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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by RockinHarry

  1. Just in case anybody else (than me) missed that the fixed Paradox version 1.06 version patch is available at the known download pages. :eek: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=70;t=000564
  2. Wow! That was a "silent" announcement that the "fixed" Paradox verson patch is available! I missed that fact by 9 days! :eek: Just today received the february BF newsletter, but there was no mentioning of the "fixed" version patch available. Stunning. But at least it made me check the forum again, finding the updated thread at last. Just did make the download, installed it and found it working as it was meant to work for the other versions too! Thanks! Now that I´m finished with that wannabe wargame Theatre of War; I´ll surely spent some more time with CMSF again! :cool:
  3. Knocking down large trees with light vehicles is one thing, but these also sink magically into the ground as happens oftenly in FPS. Really hate it. Should that increase frame rates or what? Knocked down trees would remove some of the park like landscape looks and adds some more war like feel. But they make them disappear into the ground. Same with shell holes. They simply vanish. Non enterable house, grden fences that are impassible to infantry; TOW failes on the entire front. If I want to play FPS, I play RO or COD, if I want some realistic combined arms game I play Combat Mission. So what is left beside the "nice" graphic in TOW?
  4. Well,..forget about it. The game in its current state ain´t worth the time modding.
  5. Rainer, as soon as you notice this is anything but a serious combined arms sim, you´ll regret! "If a company puts in the effort to produce a 1.2 Gigabyte patch.."...I´d think the "game" comes 1 year early.
  6. Still no mentioning of any Kalypso version uber patch! Now is it going to happen or not??? :mad: Looks like I throw this crap off in march, if nothing happens...
  7. Ok, maybe asking this way: How do I open all files in the /maps/_TEX/forest/summer folder, which are: ForestSide1.tga DOES NOT OPEN ForestSide2.tga DOES NOT OPEN ForestSide3.tga Opens as TGA normally ForestSide4.tga Opens as TGA normally ForestSide5.tga Opens as TGA normally ForestSide.tga DOES NOT OPEN Grass2H_new.tga DOES NOT OPEN ListForestNoise.tga Opens as TGA normally
  8. Dr. Jones, thanks for the hints! Some of the files indeed have that IMF in their header, but those that don´t still can´t be openend. Maybe another hint; when I first started the Extractor from MissionEditor folder I got an error message concerning Net framework 2.0 I hit igore button and then the application worked normally (I guess) I have that Net framework 2.0 installed btw. I´m using last version ToW install (since the Kalypso version uber patch isn´t available yet), PS 7, the plugins from the NVidia web page and Extractor 0.3 from Cmmods. The TGA/DDS fils also don´t open in the some Windows DDS viewer (WTV = Woodies texture viewer) yet need to try the one from the Nvidia page. Odd. Edit: The WTV is the one from NVidia already.
  9. Same problem here, openeing disguised DDS (TGA) files with Photoshop V7 (NVidia DDS plugin installed) and another DDS Viewer application. Tells me the "files can not be parsed from file format module". Tried loading file: forestside.tga from /maps/_TEX/forest/summer Archive maps.sfs, extracted with executable from SFSEXTRACTOR0.3.ZIP, downloaded from cmmods. I tried openen ing TGA or TGA as DDS. Some smaller files work, some don´t. Also read info from "TOW modding FAQ Vers 1.02", particularly this section: "Each of TOW’s graphic skins are .tga files, but in reality they are .dds files. You can view and change these files in Photoshop with a plug-in that allows you to read .dds files. Nvidia has such a plug-in at: http://developer.nvidia.com/object/photoshop_dds_plugins.html Download and install the file as directed. Rename the .tga file to .dds and open it in Photoshop. Open it without loading mip maps checked. You can modify it as you like. I saved it using the following options. Feel free to let me know if there are better ones, but I used these options and it worked within the game. Save format: [DXT3 ARGB 8 bpp | explicit alpha]. Save as a 2d Skin. Click Generate mip maps. Before you can use it in the game you have to change the extension back to .tga." Any ideas? :confused: [ February 15, 2008, 04:40 AM: Message edited by: RockinHarry ]
  10. Very well done so far! Realistic looking forested areas ect. for the first time in a TOW map! :cool: Btw, is it possible to place broken trees (the ones taht magically sink into the ground in the game ) or paint some "crater" on the texture to avoid some of the "peacefull" looks? [ February 14, 2008, 04:10 PM: Message edited by: RockinHarry ]
  11. ..and not to forget, there´s a whole lot of CMAK mods out there that lets you revisit (faked) CMBO battlefields, as well as some early war stuff. :cool: At last you have both, CMAK and sort of extended CMBO (with all new CMBB and CMAK features, except few missing vehicles and units, IE no King Tiger or Volkssturm ect.)
  12. Yes, did that infamous never publicly released B41 Panzer Elite mod, although Andy McGee adapted it to Ostpak I think anytime in the past. Re ToW forest, I would proceed as I tried in the B41 mod, with more realistic looking and behaving forest ground tiles. What was you nick name over in Ostpak team? </font>
  13. The other download was the right one and works ok.
  14. Wonder why some game developers include the "Wespe" or "Hummel" in the arsenal. :confused: That´s a complete waste of space that can be used for real frontline units. Wespe and Hummel are mobile artillery and acted almost exclusively from behind the frontline at common artillery engagement ranges (as would be outside the scale of ToW). Saw that nonesense at first in the "Seelow" height scenario in the first ToW demo.
  15. Surprise! Great to see you still beeing active, Geezer! :cool: Not long ago I noticed some your other works for CoD (cooperative work with some level designer I think), or was it RO too? However, ..I´m still waiting for the Kalypso patch version to get started with the editors too, but I´m yet somewhat in doubt if that modding as shown above would work in ToW and also some of the game mechanics are not that advanced as one would have hoped for a combined arms game. But it´s worth a try for sure. ToW seems to offer lots of scripting possibilities just as Panzer Elite did and If 1C keep working more towards a serious sim, an advanced version might just be what we were waiting for so long! :cool: wish you nice weekend
  16. Do you know how target selection of individual soldiers is applied? Do they choose based on squad (leader) or completely individual, dependent what tehy can see and think what can be hit? Germans used the rifles in a sort of squad volley, if using the riflemen at all, until they come into very effective range for rifles and depended most of the time on the light machine gun, to help the rifle guys forward for thefinal break into the enemy postions. Yes, that´s no news, but could become interesting when the game uses a squad fire system and no individual fire. Combat Mission and Steel Panthers: World at war are good examples for how squad fire is handled. If there´s no "fire tactic" implemented for sqaud units, then it might be difficult to get reasonable results, just by cutting engagement ranges. However, from my experiences with the SPWAW game, cutting engagement ranges to "effective" or tactical ranges helped very much. The above figures come close to what was used in this game too.
  17. Yes, did that infamous never publicly released B41 Panzer Elite mod, although Andy McGee adapted it to Ostpak I think anytime in the past. Re ToW forest, I would proceed as I tried in the B41 mod, with more realistic looking and behaving forest ground tiles. What was you nick name over in Ostpak team?
  18. May it bee the Gamershell site, Europe, United Kingdom Line, just offers the "old" Demo? I downloaded, installed and after launching saw the 1.2.x version demo, with the tutorials, but no Panzer Lehr scenario. Just the Seelow height scenario was there. :confused: File properties tell of an April 18th, 2007 built. Now trying another download from Internode Games Network.
  19. Not to forget the more commonly available german rifle grenades: Rifle Grenades and More rifle grenades click the pics for more info on the latter page! Note: German rifle grenades were not introduced in german army before 1942!
  20. Agreed...except for the teller mine which isn't in the game at all. It could be modelled, but we wouldn't have a graphic for it. BTW, the stick grenade bundle can't harm any of the AFV's in the game. In fact, it has the exact same specifications as the single stick grenade....which must have been an omission or error on the designers part. </font>
  21. Yes, I would try to mod some, but what is needed to know, is the trnches hardcoded in any way? As can be seen the trench meshes "subtract" from the ground mesh and I can imagine there´s certain rules to get the "subtracting" work properly! Minimum mesh size might be the keyword and that might also explain the over size (too wide) of the trenches! Another point would be; do the path finding routines work for smaller trenches? No idea how collision checking is handled, but I can imagine wider trenches make things a bit easier. Bunker types: Log bunkers would be more appropiate in every situation, particularly at the eastern front or forrested areas. Concrete pillbox types as the german "Regelbau" of the Siegfried line would be nice too have. Did research the hurtgen forest battles much, so could jump right into scenario designe with them. But...still need to wait for the Kalypso uber patch version.
  22. Yes, me too discovered the non planked version in a polish scenario (..or campaign?), altough over size stays the same. The shown 2 man "trench" would be appropiate for a medium mortar team, or if not that deep, also a gun. Did you try fitting a german MG34/42 in? Yes, if the trenches were of the "hasty" sort or within a plowed field, the textures might work too. Russians were masters of camouflage, as were well educatiated german and soldiers of other armies, so camouflaged trenches/improved postions could be assumed to be the general standard.
  23. Downloading.....(while waiting for the Kalypso version patch )
  24. Thanks, good to know! Hopefully Kalypso gets into gear quickly! From my experiences with other games (and modding) , infantry oftenly starts to get trigger happy if it has any sort of AP (SmkH or Hartkern for germans) ammo for rifles and LMG, thinking it can successfully enganging light armor with it. Dunno.
  25. While the weapon pits in trenches are there, the HMG just don´t fit in, although the trenches are over sized anyway. The MG 34/42 mounts are fixed in their highest postions in the game, which probably makes them unnecessarily vulnerable. Under the given conditions in the game, the mount should be in the lowest position instead, making the whole thing a way smaller target. Crew is mostly lying prone then.
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