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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by metalbrew

  1. Originally posted by SlapHappy:

    For example, a well trained squad wouldn't react in some of the ways I have seen them in the game.

    Oh I agree completely. For now I'm hoping to discover ways to get my infantry to behave consistently. I feel OK about my knowledge for now and I can use the small edge to play better. Consistency means I can at least guess what will happen reliably and that's OK for now.

    Long term, I can't see how the current command set could be viewed as a simulation of infantry. I'm hopeful that Battlefront will see these examples and do some tweaking. Infantry behaves horribly under fire and this is partly due to the movement styles and partly due to action spot silliness.

    The current action spot design ruins immersion in the game. I spend so much time worrying about action spots when I'm trying to move infantry it takes the fun out of the game. The only way I can reliably determine where the action spots are is to use the target command, which the line snaps to the action spot, and then cancel the target command once I feel I have a decent idea where the action spot is located. This only works if you have LoS to the action spot you're wondering about though. It doesn't work at all for unarmed units. This is so unfun I've had to invent vocabulary to describe how much I dislike it.

  2. Originally posted by Huntarr:

    x is that you did not complete that objective.

    RTFM pg.24-26 102 & 103

    Ah yes, RTFM. Read the ****ing manual. Read the ****ing manual full of inaccurate prose and pictures. Read the ****ing manual that doesn't explain exactly why when an enemy surrenders the victor doesn't receive full credit for terrain objectives.

    Yes, read the ****ing manual is so insightful, keep posting that lovely advice.

  3. Mark,

    Seriously, read my post and ask yourself if anything you wrote has any bearing on the problem I'm reporting. I don't mean this to sound harsh, I really don't. I know you're trying to help.

    Every single time I identify an issue I have to fend off people who think I'm some lightweight newbie crying about how my Javelins aren't firing because I didn't grab the CLU as well. I've finished the campaign 4 times. I've finished 50+ PBEM games. I've played this game a bit.

    Each time I post an issue I feel like I've made a big mistake even trying to contribute. It just takes too much energy to provide full credentials each time you find something, because as soon as you fail to issue 101 disclaimers with your post you're going to get flooded with RTFM, or "use forum search", or you feel compelled to steer your own thread back onto track after someone posts advice that has nothing to do with the reported issue.

    Also, as a side issue, the problem with corrupted email files is 100% due to bad MIME encoding by the email client. It's not really BFC's problem or fault, but they could probably improve the PBEM format and this would completely go away. Occasionally the game generates a PBEM file that has enough similarities to a text file that email programs wrongly guess it's text and do not properly encode the binary file for sending via SMTP. I understand the specific cause of the corrupted email issue very well. ...but, this is not the issue I'm reporting.

    I am having a specific issue when I save during an orders phase of my turn and restore the savegame later. When this is done, the game often generates a PBEM file that is unplayable by my opponent. I don't know exactly how frequently this happens, but in my personal experience both times I've tried saving my orders and coming back to them later, my PBEM game has broken and I have to back up a turn to move on.

  4. This is the second time this has happened to me. I've run into issues when I save my PBEM orders phase and come back to it later. My opponents complained that the files I sent them prompted them for their password and then dropped them back out to the main CMSF menu.

    The first time, well I was inclined to think somehow the file had been corrupted so despite resending the turn zipped up (and that failed too) I just replayed the whole turn and generated a new PBEM file for my opponent.

    This time around I'm more suspicious. I've seen occasional PBEM file corruption (I think there's something about PBEM files that some email clients occasionally interpret as a text file and encode it wrong) that is solved by zipping the turn and resending.

    I have the PBEM files saved if BFC would like to see them. I'm sure my opponent would share their password with BFC too if it would help resolve the issue. It's sometimes tough on big or complicated maps to complete the orders phase in 1 sitting so being able to reliably save the orders phase and come back to it later would be nice.

  5. Originally posted by GDog:

    Does this mean that when an IED's spotter has been killed the IED is rendered useless?

    Also, the spotter while alive must have LOS to the IED correct?

    Finally, if you target the ground anywhere near the IED does that detonate the IED? Thought I read that somewhere.


    Mwuhahaha! My electronic intelligence gathering efforts have been successful... So maybe your IED gunner is now dead? Excellent...
  6. I like small forces on big maps with long duration. I've found that most small force size QB maps drop you (and a knife) into a phonebooth with the enemy.

    Just because the force size is small doesn't mean the map should be small.

    As the game doesn't let the player choose duration, I'd prefer to see at least 1 hour for company size engagements (add 30 minutes for towns and cities). At least 45 minutes for platoon size (again add 30 minutes for towns and cities).

  7. Originally posted by Pinetree:

    It could be related to video card memory. What are your card specs metalbrew?

    A fair question, I'm running an nVidia 8800 GTS and the latest non-beta drivers.

    AMD X2 4600+

    2GB memory

    15k rpm SATA2 drive

    USB keyboard and mouse

    MSI nVidia 8800 GTS w/ 640mb

    Fully patched WinXP Pro, no AMD multicpu optimizer, single CPU affinity settings, latest non-beta nVidia drivers

  8. I too remember something about objects being removed but units still maneuvered around the non-existent object. I don't know if it was regarding flavor objects or buildings. It seems that fixing this behavior for a particular object doesn't carry over to other objects. This is the first bug.

    Just to be clear, no one deleted these objects from the map. These objects disappeared without any intervention. They are in the scenario when viewed with the editor and they disappeared when firing up a game with the same scenario file. This is the second bug.

  9. I think I've found a bug where flavor object disappear from maps. In addition to disappearing, vehicles and units still try and avoid the objects as if they were still there. The map this happened on was Village of Trouble 101b, I am playing the US forces.

    Here's a shot from my setup phase, no orders issued and everything is in it's default location. This battle does not allow blue to setup troops, you have to get out of an ambush. Notice there's only 2 bus stops in the picture.


    Here's the same location on the map shown from within the Scenario editor. Notice there's 4 bus stops. For what ever reason, 2 of the bus stops disappeared during my setup phase.


    Here's the beginning of my turn, before anything had moved. During setup, I had rotated the Stryker to a better orientation to accelerated away from village. I had no idea there were missing bus stops in my way so this was the obvious best direction to run away from the ambush.


    The Stryker did not drive straight ahead as shown in the previous picture, it had to maneuvere to it's left to avoid the non-existent bus stop that had disappeared. It died very quickly while executing it's comedy of errors in plain view of an RPG team. It took 2 RPG hits, 7 members of the squad died along with the entire vehicle crew, both of the surviving members of the squad died while trying to evacuate the dead Stryker.


    This is an obvious bug. The first bug is the disappearing flavor objects. The second bug is units are compelled to avoid objects that aren't on the map any longer.

  10. Originally posted by Broken:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by thelmia:

    You can win with just the infantry. Kill all the Syrians= total victory. Even if all the Brads die, no big deal.

    You certainly can, if your scouts are already dismounted and loaded for bear with Javelins and extra ammo.

    My point was that none of the above solutions are practical in the real world unless you knew the approximate position of the ambush in advance.</font>

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