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Double Deuce

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Posts posted by Double Deuce

  1. I am in the process of setting up a strategic level multiplayer campaign game. November 1942, Central Russia. I will need about 15-20 players for this tournament game. This will include commanders for Soviet, Partisan, German, Hungarian, Romanian and Italian units.

    More details can be found on the website COMBAT-CAMPAIGNS.COM . If this is something you would like to get involved with you can enlist through the website or just send me an email doubledeuce@combat-campaigns.com .

  2. I am in the process of setting up a strategic level multiplayer campaign game. November 1942, Central Russia. I will need about 15-20 players for this tournament game. This will include commanders for Soviet, Partisan, German, Hungarian, Romanian and Italian units.

    More details can be found on the website COMBAT-CAMPAIGNS.COM . If this is something you would like to get involved with you can enlist through the website or just send me an email doubledeuce@combat-campaigns.com .

  3. Originally posted by Panzer Boxb:


    You forgot the color advertising! :D


    Panzer Boxb - What happened to the forum link on the worldrule.org website? I really liked logging on and following the creative roleplaying by the 2 sides and their "propoganda". Now it says the page is not available. Did you guys just take the whole thing secure or move it?

    [ April 10, 2003, 11:47 PM: Message edited by: Double Deuce ]

  4. Originally posted by kipanderson:


    Lastly, with the use of Mapping Mission, where you can build 20km by 20km CM maps, plus just one small added feature in the next engine, one could very quickly build ones own operational layer.

    PS. Currently, there is also the very fine CMMC series of games as devised by James Bailey.

    Not only is there the well known CMMC but there are several others as well. They are just on a smaller scale. Anyone who has looked at the Mapping Mission and COCAT utilities and has some free time (OK quite a bit of it) can work up some exciting campaigns, unfortunately not as a player but as a game master/referee. I guess what I am saying is most of what is needed to do something like this is already out there BUT it is nothing that is as simple as a few mouse clicks.
  5. Originally posted by scottdt:

    I would like to see a site that actively arranges tournaments for CM players.

    I would like to see a site doing things like CMMC2 but on a smaller scale. This way they would be easier to manage and you could have several "campaigns" going at the same time. I am trying something myself but alas am only 1 person. I would think it would need a core group to run everything. Some people to act as the GM's, forum monitors, website updaters, etc. I think there are several groups out there, they are just not actively advertised and their groups are mostly friends or are close geographically.
  6. Originally posted by Hans:

    is that a "work out minor errors but you can use" or "wait until its stable"?

    It is working fine for most I think. There is a minor bug or 2 from what I understand but it only affects a very small number. The creator has also been adding some enhancements as he has been developing this, hence the changing versions. I have been using it since the first version and it gets better with each little cange.
  7. Originally posted by L.Tankersley:

    Also, I had a neat idea this morning about a way to import CMBB maps into Mapping Mission. The gist of the idea is to take a screenshot of the map in the CMBB editor, and then have MM import the screenshot and pattern-match the tiles to figure out what tile goes where.

    I have done it! It is a little tricky getting it to the right scale to fit within the right gridlines BUT it does work. Thanks again for such a great tool. I now have a way to make it easier to run some multiplayer campaigns off of huge maps by just cutting and exporting out of Mapping Mission the required areas where the battles take place. Thank you, thank you ! ! !
  8. for a large project. I need some map designers familar with the latest version of Mapping Mission. I am creating a 10x10 kilometer map for use in a multi-player campaign. I will provide bitmaps of 2k x 2k sections as templates for the overall area. There is not much detail so there is plenty of room to be creative. ALL 2k x 2k sections of the Mapping Mission Maps will be compiled into the main 10k x 10k map. NOTE: This is a section of the actual map in COCAT that is being used in CMMC2 (NOTE: this project is not affiliated in any way with CMMC2. It is for my own personal project). Interested parties post here OR email me at doubledeuce@combat-campaigns.com.

  9. I am currently running a SPWAW Campaign using the earlier version of COCAT. My plan is to run a CMBB Campaign once I can free up more time and the new COCAT beta is finalized. I also need to play with and learn more about CMBB's capabilites, etc.

    If anyone has a time period they would like to see done or any other ideas on this please let me know. It won't be on the scale of CMMC2 (I am only 1 person) but hopefully just as much fun.

  10. Originally posted by kenfedoroff:

    CMBB Team Multi-Player in the Future

    I envision ("I have a Dream...") the day where an overall front/army commander would delegate his battalion commanders (with support troops) a certain amount of frontage to attack/defend and where each and every battle has an effect on the following battle.

    The Front/Army/Team commander would have players of various ability and would delegate their mission accordingly.

    When all battles are finished the results are computed, given to the Team Commander, and he again delegates reserves/reinforcements, ammo, artillery, air support, etc. for the next round.

    You could even make it so that when an actual battalion commander is killed in the game, an alternate is forced to take his place.



    There is already something very similiar to that right now, CMMC2, Tigers & Bears and The Onion Wars (although this last one is NOT historical) and I am sure there are more.

    I have plans for a SMALL one in the near future, time and additional tools permitting.

  11. It's is still going on. I think that the reason the webste looks outdated is because they are so busy running the CMMC. They also probably have very restrictive rules about players and GM's talking about what is going on so as not to tip the enemy off about things that might be happening they shouldn't know about.

    I looked into playing a while back but am kinda new to CMBO and am still learning. I have been doing similar events with the Steel Panthers series for about 4 years now BUT never on the scale of what they are doing in the CMMC.

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