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Posts posted by waltero

  1. It has been a long time since I have played the allies and made it to Russia :(

    But if Russia is to enter the war It is all over for the Germans :D

    What the germans hope to do is cut the Russians supply off. If they can surround every city or cut strait through Russia, cutting off any further operation of units :eek: It is goes good for them.

    If you have to make a line make it behind rivers. (enemy is on the river hex)

    The enemy is coming through It does not matter what you do.

    It is better that you give way!

    Just stop them from getting close to Key area's (you decide).

    Russia has good river line defence. Just form line at river he will cut it to peaces and form new line further back at diff river.

    Give way let them come build your air and army up and then smite them!!!

    Move your units Back do not try to hold anything but the "line" (don't just evacuate cities).

    Move your air around as to see everything the germans are up too.

    Draw his units closer then choke him off.

    The only way I can explain is that the Russians have to sit back and wait, it is usually a one time shot. You will wait build then unleash all you got (Make sure it is a lot).

    Russia can hold the two flanks using rivers. Fall back and use more rivers. keep your flanks (if you can).

    I use to Move the units that have been reduced (due to combat) back to form new lines, then when enemy gets closer reanforce weak unit.

    Don't attack german units or line. defend and pull back. keep your air safe. Buy lots of HQ.

  2. I would like to see a timer option and the AI kick in when a player drops for good.

    As well as A replay for every turn.

    Maybe a bell when it is your turn :rolleyes:

    SC is a long game and alot of the time The axis will move for an Hour or so and the allies (UK) will take his move in two seconds.

    (5 player game needs a turn timer)

    And the auto save sucks! I can not host a game. so I get the raw end of every game (usually when I play cowardly fuznucks) they do not like the way the turn came out so they discnct and I have to do it all over!

    Having allies might suck at times! they do get mad at each other and might throw the game away just for spite (not to mention the diconcts)!

    Hope the allied player can take controll of lost (discnted) player.

    SC is a long game! It is ok to be long as long as it goes at a good clip.

    [ July 17, 2004, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: waltero ]

  3. Warsaw is some what irrelevent. Run your units toward Russian border.

    With such a move you are hidden and german units have to run farther out, and some times can not operate those units.

    I have run my units out of warsaw many times and Some times the german player is under the impression that poland will surrender and they move out of poland (being that they can not see any other units) :eek:

    And with surprize contact it will take three units to kill one polish unit. Doing anything other then using the polish air for surprize contact (or attacking to kill) seems foolish.

    Defending Warsaw has its moments..

    I wish there was more you can do for poland! Maybe in SC2 Poland will have a chance of going pro-German. :cool:

    [ July 14, 2004, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: waltero ]

  4. There is no hope for Poland! The best you can do is disperse your units as to make him run into them on surprize contact. I think that is the best way to use the polish air.

    If france can get city (lower Germany) and poles get city in mnts then you can operate french troops into poland.

    It is on a rare case that such a thing happens but it does if your lucky :D

    Supply is the big thing! You should reduce the enemy colored hexes passing through your territory.

    If enemy has limited units in poland you can even run out of warsaw and head for the hills, let him find you and kill every unit.

    You never know when poland is going to surrender.. some times he can have 21 factors and surrender and other times he will not surrender with any less than three factors. so take chances and hope for the best. never Attack German units. Unless you have a chance of killing it.

  5. What it is! Ask your Mama what it is! Everybody has called upon God at one time or another. the only time non believers ask for help from God is when they are in the hospital or jail. there bodies can do nothing else as it is put under Subjection to Christ. God goes agaist our human nature. It is part of our human nature to repulse ourselves away from God.

    the fact that some people preach might not be becouse they are preachers. God may be a way of life for them. Just like beer and slutts and playing games is a way of life for you. What do you talk about all the time?

    It is said you will be condemned or acquitted by your tongue. Every word is power, the very words you speak have a life of its own.

    So why should anybody stop preaching just becouse you are in the room and don't want to listen to them?

    There is a better life out there. God is your creator he will use you any way he see's fit!

    In the end some will see God and still curse him, calling the mountians to fall on them rather than exept Christ.

    In fact we have all seen God, Just look at Nature.

    A house devided can not stand. it is Gods way or the highway!

    So you can believe or not believe, eather way you are a fool. A fool for Christ I would rather be tongue.gif

    [ June 21, 2004, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: waltero ]

  6. As far as what Stalin would have or could have done or never done is Irrelevant.

    The fact is Russia's Millitary was fastly becoming reinforced and organized. There was no stopping it. One day you have an Army and no tellin what a person might do.

    you are taking out the realism when a neutral Russia play.

  7. If you want good Boardgames?

    There are tons of them. But not many people play board games anymore :(

    Settlers of Catan is a good one, Not War game though.

    Illuminati Is another one, not war,

    But good to bring people together and have fun, guys and gals like those two.

    If you are talking about you and a bud getting together and playing A War game(board).

    Napoleon, the waterloo campaign is easy and fast.

    Amoeba wars if fun with six or four players and everbody likes.

    Dune Is my favorite mutiplayer game.

    Midway was a fun two player WWII game.

    well there are lots of board games out there.

    You can find most of them at grognards.com

    Have fun.

  8. Conection terminated by opponent. that tells me he pressed Quit game!!!

    ok sorryy about posting. Usually when crash it will not say Conection terminated by Opponent?

    But what ever you say trapp. if you think you have a chance, is cool. we can continue. hope you have save.

    If not I guess I just got fizuck out of anouther game.

    no matter to me anymore tongue.gif

    win lose who gives a skritt!

    I know I can beat anybody in this forum, even if I am # 36 on ladder :cool:

    Just trying to save you from the humiliation of posting a loss :D

    [ February 22, 2003, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: waltero ]

  9. Waltero lost to terif he was Allies bid 65.

    that tech is a killer! long range lv3 Air gees so early as well.

    WHat is the secret with tech? I mess around with it and get nothing, terif basis his whole strategy around it and gets it all and way too early for UK.Super long range and lv3, how!

    It just dont seem right!

    [ February 21, 2003, 06:23 PM: Message edited by: waltero ]

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