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Everything posted by Skuderian

  1. Hi! I cant add german pilots to JV44 cause Pluto (also leading japanese clan) is commanding JV44. Please change this back to Markus.
  2. Hi! Would it be possible to add squadrons logo to the leader board for squadrons pilots? Maybe above the national sign? I think there is enough place for doing this...
  3. Hi! Now here are the rules of JV44. 1. JV44 is no normal Squadron, its absolutly elite. For joining, leader has to be Major or higher. 2. Members of the JV44 are not allowed to fly for allied or japanese squadrons with other pilots, but if JV44 is at full strength other german pilots of this players can fly for other german squadrons. (or if they are not good enough to join JV 44) 3. Its not necessary to buy the full version of DIF, but it would help for future cause of the 100xp point cap. 4. If someone wants to join the clan, he has to write a mail to Skuderian@web.de and tell me why he wants to fly for JV44. to be continued...
  4. Hi! Its not the same problem to me, but another. I lost three of my best pilots cause of loosing connection. If I am shot down and my pilot is killed that would be ok, but when I am loosing connection during winning the game and my top pilot is dead, its quite annoying... Would it be possible to change this? Maybe you can increase fatigue or make any other penalty for this, but not let the best pilots die.
  5. Hi! Now side for JV 44 is online here: http://downinflamesonline.com/DiFPortal/Default.aspx?tabid=66 Later today i will post some rules how to join it. But now I am going to work.
  6. Hi! @Kuroi Very nice, thank you for your good work!
  7. Hi! I think the card is powerful in the Beta Demo, but there are so many reasons for that. You can purchase only few skills, so you have a deck of normally 6 cards for leader and 2 or 3 for wingman. Nobody buys extra Cards for his deck cause of the registration. In full game this will change, except when you have bought all flying skills. And a few days ago I played 3 or 4 2on2 battles. I started 3 times with this card and 2 times attack was succesfull, but a few ours later I played more than 20 2on2 without this card, so most games are correct an a few games you have no choice or your opponent has none, but thats life.
  8. Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt: Today in a leader duell two british spitfires were shoot down by JV 44. The pilots of our Luftwaffe had flown home undamaged.
  9. Hi! Every start is difficult. I have played more than 500 dogfights now, and every day I am able to learn a new aspect of the game. When you play, there are many different things to consider. Playing against bot or human. Playing 1 on 1 or 2 on 2. Attacking bombers or escorting bombers. The situation you discribed was 1 on 1 against bots. First thing you have to know is that 20 % of all games are senseless cause of the drawing. You get cards at start where you can shoot down one of his pilots with first attack. (2x Ace Pilots, 2x Maneuver, 1x 2 Sights: Destroyed is perfect for this. Or he gets cards that you have no chance to counter. But 8 of 10 games are so balanced, that you can win, if you do the right things. Next important thing is to start at the right altitude. There are two main tactis. Attacking from low and use something like "Zoom Climb" or from high and use "Power Dive". If you have good cards for attacking, do the first attack and damage him. (Better kill him.) If you have good defense cards, let him attack first and fire back with wingman and than with your leader. Other basic tactics can you read at a special thread. I personally think the bots are not as good as humans. My best pilot has 96 kills and most of them against "on the paper" better pilots than him. Last hint, play demo with US-Aircraft cause they have on more point airframe than the other three nations, this could be the difference. (as natural pilot you gain 1 extra point of life, so if you are both, you have 2 life points more than your opponent)
  10. Hi! I think you have to try it more often to practice shooting down bombers. When I started to play, I lost the battle of britain every time I played it. Randomless wich side I had chosen. Now, after practicing a lot, I can handle the most situations if I have "normal" cards. When I am playing the campaign from the british side I start with 4 planes over the Channel. (Important, use the more experienced ones.) And I use 2 planes over Dunkirk. Normally he flies with 4 Stukas to the Channel and 2 or 4 ME-109 to Dunkirk. When you attack the bombers, attack the wingman first with alle 4 planes, normally you can shoot him down in round 2 or 3 (depends on starting high). Then hunt down the leader in round 3 or 4. Than the second wingman. And finally the second leader in round 5 or 6. With this tactic you should be able to hunt down all 4 bombers in the first battle. Dont forget, you have to use the experienced figthers, cause they give you some advantages. Do the same with the fighters over Dünkirchen. What doing next depends on how fatigued your pilots are. If they are too fatigued rest, If not, hunt down the rest of the Luftwaffe in second game turn.
  11. Hi! Oh, thats the reason why I shoot you down.
  12. Hi! Who wants to join the JV 44? We are looking for pilots flying for the Luftwaffe.
  13. Hi! Some of my leaders had been killed. Thats ok. (Not really, but thats life.) Now the wingman is the new leader, thats ok. BUT, sometimes I can spend all Exp Points and all skills he had as wingman were deleted. But sometimes nothing changed, except the wingman is now the leader. Look at my german pilot Lukas III, here you can see that nothing has changed from his skills...
  14. Hi! I am playing with 1280x1024 with Radeon 800XL card. I see everthing correct on the screen, except the right window where you normaly see that you can change attitude. I have tested it, and it works if I am on high or very high and shoot down his leader with my leader and afterwards play vertical roll... I see the time going to zero but cant click anything..
  15. Hi! I have discovered two minor bugs. 1) When I shoot down the leader with my leader and play "Vertical Roll" in the same turn, the screen doesnt show me the screen where I am allowed to change the altitude. (It occurs in online game against computer.) 2) Sometimes when I joined a 2 vs 2 online game, where you can normally the 4 pilots and their value than I was the fifth pilot and the game opened many error message windows. (One player was called "system".)I had to close game from the taskmanager, cause their where continusely popuperrormessages... 3) In local games the Wingmans have a graphical mistake, cause they are only visible for a bit more than half of the plane.
  16. Hi! I want to particpate in the tournament. If I want to fly for the same nation as usual I have to delete all existing pilots cause there can only be 4 leaders of the same nation, is this correct? So I will have to delete pilots with more than 20 kills...
  17. Hi! @Marc In the startbox of AL you can throttle the gamespeed down to 33 % and then there is no time error. (Maybe for faster machines you have to decrease to 50 %, this is trial and error)
  18. Hi! You can find it here: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/zeroone/ And you dont need anything other.
  19. Hi! Okay, I was able to solve my problem. I used the Abandonware Loader.
  20. Hi! I have tried everything, but under XP it tells me in the Dos-Window that there is no EMS Memory found. How can I change this?
  21. Hi! If I start COS it says that I have to less XMS Memory. How can I solve this problem?
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