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Posts posted by metalbrew

  1. Originally posted by George Mc:

    In all the playtests this meant that the Stryker unit was still around the village area when the tanks appeared and so this sudden tank arrival was less of an issue.

    It now appears that for some more aggressive players pushing forward hard and fast that this timing leads to some very unsatisfactory happenings.

    George, I realize that the ship has already sailed so this is just talking at this point.

    The setup zone was the entire eastern edge of the map. The village was not an objective of the Blue force. So, I paid no attention to village until the 2nd or 3rd playthrough with the thought that I had no business wandering through an unfriendly village when it wasn't part of the mission orders. I setup near the southern end of the map and moved forward using the Slow movement command. I arrived at the final phaseline right when the T-62's appeared. No rush was involved, I killed the BMPs and kept moving for the objectives.

    If the setup zone kept the vehicles near the village I would've played differently. If the western and southern edges of the map were larger and included some the wooded farmland and the T-62s (and later BRDM-2s) were deployed on the far side of these new map features it would've given players a much less linear experience despite having a smaller setup zone. It would've been fine if the T-62s were still out of LoS but I could see the ominous dark forest and dust trails rising up for 3 minutes.

  2. WinXP Pro SP2 w/ current hotfixes

    AMD X2 4600+ w/ 2gb of RAM (2 core)

    MSI 8800GTS w/ 640mb w/ 162.18 drivers

    I only use 1 core via the single CPU affinity trick. I usually play with vsync off, balanced textures, best models, antialiasing enabled. I turn off shadows and flip trees on/off as needed for tactics. I usually see ~9 fps. I can get ~20 fps if I lower all of my settings to worst quality. I usually run FRAPS to check fps's but I've tried the game without FRAPS running and saw no difference.

  3. Look for vehicle exhaust as well. The precise location of vehicles can be plotted while grossly out of LoS. This allows perfect spotting even in cities or on grass even while vehicles aren't moving. Of course, this all ties in perfectly with being able to hear the voices of enemy troops on the other side of the map too.

    There's really no need to walk into an ambush in the game. Between the dust, exhaust, and unit voices you can determine exactly where every enemy unit is placed or moving.

  4. Originally posted by Vikkelä:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Truppenfuhrung:

    Norman Schwarzkopf said that the Foreign Legion was among the best soldiers he ever saw.

    Er.. they aren't Frenchmen. A lot are actually Brits. </font>
  5. I've played through that a few times. It's a linear puzzle to be solved by saving every turn and restarting as needed.

    Once I killed the BMPs with the ATGM Strykers and placed my infantry in the lower ditch and ambushed the T62. No friendly losses.

    Once I put the infantry in the village and the ATGM Strykers roughly in the BMP setup zone. No friendly losses.

    As a general tip only allow 1 of your Javelin equipped units to have LoS to the location the T62s pop out, this prevents 2 Javelins from striking the same T62. As the Javelin team runs out of missiles, rotate a new squad to the roof.

    This battle is just an Ah-Ha! type puzzle. There's no valid tactic for advancing across the map in IFVs and then fight off 15 T62s that pop up out of nowhere in knife fighting range. Either you know they're gonna pop out and ambush them or everyone dies. It helps to figure out what minute they're programmed to pop out and then time Apache strikes to be orbiting already when they appear.

    A very tedious mission.

  6. Originally posted by John Catsack:

    My BMPs fire their missiles just fine, even against Strykers. I wish there was a way to area fire with the cannon while saving the ATGM ammo.

    Theoretically "target light" should just fire the cannon and coax. On the BMPs and Brads ATGMs are fired under "target light" too. Bug.
  7. I'm OK either way, it's your design and I'm OK with whatever you choose.

    Next week is busy, I have family visiting. It's possible I won't even have a chance to break down the scenario and start playing until they leave next weekend. My point, is it's likely that v1.03 is probably going to release before I can begin.

    P.S. More buildings.

  8. No, it's wildly unrealistic in terms of grogdom.

    There are notions of weaker armor on the flanks and rear of vehicles. Shells arc. Terrain deformation is great. Forests burn. Air power is well done and includes nukes. Artillery is on-map and you can counter-battery once you've located the tubes. There's snipers, ATGM teams, FOs, a leadership and morale model.

    It's an RTS without resource collection or base building. It's fun and after seeing most of the RTSs out there I believe this will be the new "it" franchise in the RTS world. I never enjoyed C&C that much. I like Supreme Commander.

    I'm still not interested in playing CM:SF in realtime mode.

    World in Conflict

  9. World in Conflict is really promising. I've had a chance to play through the single player (beta) demo and had a great time. It's stunningly beautiful and that's not idle praise.

    I don't care if it's realistic or space lobsters, it's really enjoyable defending Pennsylvania. Great games transcend genres.

  10. Vehicle borne dust shows the exact location of a vehicle regardless of LoS. In fact, even the exhaust fumes can be perfectly tracked too for those situations where vehicles are on pavement.

    I've had my friendlies 1km away and on a reverse slop and been able to see precisely where the vehicles are located based on dust or exhaust. It's way too accurate for having no LoS.

    Regarding tanks smashing through things. I do agree greatly increases the chances of damage. However, if players had a special command and were willing to take the chance I say let them try. As long as there were realistic chances of throwing tracks, drive and road wheel damage, skirt damage, etc... it could be interesting.

    For now though vehicles can't hit each other, walls, or buildings. Until that can happen I don't see a very high risk niche tactic being added to the game.

  11. Originally posted by KNac:

    No it wasn't Steve, or at least I haven't read from him. Was someone else, can't rememebr the thread but is in the first or second page (I thiink is one of the large ones). The one who said said he knew well.

    What was said, was that CM:SF had outsold CM:BO at the same point in time. In other words, at 2 weeks (when the post was made) CM:SF had sold more copies than CM:BO had sold at 2 weeks after release.

    It's an obscure reference to be sure. Probably no less obscure than the backseat drivers trying to steer BFC off a cliff though.

  12. Originally posted by Rollstoy:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Canuck:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by KNac:

    Someone said that the game has sold allready more than CMBO and CMBB combined, so guess..

    Link?? Sorry but I really have a hard time believing that this game has already sold more than two games combined over a period of three or four years. </font>
  13. I can't see CM:SF having any less replay value than the original CM games. However, if you only have interest in playing against the AI that's going to limit your replay. In previous CM games I mainly played test scenarios against the AI to figure out unit capabilities and practice against the TacAI (which was a decent defender in CMx1 games). I played (and still do) a lot of PBEM games and intend to do the same with CM:SF.

    For now there's weird bugs affecting gameplay and I'd guess that's why Battlefront is saying "hold on a bit longer and check out the v1.03 demo before you buy".

    Making multiplayer maps is pretty easy. You really only focus on the map itself since another player is going to be giving the orders.

    Making good maps that the AI plays well is harder, but not difficult. The game is capable of having 5 plans per side. Each plan allows you to divide you units into up-to 8 groups. Each group can be assigned different courses of action. This concept includes setup zones, so you can have the AI choose different setup zones within different plans. It's not all roses, currently the only triggers are time-based, meaning the AI may just run out into an unsecured street based on it's time triggers and be slaughtered. I remember reading posts along the lines of "Battlefront has more in store for AI plans and triggers, but for now with the time crunch going on this isn't top priority". I hate to speak for them though, just passing along what I've read. Many of the AI plans in battles I've seen so far only have 1 or 2 plans per side. As time passes and people put more time into the editor, I'm sure we'll see battles with very slick AI plans.

    I play mainly multiplayer games. The AI plans are a curiosity for me now but I'm not putting all my hopes for replay into it.

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