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Posts posted by Bogdan

  1. Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha:


    He he he... tongue.gif I know how irritating it is when nobody dare to post at your topic !! LOL

    About your request : I think it is almost impossible. BFC is now completelly involved in the realisation of CMAK and CMx2... ...no time for CMBB even for a little patch :mad:

    Anyway, if you are a modder, I could suggest you a little tip. In order to visualise your mods in progress in CMBB, just open the editor and switch between Photoshop and CMBB. Each time you will launch a preview, the engine will reload the graphic datas.

    For example : you're in a battle preview in CMBB, looking at your T34. Something is wrong in your mod. Exit from the preview and switch to Photoshop (alt-tab). Then, open the file you want to change in your tank. Do the modification, save it and close it (it must be in the BMP folder of the game !). Then re-switch to the editor and re-launch a preview of the map. Your T34 looks different now ! Magic :eek:

  2. Originally posted by Zimorodok:

    Now it matches my "Last" Panther A and JpzIV/70 mods. I am very happy.


    I'm glad you're happy with my modest contribution to CM community smile.gif You have to know that I worked at it with your stuff and your tutorials in mind. I tried to do the same. Truth.

    Have you seen any mistakes or error in the package ? For the camo, my idea was large green/brown vertical stripes, with sharp edges... ...or a nice "ambush" scheme. Is your Photoshop session still opened ? Yes ? Then keep up the good work friend !

  3. Yes, I agree. IMHO the best period was during the beginning of the CMBB "era", last year. CMBO was still very popular and CMBB was just beginning. You saw a lot of scenarios and the first mods for the eastern front... It was a very prolific time.I remember me watching at combatmission.com everyday, downloading new mods for my shermans or Panther G... ...and discovering many new websites devoted to CMBB. Quite cool !

    But, you know, there is such an improvement between CMBO and CMBB that the first game looks now a bit "simple", I mean new orders, new raffinements (word ?)that make the eastern version so complex and attractive. You know, I'm not playing at CMBO since almost a year now...

    For me, the eastern front is a fantastic period/location for wargaming : tank battles, city fighting, etc, etc.. and the game is covering 4 years of war with all the evolution of tank/weapon technology that influences your tactical decisions and your way of wargaming. You didn't (oops... "don't") have it on CMBO which is covering 11 months :rolleyes: On the contrary, I would prefer some "Normandy" tank battles, since I live near this region of France.

    Then, I think many gamers here are frantically waiting for CMAK which will have the same complexity of CMBB but on another theater. IIRC, it would be possible to recreate westfront engagement like there were in CMBO, but at the CMBB standard. It's not the same ! :D

    Yes, the CM community seems to have a little sleep nowadays. I presume it is because it's the summer. But, during the year, many modders and designers have made their best to propose a very prolific production of mods, scenatios, campaigns or so...

  4. Originally posted by Flesh:

    To match the colour of the various BMPs, usually adjusting the brightness, contrast and/or gamma will do the trick. Don't forget that the top surfaces should be slightly brighter than the sides, front and rear etc. Just look at the default textures to see what I mean.

    Also, Paint Shop Pro (which is what most modders seem to use) can load Photoshop files. It should be possible to release this mod in PSD format. This would be a big help as other modders would have access to your layers, which they wouldn't if you were to release in BMP format.


    Thanks for the tips Flesh smile.gif ...and thanks to all who have posted me something here !

    As you can see on the forum, I have posted a PSD files package for the Jagdpanther. Some files are twice as big as the originals. So the model can be very detailled now. There are some extra layers : tools, pink zones, etc. But I didn't add markings or numbers. It's only the vehicle in itself.

    Be careful ! I think a very little pink spot still exist on the roadwheels redface.gif at the back. Excuse me for this inconvenience I saw it... ...on the screenshot I have posted at cmmods.com ! Ahem... :rolleyes:

    To finish, I have not added some rivets (word?) in the gun mask. As you surelly know, the early model of the Jagdpanther hadn't rivets, but the production model did. But I think it will be easy to create this detail on the PSD file. I have checked missing-lynx.com and their pictures galery can provide some stuff for it.

    Anyway, my stuff is completelly free to improve/modify by any other modder. If you find some errors (I'm sure it's possible) please inform me about smile.gif

  5. Hello all,

    My greyscale model is nearly fixed now. I only have to check it. The more difficult is to "harmonize" the files, I mean to create homogeneous grey color for all the BMPs. As you can imagine, every file comes from a different location : the original, a mod, a scratch...

    As you can see on the screenshots, the BMP file for the rear (low and upper hull) is twice as big as the original one. The details are sharper than the rest of the model. I have noticed that, with the original vehicle, the rear hatch and the shovel had a strong "pixel" effect... Then, I work with files that are 2X bigger : hull, front, rear. But I resize the files for the mod (bad procedure :rolleyes: ). I think now about using big BMP for the entire vehicle (except details like exhaust pipes) and including them for the finished mod.

    To Mike T : OF COURSE my greyscale mod will be totally free to download smile.gif I would be glad to share my modest work with other modders ! I'm working on Photoshop, as I know everybody don't, then the easiest would be to ZIP a BMP package.

    For the camo scheme, I don't know yet what to do. I'm thinking about a monocolor version (yellow) but a new camoed vehicle would be great ! As I haven't yet the complete technique to join different camo stripes between two files, maybe a good master modder would do the artwork ? ;)

    Why not that ?


    PS : my webhost is always boring me ! My pictures simply desappear just after I left the forum :mad: So, I only have 400 pixel wide JPEG to show you :mad: Anyone have an idea of a real free webhost ?

    [ August 21, 2003, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Bogdan ]

  6. Hi All,

    After many days of work, I have made my own "from scracth" Jagdpanther BMP file package smile.gif As you surelly imagine, it wasn't a bed of roses ! Most of the job consisted on :


    • re-draw the structure lines (hatches for example)</font>
    • erase the zimmerit texture of the original model</font>
    • delete the camo scheme in order to create a complete monocolor vehicle</font>

    ...I also took some stuff around, mostly from Kingfisher's "Modder's series" Panther A files : rear deck, bottom rear hull... Thanks to him smile.gif

    Of course, this vehicle still needs some fixes : pink spots ( :mad: ), correctly harmonized grey color (for example, between the rear upper hull and the sides). But it won't be very difficult (I hope so !).

    Here are some 1024 x 768 screenshots :

    (screenshots removed, because my webhost s...cks ! :mad: :mad: Have a look at cmmods.com)

    Any suggestions and help will be VERY appreciated smile.gif Including some ideas for the camo scheme ! Of course, if this work interests someone for modding, it will be totally free to download (when it will be done ;) ) in order to other guys to make their own Jagdpanther...

    [ August 22, 2003, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: Bogdan ]

  7. You are all very welcome smile.gif Thanks for posting here !

    Effectivelly, many techniques will be usefull to create a steel-grey mod, like Kingfisher's ones.

    I'm a bit familiar with Photoshop (got the v6) and layers techniques. Then, in my opinion, the "easiest" ( :rolleyes: ) way to do is to draw the linear structures over the existing picture.

    But I keep wondering myself about the size of BMP files. Imagine I want to work on pictures which are twice as big (lenght and height) as the original ones. What is your basis-BMP, the original one ? I mean, when you magnify by 2 the dimensions of a BMP file, you will surelly have a "pixelated" effect.

    I also thought about using other BMP pictures (or part of them) from other vehicles (Panther A).

    Ok, let's experiment smile.gif

  8. Hi,

    I'm actually trying to convert an original BMP file of the Jagdpanther. As you surelly know, this vehicle is camo'ed (tricolor) with a zimmerit texture.

    How the %@## can you restore the vehicle to an unzimmerited - dunkelgelb appearence ?

    I can copy/paste a yellow portion of the BMP and place it everywhere. Then my panzer looks uncammo'ed by still with zimmerit redface.gif

    Please masters, have you any tips for this ? :confused:

    Thank you in advance ! smile.gif

  9. Hi,

    Just delete the CMBB preference file, located in your installation folder, by default : C:/Program Files/CMBB

    Then, launch the game normally. A dialog box will appear, proposing to you all the resolutions settings available, according to your graphic card. IIRC, it will begin by the highest resolution, with the highest Hz frequence.

  10. Originally posted by zukkov:

    it's simple. they invented a time machine, went back to ww2 and recorded sounds from several battles. that's also how they got their stats for all the units as well. sorry if i gave away your secret bfc...

    LOL :D

    It is a very VERY very dangerous task ! I'm sure there was not so many BFC volunteers for the "158 mm rocket launcher shelling impact" or the "85 mm gun ricochet noise" recording session... tongue.gif

  11. Hi all !

    Just a bit curious at how the BFC design team realise all the sounds in such a game like CMBB (or CMBO).

    Do they dispose of a kind of "sound library" for ambient sounds ?

    How did they record some small weapons sound ?

    Vehicles. Did they realised some "records" at some museums ?

    Voices. How many "artists" participated at the recording session ?

    And so on... :D

    Is anybody kind enough to explain it me, as a kind of "making-of" ? smile.gif

  12. Originally posted by Oddball_E8:

    BIG FAT LIAR! YOVE BEEN MODDING FOR YEARS HAVENT YOU!! that cant be the work of a novice... OMG what if you are a newbie!!! what will your "advanced" stuff look like? :eek:

    LOL :D

    Effectivelly, Kruger's artwork is brilliant ! My Marder's mod looks like a newby's work, just because I'm still a newby :rolleyes:

    But here the newb' named Kruger is already a little artist smile.gif Keep up the good work man ! :cool:

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