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Posts posted by Euri

  1. Cheers guys  Russian Campaign missions 2 and 3 are both mine.


    As soon as the repository is online I'll upload the master map used for both.

    It's 5k x 2k all told, but has been reduced in size for each of the missions.


    Interested the hear how the river crossing goes ! As for amphibious movement - it's the same as for on land, but the max speed when swimming is the same regardless of which movement type is used.

    It's worth noting it takes a BMP-3 around ten minutes to cross the river !!!  ;)




    One word: "Congradulations"


    Both, mission 2 and mission 3 of the Russian campaign were not just well designed. They were unique and magnificent! (In my opinion better than "Battle for objective Pooh" from CMSF - which until today was the standard of excellence)




    I did very well in mission 3 (elite difficulty). I crossed untouched! Admittedly, I was lucky to survive two or three of AT-14 shots but then all went smoothly. Here is how I did it. Basically I exhausted my arty on long linear (antipersonnel) missions on the ridges of the slop overlooking the beaches. I took out some houses with my airplanes. Immediately before entering the water I expended all my smoke rounds on the ridges and the beaches. When crossing I sent my AFVs in wedge formations with the APS vehicles on the lead, to draw AT fire and reveal the locations and kill them with my tanks from afar. One last detail, I took my time before crossing. I went in the water 45 mins into the game!


    One thing that cough me by surprise (a pleasant one) was that the AVFs were able to shoot while in the water!


    Thank you again, for the amazing experience.

  2. This happens to me all the time. I find some good observation posts for my spotters or recon units with nice lines of sight. I am taking about OP more than 1,5km distance from enemy positions. I get them there unoticed but as soon as they arrive they go prone on the ground and as a result they loose line of sigh as a result of short vegetation or cabbages! (lol) 

  3. A note on victory points system


    I am playing the MG campaing and the senario design and the overall feeling is really great. I feel however that in some senarios the point system is unfair. For example. Just finished PAPENBERG with:



    122 in good shape

    26 KIA

    7 wounded



    274 in good shape

    94 KIA

    72 wounded

    2 AFV lost


    I have also exited quite a few soldiers. At the last 4 minutes the enemy was completely neutralised and posed no threat whatsoever. They did not even make any attempt to advance. I was feeling like I had crushed them. I had. What do I get? DRAW! 505-442!  It does not make the least sense

  4. Are you using any mods?

    If so, remove all mods from your Z folder and restart that scenario. If the halftrack is missing still, then put in a support ticket to BF help desk.

    If the halftrack is there, the culprit is one of the mods. Restore mods one by one (restore one mod, start scenario and check if the halftrack is missing, rinse and repeat process) until the halftrack vanishes. The last mod installed most likely is the mod missing the data for the halftrack.

    I am using absolutely no mods at all!

  5. I posted this to tech support but I got no answer

    I have started (for the first time) the German Campain in Normandy (Panzer Marsch) and to my surprise I notice that in the first mission there are no models for SPW 250/1. Only the icon of the commanders coming out of the turret is shown and as there is no vehicle they are shown planted in the road!

    Is this a known issue?

  6. Great map. The mission however was far too easy for CMSF standards. Enemy surrendered with 1h and 10mis still to go. I got 9 casualties 5 of which caused by blue on blue from one of my helicopters releasing a rocket salvo far out of its designated target area. I was not even needed to enter the compound.

    **** SPOILRES*****

    It was enough to level the coumpound with the harriers and artilery fire just from the start and then bring artilery on to buildings from which I was taking fire. When enemy reinfrorcements appreared to the north the helos massacred them. In general I did not have to advance more than the irrigation matrix at the center and the first trench just before the west buildings.

    The vast british fire superiorty allowed to go for "overkills". I guess this is how operations are designed in real life

  7. With CMSF the thing is that you are certain that the enemy is out there. Therefore in most cases I see no point in advancing Recce vehicles with the purpose of drawning fire, bucause there is a high probability that they will get shot.

    Usually I dismount and try to locate enemy positions, mostly enemy AFVs, tanks or bunkers , less ofter infantry and plan air or artillery strikes on them.

    I plan my tactics with the aim of incurring no casualties at all (of course in partice this seldom happens) but it is good guide for discarding courses of action where getting killed is more than (roughly) 10% probable

  8. Thanks! I'll just jump in and take it. <3 I love this community!

    there are some good videos on youtube and posts on tactics, notably:



    But if you you follow one single piece of advice you will do decently: Keep as far as possible and kill from a distance. Artillery and air assets should be your main assassins then your armor (keep them far away). Infantry fire is basically for fixing targets. Close down with infantry only when other options are not available and if so, prepare for casualties.

  9. Hi Euri

    I believe you need a positive ID to get points for the recce missions.

    These are the harder missions to do I think. In one as Blue you have to spot the enemy without being blasted. In the counter recon the enemy are looking to encourage you to reveal your assets. Be keen to hear how you get on? Good luck!


    Did great until the counter-recon mission and I tend to attribute this to the "incomplete" briefing ;-) as I for sure managed to hide my forces and keep enemy out of the bridgehead but now I understand that enemy gets points from touching lines of advance ahead of my positions unbeknownst to me. I would have had planned accordingly if aware of that.

  10. I recently turned to Wego and found out that (a) I reach victory with considerably less casualties than RT and (B) the scenarios' time limit seem now more than enough, while in RT I always felt time was never enough.

    The reason is that Wego allows me to set up a choreography of maneuvers (so action evolves on all corners of the map) and at the same time forces me to be very-very careful in exposing my troops to enemy fire (in the knowledge that I will not be able to correct a decision sooner than 60 secs after)

    I believe that 60 secs turn is ideal exactly for those two reasons: allows better coordination - and demands a very careful approach both at the same time.

  11. If the manual mentions it, they might be probably factored in automatically when calculating the spotting chances of the Vehicle.

    Or it might be as Erwin says: not modeled

    It is supposed to be the same with the M707 Scout HMMWV of the US army. They are meant to be good spotters.

    But as I explained in a recent post, if there is one thing remember in CMSF when commanding western forces is to stay FAR AWAY from the enemy and engage from afar.

    I just recently finished the full Canadian Campaign in elite wego with casualties of only 65men and 1 vehicle lost applying this single basic advice.

  12. I am a couple of years late in trying this mission!! What can I say? Kudos to the designer. I am 1.10 hr in the action with 50mns more to go and I have just managed to establish secure positions across the the bridges. I have lost only 10 men so far and all enemy MGs seems silenced. I need to organise my final advance and the clock is ticking.

    A great mission.

  13. It is very good indeed. My feeling is however that the time span of the individual battles is short. Not that they cannot be won. But given that we are talking about a campaign where casualties do matter, I would prefer to have more time to manoeuvre. Even more so, taking into account the light armament of the british troopers.

    Which side road did you take at the end. I have played both but I remember that there was a mission through a guarded mountain path that I decided to hit cease fire early. It seemed unbeatable without risking too much casualties

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