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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Steiner14

  1. I'm getting tears in my eyes (i have been totally absent for two years from the games-market). This pic also looks unbelievable.

    Is this fantastic contrast effect a product of v3.0 pixel shaders using HDR? Or what's the reason that such a realistic contrast/colours hasn't been available in older software using dynamic lightning?

  2. OMG, the graphics of the menn look that good, that i though, this were a photograph. Even the trousers seem to pucker. And then the grass! Or the screenshot with the fighters. INCREDIBLE.

    This is the first game, with colors and shadows that look like photographs.

    Rollstoy do you have any info, what they use, to make it look that perfect?

    Too bad it is only a FPS.

    Will CMSF with the final graphical polish have the same realistic colors/contrast/lightning?

  3. Will there be a modifier, reflecting how long the crew has been trained together? This modifier should be able to increase the overall performance.

    Another question regarding TCs: does the capability of the TC have an impact on the tank's movement, path finding and target selection? Or how else is the TC's effect modelled?

  4. What do we understand as victory? Tactical, operational? For the Germans, a victory was always seen in conjunction with losses of men and material. The Soviets lost 1+ million around Stalingrad, had many times more losses on men and material and celebrate it as glorious victory, because only the operational result seems to count, not the fate of the soldier.

    So operationally we have a victory of the Soviets at Kursk, because they succeeded to deny the Germans to turn the war in the east with that battle and as result it was one (important) factor for the loss of the war of Germany.

    For the German FHQ, it was a loss, too. Simply because the goals of the battle couldn't been reached: the destruction of the mass of the remaining russian armored forces. It doesn't matter if the result wasn't reached because of the cancel of the attack, when the tide was already turning (according to Manstein). Fact is: operationally it failed. A loss.

    But if we look at the performance of the soldiers, at the tactical level, it was a truly fantastic performance of the Germans.

    And since here are mostly tactical aspects discussed, everyone should know that Kursk is a great example of the superior german WWII tactical capabilities and a perfect example that tactical victories and operational losses can fit together (i don't agree, that it was operationally a draw, since the whole conception of the Kursk-battle, was, with the enormous number of the soviet armoured masses in the (planned) pocket, to become the decisive battle for the whole war in the east - operationally it was even bigger and more important than the battles of Summer '41 with the 3.5 million soviet POWs - the Germans had lost the operational initiative after this battle in the east).

    [ August 14, 2006, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Steiner14 ]

  5. Originally posted by RMC:

    I understand that there are scads of CM players who live in fear of some 13-year-old kid with fast reflexes beating them in a game like this where the big wargaming brain is defeated by unchecked ADD. This isn't going to be Command and Conquer in which mass is everything. Tactics count. Making the right decisions counts. Clicking fast doesn't help much when those clicks are giving bad orders.

    That's a strange kind of "logic". Not the comparison with 13year old boys is interesting, but with two equally good players. The one willing to micromanage more, will win - this is as long valid, as long the tac AI is weaker than the player. And the better the players, the bigger the positive effect of micromanaging.
  6. Originally posted by Hortlund:

    Usually, you dont unpause when someone else has paused. Ive never seen a game where there was a problem like the one you are describing. And in those games you usually have 6-10 players.

    I suppose it could be a problem if you are playing with a bunch of retarded teenagers, but otherwise a gentlemans agreement not to unpause when someone else has paused works just fine.

    Come on. Have you never played PBEM against unkown oponents? When someone really wants to win, he will pause all the time and micromanage the hell out of the pixelsoldiers. That's labour, not fun.

    To prevent from this, such options that can be switched on before the game starts, can eliminate a lot of frustration.

    Gentlemen agreements are good, options in the software are way better.

    With a user-definable pause-number and such things, the players would have to think twice, when to use it. The player receives a bonus for using pause. So it's a good thing, if it can be given a "price".

  7. Hm, wouldn't that allow the one player who likes to micromanage, to pause as often as he wants?

    Two solutions come to mind:

    A Pause counter. If you've used all your pause-credits, you can't pause anymore.

    The counter could additionally be clock dependent, so that the credits are slowly increased over time.

    Additionally the pause intervall could be timed. After that period, the game continues.

  8. Guys be patient and don't judge to early. ToW is not CM.

    While for CM realism has highest priority, here it's obviously the mixture of gameplay, realism and fun in realtime. What we can expect therefore is a certain amount of realism like Redwolf said. If the game is fun, offers some realtime thrill without a clickfest and good action, that should be very fine, shouldn't it?

  9. Congratulations to Battlefront, for that deal. With that strike, they have become a much bigger player in the business. And the marketing effect for the later published CMx2 is hardly to overestimate.

    And from what i've read so far, those two games seem to compliment each other quite well.

    What i'd be interested in, how did it come, that you, the IL-makers from 1C, were ready to go with Battlefront? Have you been tired of the marketing-pressure of the other publishers, where the quick money comes before quality?

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