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Posts posted by waltero

  1. The german subs are good as bait.

    If you invade britain or any other sea movemnt. you move sub to upset sea zone and watch the allies move at least three of there fleets in to attack.

    then you might stand a chance picking them off.

    on the other front.

    It seems that first strike is the winner of the sea battles.

    If you knock any fleet lower than 7 is good,

    AI usually retreats.

    Put a battleship in holland prt and watch allies go for it!

    Once thay are there take them out!

    send subs out in the front of fleet battles.

    hope that It will at least take three enmy fleets to take out.

    then move in.

    I even like sending in transports to bait the enemy ships range then strike.

    Thay are cheaper.

  2. If you play long enough you keep getting closer and closer.

    the fact that you never get Britian is becouse the game ends.

    But a guy can see the over all outcome.

    Like I said I have taken the island of britain!

    I am in a remote place in Alaska lots of time to play.

    I cant see a balanced two player game on the format of this demo.

    there is know real Exploitation that I can see.

    I played the game alot and like I said the only two times I tried to invade I had great success!

    And that was not just britain!

    As for my question, Am I the only one to take britian?

    here is how I went about taking it, you can try if you like.

    I declare war on spain first turn.

    britian sent all here ground forces to mainland, including HQ.

    I think there was only one inf in london.

    fighter in manchester bomber next to it.

    and the rest is history!

    maybe britain will never die but the island sure can!

    I am not sure but by the time the game ended I thought I seen german collect 459 mpp.

    playing the demo I just get closer and closer to victory knowing the coputers short commings.

  3. I have had alot of fun with the demo.

    the only reason I can see to having the full game is as a multi-player game.

    What is it?

    am I the only one to kick the britts ass?

    I played the demo a bazillion times, Always messing around with every one else exept britian.

    was having alot of fun.

    then for the first time I started messing around with the britt island,and kicked there butts!

    It is my idea that if britian falls the game is over? germans will win.

    game is good for a demo, but as a real game vs human playrs hmm, have to do alot better than that.

  4. A three medal 7 power.

    I thought this game was getting old then spain joined me the axis. that is cool did not know that thay were able to do that!

    as german I am able to take most of britt, and get over 400 mpp, I guess I will start messing around with troop quallity.russia is not a prob.

    the way I see it I am fighting amarica and britian on there island (is better there than eropa)russia trying to break through, If I had longer I could sea invade riga and that would be the end of russia.(just half to hold them off, till I take britian even if thay do break through that would be to my advantage, move to fast foward.then army in britt is free move to riga cut them off.

    I dont see any kind of exploiting in this game?

  5. Does it make a big diff.?

    I mean should a guy think about rotating his units,knowing that some day he will not be able to reanforce them to the max anymore.

    I always attack any unit I can after the contry is about to fall, Is it worth it in the long run just to get the expierience?(is it cost efective)?

    I understand sometimes you have to get them to full power.

    would I rather have a three medal unit attacking or a full power unit with no exp?

  6. I have played the demo 100 times never tried to invade Britian. First time I tried I did with great success.

    I once saw on the bord about a guy who was gloating over is exploits in this demo.

    What greater coquest can one do than this?

    (other than taking USA GLITCH)

    Is this just anouther glitch or is the AI just not that good?

  7. I found that if you declare war agianst spain(on the first turn), that the allies send everything to uncontrolled france, through brest.

    by the time the game ended I had taken france, yugo,greece,baltic,spain,gibralter,and london along with units next to manchester,(enimy only had a 4 factor air in Manchester for def on whole island)whiped out the Britt fleet (three left in med at bottom)no britt left on mainland.

    As well as having six german transports with HQ and three Roman transports with HQ into the atlantic

  8. playing the computer you can get creative, but agianst a human player you are forced to play more of a real game!

    You will find yourself getting in alot of trouble

    when you have a human opponent. If you try to do the things you are use to doing agianst the AI,

    Cant see the axis winning the game with a good allied player.

    Who does the game favor?

  9. It is fun when you attack russia, and let the rushkies get all the way to paris then take paris and choke the russians off, you can desroy more than half there army. let them take the lower half of germany, just defend citys and thay kepp moving forward all the way to paris.

    to get the timming right attack russia on second or third turn. make sure you take france, and attack Baltic states on first turn, build force north and then run down cutting off supply.

    does not seem like the computer runs out of supply though?

  10. I found snipers are good for drawing out enimy fire.

    send two or three into one area and see what your enimy does to try and stop them (not knowing what thay are)then run them back and it looks like a rout!

    Although you might find out that you have a moral problem!

    I always think the flags are worth more than moral.

    It is my understanding that if your moral falls below 32 than you are in trouble.

    so to get all the flags and have moral below 32 would lose.

    But to have all the flags and above 32 why not win?

    I have played quit a few games that ended in a draw. Having all the flags and and fair moral.

    (lower than 50)

    enimy abouve 50 usually.

    dont have the book to see how that works?

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