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Double Deuce

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Posts posted by Double Deuce

  1. Just curious, for those in the know, what 'Force' naming convention will be used for CMCW? I know the WWII titles use Axis/Allies and the CMSF2 (the only modern title I have) uses Red/Blue. Will it be NATO/WP, Red/Blue, etc? The reason I ask is I'm working up my own custom tweaked Scenario AI Planning and Scenario Objective Worksheets based on the ones in the "Sheriff of Oosterbeek - Scenario Design DAR/AAR" PDF.

  2. 47 minutes ago, hank24 said:

    I remember to meet a comrade in 1980 from the Bundeswehr PzAufklBtl (armored recon) at Eutin. This btl had the M48 with 105 mm gun. Do not know the version, though.

    If Bundeswehr M48s with the 105mm they most likely would have been the M48A2GA2.

  3. 1 hour ago, ratdeath said:

    This has been my dream CM for "modern" era, the war that thankfully never happened :)

    I would probably have picked 1984-1988 era if I have had a choice, but the 1979-1982 era actually sounds more interesting.

    I'm with you there but would tweak the dates to be from 83-87. Fortunately, with the equipment listed, I think designers can easily cover those time frames. We'll need to fudge the dates in the editor (and the OOB's as much as we can due to the US forces changeover to Division 86 standards) but for the most part, it'll be feasible.

  4. 5 hours ago, The_Capt said:

    Nope, the Bn is in the 8th Infantry, which was an odd one that straddled the line between under and well-resourced.  The 8th was a depth Div so in this campaign they are using M48s, also a good excuse to take out the M48 and see what it can do.

    8th ID was always the red-headed stepchild of USAREUR. Our Bn was one of the last to get the M60A3 and then again, late getting the M1s.

  5. The addon stab to the M60A3 (TTS) was pretty good as long as you stayed on level ground and kept a steady speed. Outside of that, you had to have a really good (or lucky) gunner because even a little bounce/play in the sight would be enough to throw you off at longer ranges. Against moving targets, firing from a short-halt was the preferred engagement method. With the M1, which was built with stabilization as part of the base tech, and more advanced electronics, the sight picture stayed much tighter when moving.

  6. 3 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

    Q3. I had a free download of photoshop but now it seems to always crash. Is there something else free that I can open my old photoshop files with?

    It has nowhere near the features as Photoshop, from what I'm told, but Paint.NET has a 3rd party plugin that enables both the loading and saving of Photoshop .PSD files so you could at least access them to see how it works.

  7. 8 hours ago, sfhand said:

    It's really too bad there is no tongue in cheek emoji... or even a slightly tongue in cheek emoji. It's all good with me, I really wasn't challenging the validity of anyone's human experience, in fact I honor it (the validity).

    Yeah, there is no way as far as I could tell to add an emoji to the title so I kind of buried one deeper in my post.  And yes, it was meant to be tongue in cheek. I recently started working on a scenario for CMRT (will need F&R to complete it properly I think) and was afraid my month of research would go to waste with the new CMCW coming soon (hopefully) and me switching to that game instead. 😁

  8. 12 hours ago, IICptMillerII said:

    Great looking map! Making maps in CM's editor certainly requires a bit of artistic ability. 

    I'm a dog person myself. Will you take a woof? 😁

    The good thing with the games all using the same basic engine is I get to practice mapmaking which I love doing. I could work on them all day but maps without scenarios isn't going to cut it IMHO. I really need to learn the use the AI to at least make a semi-presentable and challenging opponent.

  9. BUT not for the reasons you would probably think. I finally came back to Combat Mission after a very long break and decided go all in on Red Thunder. I'm not a late war fan but figured I could finagle the design of some Crimean Offensive scenarios and maybe a campaign (April-May 1944). I have spent the last month researching like mad, putting my OCD to the test, even learning to translate a few bits and pieces on Russian maps. Now I need to put all that work on hold and start working on Cold War research/design ideas. If nothing else I guess that gives me until sometime in April to get at least a scenario for CMRT designed, tested and released.

    All I have to say is, this CMCW better be the cat's meow.  😁 In all seriousness though, I know I won't be disappointed. 

    For motivation for me to kick things into high gear, here is the current CMRT map I'm working on (800m x 640m). It's taking forever because I'm really trying to flesh it out with flavor objects . . . . 



  10. I got to West Germany in May 83 so this game is slightly before that time frame however, my battalion was one of the last to get the M1s. When I left in 87 they still had the M60A3s and M113s (no units in our brigade had been upgraded). With what's available in this module, I can easily make 83-87 scenarios and a campaign. Time to dig out my old Steel Panthers stuff and get cracking on a conversion. 😁

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