at cmmods.com ...


  14. Hi All,

    I have reloaded my kingfisher's archive for the early Panther A and redone some camo texture. I'm satisfied by the winter version, even if the mod still needs some fixes. But the "dunkelgelb" version is a bit too white/grey in my opinion... I have tried to add some dirty spots on armor plates and mud on the roadwheels and schürzen : the result is a bit better than my first attempt smile.gif

    Well, please give me your advices and suggestions for the work : I will use it to complete the mod and upload it at cmmods...

    Winter version :


    Dark yellow version (yes, a bit grey :rolleyes: ) :


    Best regards !

    [ July 17, 2003, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: Bogdan ]

  15. Hello,

    Here another suggestion for CMAK or CMX2 : walls ! In CMBO, this kind of terrain tile represent a small wall : 1 to 1,50 meters high. Infantry can take cover behind it and also fire, using it as a kind od "trench"...

    Unfortunatelly, it doesn't represent high walls which exist in normandy villages. In this region, like around Paris and center of France (rural), there are high walls (2 to 2,50 meters high) in villages. Men just cannot jump over ! I don't know if this exist also in western Europe (Belgium, Holland, Germany) or even in east (Poland, Ukraine...), but it would be nice to include it in CM...

    Here are some screenies to show you (it is difficult to find good photos on the web, I will have to take it myself !) :





    It is typicall of west of France (Caen, Rouen, Paris, Chartres...) where most of the summer 1944 battles took place (D-Day, Falaise Gap, Liberation of Paris, River Seine Bridgehead).

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