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Posts posted by Euri

  1. I'll make my own scenario then. I was just asking because if we all have the same scenario, we all know what we are talking about.

    If you have the British Module try the Campaign mission where the Brits defend a wide cross road in an urban area (you need to have chosen the Damascus course)

    In the original set up you have two tank in the middle of the street. Leave them there (or set them up a bit more in the centre of the street) and simply press the go button. And observe...(just for a few secs)

  2. Hi,

    I've noticed lately that tanks are very quick to react to incoming ATGMs. They pop smoke and rotate to the target before the missile can seen by them (there is no graphical representation of the missile). The tanks are Challenger 2, and as far as I know, they don't carry special ATGM detection unit like for example the T-90 which gets alerted if there are painted by a laser.

    Is this a bug or is there something else going on?

    This is very true. They pop smoke even before the impact of the first missile launched on them. 1-2 secs before (since some people around here insist on the detail)

  3. I belong to those that I prefer automated TAC AI. If I want this kind of micromanaged squad control I would play Arma2. On the other hand I would welcome three improvements in TAC AI:

    (a) A move command to use roads (paved or dirt only)

    (B) An improvement on how AFV handle turns

    © Be able to order formations

    (d) a kind of synchronization mechanism for waypoints. In other words to be able to group one waypoint of the path of each unit and have all units of a group start moving to each of their next waypoints only after each unit has reach the synchronised WP

  4. Well that's what an APDS round should do.

    Its an anti armour round and you are using it against masonry.

    Think about firing an arrow through a sheet of cardboard and you are probably seeing a similar effect.

    That makes perfect sense!

    I would have thought however that the AI would not shout these rounds against buildings but switch to MG automatically.

  5. I just bought the British module and tried the 1st campaign battle and noticed something very strange.

    Scimitars, once run out of HE rounds, use (evidently) their 30mm APDS rounds if order to TARGET - they use MG if TARGET LIGHT. The strange thing is that APDS rounds treat building structure entirely as if transparent or absent. They just go trough them, inflict no damage and fall to the ground long beyond them. They are completely useless.

    Has anyone noticed this before? Is this another 1.31 originality?!

  6. A sniper scope is a really bad thing to use for surveillance. They have high magnification but quite a narrow field of view.

    Of course the team does carry other optics like the wider field spotter scopes and the rifle scope will give you a good close up view once you have localised the target. I do not think a thermal or IR gear will help a great deal when looking for a concealed soldier 1000m away.

    The big thing a sniper team has over the average team is that it is trained to sit a watch and not be detected so from that perspective they are a better prospect for surveillance over a regular team.

    It would be interesting to compare if the snipers are harder to spot than a regular team of the same size. Have you noticed at all that although not quicker to spot a target initially you do get more information about a spotted target?

    Those two things would be a good simulation of the sniper teams special skills I reckon.

    The issue is that recon / snipers do not spot better even if they sit and watch for a long time. I had my recon team for 10 minutes on the 2nd floor of a building 250m direct LOS to a trench where I knew there was an ATGM team and did not spot everything.

  7. ... Spoilers Ahead....

    I am (re)playing "Battle for Object Pooh" focussing on recon. I advanced as deep as I can with my scouts and snipers calling artillery and helo "quickies" on any vehicles or bunkers I came across along the way. The fact that the recon stage takes place at dusk helps such kind of infiltration.

    I was very sucessful with this approach and now the map is full of smoke columns coming out from destroyed enemy assets. Here are some conclusions and tricks:

    1st: snipers / scouts are very good at spotting enemy AFVs and strongpoints.

    2nd: to maintain concealment and avoid recon teams opening fire comand a fire arc of 20m range. This way the team will be able to spot without compromising its position. This trick woks well if you also wish to force-march a "hunt" order when an enemy assets in sighted far away. Just leave the spotted asset out of the arc and proceed to "hunting" :-)

    3rd: Recon spotting is less effective against hidden troops and AT assets (except at close ranges):

    Although I know where the ATGMs are located in Pooh (from past games) I have decided not to cheat. So I placed my recon teams on clear LOS at ranges of 350m (+/-). In order to test the spotting ability I placed narrow target arcs on the well known positions of the ATGM assets. They did not manage to spot anyting hidden in a trench irrespective of dusk or daylight (latter in the game). However one recon team spoted a hidden enemy team in trench at a distance of 100m (+/-)

    4th: To spot enemy troops (even at such closer distances) the spotter need to "be left alone". I mean that spotting occurs after one minute or so from the spotter establishing clear LOS to the target.

    Given the supperior optics of the sniper/recon teams, I would have expected a better spotting performance regarding troops hidden on trenches and rooftops.

    That is all...

  8. SPOILER......

    I started replaying the original campaign and I got to the 1st Screen Mission. If you remember this is a very exciting mission due to a large scale armored counter attack

    To my surprise the Syrian counter-attack never arrived even after touching line Charlie (far down the map).

    Has anyone had this experience before? Does it have anything to do with latest patches?

  9. Your question to me was “not sure what you mean?”

    I answered it.

    I don’t intend to answer the broader question as many pages have already been devoted to it and if you not wish to invest some effort looking it up, I’m certainly not going to invest the effort to type it all out again just for you.

    Fair enough. Answers of the type /"search" your friend / do not contribute anything to my question. Your intention of answering or not is of interest to me and anyone sharing the same question as I do.

    If you do not wish to answer you might better stay silent. Thank you.

  10. I mean that the effect of windows (do they limit where people actually fire from or is it an approximation and a hundred other questions have already been discussed).

    So if you do a search for “windows” you may well find the answers to your questions before potentially starting the whole cycle all over again. :)

    I would appreciate if you answered my question; I would equally appreciate if you don't want to answer my question. It is really a waste of time of other people at this forum to read irrelevant stuff.

    If I wanted to invest time to search I would have done so. I choose to ask. You are not forced to answer; you are not forced to play clever as well.

  11. After playing a lot of NATO Campaign missions (where the avoidance of friendly casualties really matters) I have reached the conclusion that the "preserve buildings" objective is misleading in the following sense:

    If one wishes to achieve an enemy surrender within the time limit, the way to do it is to completely disregard the "preserve buildings" and be as brutal and aggressive as one can. The enemy will not be able to sustain the casualties.

    If one tries to be meticulous and at the same time combine the "preserve buildings" and "avoid casualties" objectives, the time limit will expire.

    I like the concept of the "preserve buildings" but in order to make the feature a factor IMO, one would have to assign more negative points to destruction and also give a lot more time on the clock.

  12. As I am not too educated in the proper use of some I would appreciate some guidelines (beyond the basics..how to do it and that shell kill etc).

    For example does caliber matters? I find myself ordering a 150-200m linear smoke screen using 60 or 81mm rounds and a get a very sporadic and thin cover (I cannot even use the term "screen" because it would totally misleading). How long do you draw your screen in order to be a screen? Do you prefer area target instead? Stuff like that

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