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Posts posted by waltero

  1. Hmm, was not able to retrieve it being that it was found with a virus. Was trying to send you an e-mail but could not get through. So Had to post here. you can try agian if you like? I would not know if it was lying to me? Said a virus that could not be fixed. found by norton.

  2. I haven't played in a long time. But You will have no proplem getting you units enough experience!

    The main thing with Russia is being able to operate units. keep at least a thin trail of red hexes along the whole of Russia. When the Germans cut clean through it, focus on getting it back. move the units that have been reduced, to the cities, the more they are down the farther back they go. let them entrench. dont reinforce them until the enemy gets close, Watch out! Buy HQ you really need HQ's! Chances are the germans will break through.( guide then toward Stalingrad for there break through). When they do just keep your flanks strong, let them come in where you want them too, then build up on your flanks and when the time is right cut them off! patience is the key. you will not be able to do much at first. when It comes to reinforcing just go up as high as you can until it loses a medal or ribbion. Exaple; 3 factors run them up until you see one loss in experience say 7 then drop it back down to 6 where there is no loss. Half a ribbon I would not worry about. full medal hurts to lose. put your Armies in cities. I am not too sure how the experience thing will work I try to do it that way but never have :eek: It seems they really obliterate your tanks and air so put them in the rear. I have often went for Iraq with great suckcess! takes a few turns. I think four in all. I just use my Armor and air with a HQ. Must watch out where they start out otherwise they will not be able to move through the Moutians. or just use your air and Armor to go after finland. make It fast you will need them on the front soon enough.

  3. I agree totally! I would love to create mass amounts of paratroopers and trasports! When I say most games I am only referring to there knowledge, knowing that it is understood that a country would not expend loads of resources on something that has not been tried and tested.

    I have seen footage on the german paratroopers.

    in the early stages they would load them up on the transports wings and all! there they would be hanging from the wings of these plains and jump off.

  4. The "large" scale paratroop operations was found to be disastrous!

    In most games Paratroopers are used only as Elite units (for the most part). It is my guess that they will mainly be used for cutting supply and suporting ground attacks, where the defender would be doubled in defence. (rivers)

    I don't think a guy will be able to air drop loads of units! if that were the case it would be a paratroop war.

  5. I have played board games since I was twelve. then computers games entered the picture, and there was a long lapse in the playing of board games. I live in a small town in Alaska, it seems there is a growing amount of people who play board games.

    I have a hard time getting some people to play SC on computer, being that they can't see too good. (one of which is a game designer, Bruno sinagolious) We do have world at war and third reich. These games are very long and too complex. takes months to get through the rules! I also found that most people like the miniatures in games, and SCII has a great look! I would like to have a board game just to improve my game play (so I can get a birds eye view, and keep track of enemy units and strategy). I do know that every war gamer would buy it just to have it! I know this is a far fetched idea and it will probably never be. its just that the Game units looks great! And it was said that most would turn this feature off. My only concern with a SCII board game would be with the non-staggered tile game board. you must have an ingenuous idea and some pretty fancy computer calculations for the movement of units. (otherwise you would move faster on the diagonals). I know this is a dead subject, but I just can't help but think this is a mistake :rolleyes: You are a genius Hubert and a great game designer. I have had more fun with SC than any other game! :cool:

  6. Are you Banning the Name Rambo from the forum as well as JJR?

    Why is it you are locking up any further discussion of Rambo?

    He is a worthy Adversary!

    The only real reason I played SC was to beat that rat Bastage!

    we had some great times (me and him)!

    Good by Rambo, you will be missed by all :(

    This Topic is Closed!!!

  7. It seems Squares will be ok on a game like this!

    Being that the units and combat are vary simple.

    there is no forced retreats, no surrounding and forcing units to surrender. And no mandatory attacks on adjasent units, and not much in the way of zone of control.

    and units will be easier to kill. (front lines easyer to manage and maintain control).

    Real War games have nothing to do with hexes or squares! It has to do with play testing and more play testing, and good game designers, to keep it balanced.

    Let them play test this game a little further, maybe they will do better with this one then they did with SC.

  8. I got it! When a player is taking an ungodly amout of time to make his move, there opponent will be able to change the name of one of there Generals, or being able to change the color of there tanks. Who would ally with a country that has pink tanks? this would give the faster moving player some satisfaction!

    Maybe it will not be so bad? I am kinda curious ,on a six player game will the Axis move at the same time? as well as all the allies?

  9. I am a gamer! I dont want to miss anything. when I play a game, I like to play!!!

    when it comes to strategy I must focus on the game, can not get cought up doing other things.

    If I did It would take me an hour to make my move.

    I never really liked pbem.

    I am sure something can be done to make the waiting entertaining for the players.

    doing other things might be good if there was a bell to let you know when your turn is up, and a re-play.

    who knows? all's I know is there are some good muti-player games out there that are loads of fun, but waiting for 5 players to make there moves burns out the game. It would not have to be 5 players, one player can kill it for many good players.

    this is a problem that only the Grognards would understand!

    maybe a guy could lay mines or espionage, ammunitions factory. a simple game working with these while waiting for others to make there move. it would be minuet. But it would keep opponent on there toes and making sure they move as fast as the others. and it might be just enough of a advantage in a long game to take the win.

    You would be the man if you made all moves (or some) simultaneous!

    Who knows, "what it is"!

  10. The only draw back to SC is waiting for the other player to make his move!

    If there was only some thing the non moving player could do while waiting, like looking at a tactical map and devising strategy. I am not interested in playing a game that takes two or three days to finish! When I walk away from the game it is over.

    (mainly being that I forget my strategy for that game, by the time I get back to it)

    at times I might have three or four games going.

    timers would be good, but to end a players turn if he runs out of time seems too harsh. maybe a little advantage should be givin to the other player (like gain one level of experience) for every x amount of time that they run over.

    maybe doing political endevors while the other player is making his move, so if he likes long turns it will be worse for him.

    I am not sure what you can do about this, but I do no that something should be done, becouse it is defenatly a killer of games. to my understanding SC2 will be a muti player game it will be all the worse! maybe after so long of a turn the computer takes over :eek:

    Good day!

  11. Or tell me how the big "players" can still be thinking you are this tactical genius on a game that is already dead?

    SC is getting a face lift. I don't think there will be a problem finding players for the new and improved game.

    I have found no reason to load SC on my computer?

    I have no desire on becoming the grand master on SC.

    I am already #1 in SC2.

    So Hoo ya! you moolie Bastages!!!

    SC was a good game.

    Do you think people will play SC once SC2 comes out?

    Rambo might play a game every now and again as he tries to relive the glory days.

    The game was fun while it lasted. move on to other games. there are better games out there.

  12. SC has been played to Death! who really cares anymore?

    It is all history!!!

    HISTORY! you understand!!!

    all the great games have been played. what can you do that has not already been done?

    Were you there when Rambo Ruled the SC world?

    How about when the LCG was born?

    You missed out on it "All"!

    Now you come in and think you can take Rambos title?

    It does not matter how many times you beat Rambo.

    He is always #2 I can not take his place and I have beat him 3 times, not to mention the few that we never picked back up.

    You will have a fresh start when SC2 comes out.

    When it comes to SC you have already lost.

    So I think you and your system should go lie down.

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