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Posts posted by waltero

  1. If you think the Germans were over-rated now,

    you certainly would of thought otherwise in 1940.

    the only clame to fame the french have ever had was Napolean. ( not to mention thay are the best at dying).

    During the 1936 Olympics Everyone stood in awe, at the vary sight of the German country!

    Thay are the perfect villian. look at Amarican cinima. you see them in Star wars and any movie that needs A bad ass army.

    The only reason that Hitler lost the War was GOD!

    Ok I have to go change my brakes now. Thats all I have to say about that

    So Germany at that time was the ****t!

  2. I really have not played much as I hate the AI.

    But I was playing the other day and I wanted to try new stuff to see how the AI reacted.

    And I wiped out all of Polands units, did not take warsaw yet. going after baltic states and at the end of my turn It said russia prepares for war. Ok good enough! but on my next turn I took Warsaw and what do you think might of happened?

    ya! those pesky Rushkies held to the pact and took the territory that was agreed?

    I think this game is ok but it really needs some work.

    Get on it Hubert! And the fact that I have to Intercept a port when attacked Hurts! I would like to save interception for capital maybe?

    ok got to go ride is here

  3. I was play a game the other day, and I had a 88 bunker and it was getting blasted! green troops were in it, I go to target in and had no line of sight at all, "black line 5 meters" away? Granted that there was nothing to target, but why was there no line of sight for me? I saw that there was more than a few craters in the front of bunker. I never did do tab 1 to look at my view ( wish I had) but I can't believe that the craters had anything to do with it.

    I recall one game I had that you place unit and check line of sight and when game started no line of sight!

    I notice not many line of sight gliches in this game. I will pass this off as a glich if there is no reason for my bunker to have no line of sight.

    Hope there was more to it than the glitch!

    One more thing where do you guys play your games? I dont see many of you in ip room.

    I would like to find one who plays ASL and might have a few scenario's that are set up close to some of the 1000 scenario's you find for that game.

  4. So far I have played 1vs1 three time agianst diff people. I have held on to france all three time.

    Is this a balanced game? Not! I am Waltero hear me "ROAR"! (meow, meow)

    Who can stand up to me? WHO?

    Like I thought germany Has no chance agianst a Human allies. (as long as I am that human)

    In fact thay all surrender about the time Russia moves in. What would you do if you are still fighting with the French and russia is about to enter the war?

    I understand that this game is still in its infantcy. and there are people still learning to play 1vs1.

    I hope thats all it is!

    Otherwise I am led to beleive that this is a non-wargamers game.

    It is a good game for the Axis and Allies players.

    Dont get me wrong, I think it is great that a game is able to bring the simplistic gamers over to this side of wargaming.

    But as a wargamer and a lover of grand strategy games, I think there is not a chance for the german player.

  5. lame queston(being that it is not "REAL")

    But no matter.

    IS not who will buy, but who will build!


    This game is close to 3R.

    And anybody who 'loves' 3R would play this.

    ( I would believe that anybody who calls them self a grognad would like 3R )

    If this happens to be a valid queston than Of course!

    Otherwise this post provides a place to lambast The game.

    Hubert Has become my friend.

    And this game is headed in a good dirctn!

    So unless you have A game such as you speak Don't bring it in here!

    My support is with Hubert.

    Who has brought me countless hours of waisted time on the computer.

    Most play games that fit there style.

    Ok good cool, thats great.

    The fact that some of my fellow gamers do not like this game,effects me little :confused:

    Thay will play anyway becouse It is a challenge!

    So if the game is not your cup of tea? is it becouse I can kick your butt in it or you just dont like the machanics of the game.

    If you liked 3R you should like this one :rolleyes:

    (If you make "that" game, you will become my best friend!)

    So for now if you would like a game more like 3R put a Little faith into SC.

    It will only get better!

    If you cant handle SC than I am sure you sucked at 3R!

    AM I right HUH ya am I right! So the fact is you can't handle the truth can you :eek:

    The truth is SC rules! and Hubert will always be one up on you.

  6. Can you not understand! That there are vary few games that are going to make you happy?(if it were to be totally historical)

    If you want to play a game that is historically Acurate play Battle of the buldge or some other game.

    Yes It would be nice to have the finnish ski patrols and paratroopers and this and that!

    In time it might come about.

    If Hubert was to incorperate most of the historical aspects of WWII It would take away the playability of the Game.

    Not to mention the High complexety of the rules and game.

    So If you lose agianst the rushkies dont blame it on the fact that there were no finns to save you.

    Hubert gave us the basics, see if you can handle it first!

    I am sure in time this game will have a whole new face.

    So if you think you are good at strategy games this is a good one to play.

    And if you suck at strategy games this is also a good game to play ( As long as your the allies)

    So just have fun with it, and see if you have what it takes.

    Pardon my spelling.

  7. I dont play on anything but beginner.

    I get tired of watching the allied air take out A 6 or 7 factor fleet, on the beginner level dont want to see anthing more than that!

    I have played three Campaign games and won the third only saved once.

    I was amazed at being able to take out russia.

    I had invaded USA Britan, with vary bad luck.

    able to smite the allied fleet all together.

    Than was about to give up.

    Decided to just go into Russia not attack anything just to move in unsuplied and see how far I could get.

    And wow it really shutt them off.

    I was collecting 450 a turn. Italy somehow got france (did not ever think about it)

    By 1943 Italy had about as much force as germany.

    Me and Russia were going head to head for some time.

    I lost tons of units just kept replcing them and throwing them in to russia.

    I just blocked off all Russia's units from penitrating into germany, and advanced all others,

    units as far into Russia as I could.

    Was fun!

    Why would I ever want to play a diff difclty level?

  8. Hmm ok I guess that was not the prob with smoke(thought it had to be).

    I can see enemy smoke, nobody can see my smoke?

    Oh well I will keep on messing with it.

    I guess it all depends on what to do with snipers, depending on a guys strategy.(not the same in every case)

    When I let the enemy come in and side swipe me ( or if he gets a flank) I use them as spotter killers)

    I have used this in three games now I cant beleave it worked!

    Anouther question. why does my keybord commands not work all the time?

    I can not give units orders with my keybord?

    this only happens some of the time, in a couple games it did not work then in middle of game it does?

    I ask agian WHY! WHY!

    that smoke really gets me down!

    But I guess I learn how to do thing without smoke :rolleyes:

    thx agian :confused:

  9. I play a game and first time I had a sniper take out anything, Two inf and a mortar.

    anywho I could not get my sniper to fire any more?

    he would target-in, but not fire.

    HE aslo had 9 ammo. ( I think the brob was, he was empty and did not read so.)

    Also I can never seem to lay smoke with anything?

    It is dry out.

    what do I have to do other than put him on smoke and target him in with it?

    I need my smoke plz HELP!


  10. I cant read anymore!

    sounds like the full game is going to be a blast!

    so all you bastages, just SHUTT UP!

    tierd of hearing about the GAME.

    I just want to play.

    should I even start to hope that the game will be up here in a week?

    Oh well back to Combat mission!

  11. I have got them to surrender, just have to keep on hitting them! I think thay had one unit left in city up top, that was all. there fleet was in canada.

    you can fake attack them just to get spain on your side.

    I think tis better that you attack them instead of them attack you on mainland. If you take london then retreat back to mainland, and leave a garrison in london that should keep them off your back for awhile.

    you can do this with out real loss of any units.

    Of course on a 1vs1 all's UK has to do is put a unit on any invasion hex to prevent invasion.

    I think also it has alot to do with there fleet?

    I was able to catch a 6 factor battleship, and nock it down then thay surrendered!

  12. I use the demo as part of my strategy. It is my beleaf that on a 1vs1 Germany is going to get all that it can by demo's end, than it must start thinking defence in order to win a draw.

    Now if you think about taking Russia or UK you dont need to think about it(defence) becouse you will be going for the total victory.

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