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Posts posted by Chops

  1. Ah hell,. I used to think I was reasonably intelligent, but now I will have to revisit that notion. Nothing like a Rarity System to humble one. Will there be an Appendix - Rarity Points for Dummies?

    Let me see if I understand - The Quick Battle is assigned a total of 2650 points for each player, "to play around with".

    You have two columns; Column A for regular points with a total of 2650 available. Column B for rarity points with 2650 available.

    You can choose whatever you want so long as the total for Column A is 2650 or less, and the total for Column B is 2650 or less. Column A and Column B would never be added together to get 2650. Each column is on it's own.

    If this is not correct, just forget about it. I will go back to puffin' on my hooka and will wait to RTFM.

  2. Thanks Elvis, yeah I am still not really understanding how this rarity stuff works. Not sure how rarity and regular points combine to get your overall point total.

    Guess I will have to wait and read the manual, or maybe you guys can give another example of a unit with the regular points, rarity points, and then what the total cost would be for the unit?

    Did Tube Guy really die in your battle with JonS?

  3. Well, I guess it is time to say goodbye to the 4th and Final D-Day release thread. It was a good 4 years of pining, speculating, crying, hand-wringing, gnashing of teeth, and wondering. Now that is all behind us. Vaya Con Dios.

    So what will be the next release to feed the grogs pining addiction? I assume that shortly, questions will start popping up about the SS - FJ Module in the grogs never ending quest to reach the future.

  4. I would so totally play that game! I would also hope it would have Pirate-Ninjas with fire-breathing Fists O' Doom and sharks with laser beams in their heads.

    A game the whole family can enjoy.

    So you dared to venture outside the walled compound, the gated community of the Peng Challange Thread again? Well, it will not be long before the masses grab yo arse, and frog-march you down the Main St. of Akron, along with Mubarak, Gaddafi, Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Karl Rove, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, assorted members of the Bush-Cheney crime family, and other random common criminals and thugs. So Beware!

  5. Gents, kind folks, oddstralians, oddcanadians, and oddbrits,

    Remember, that release will be 6 to 8 weeks after pre-orders are announced, so that is already moving things close to the beginning of June. Maybe it will be released on Emrys birthday?!

    On a side note, do you think the U.S. 29th Infantry Division will be one of the historical units in the Campaign?

  6. Yes vermin, the Revolution has spread like wildfire. I think stringing the leaders up from lamp-posts would be appropriate.

    However, I too, would like to take the opportunity to laugh at Elvis, aka Lt. Dyke. He is probably still to "shook up" from the beating he took from those wily Germans in front of the whole forum. I seem to recall that he was to busy breakin' wind to give his troops proper orders, or something like that.

  7. Hey Wodin,

    Sending good, positive vibes your way. In other words, just expressing care from one human being to another. Ignore all that nonsense about sky gods, cloud beings, spooks, haints, ghosts, etc... We are on our own. No god or government is gonna help. Just yourself, family, friends, random kindness from other people, and a bit of old fashioned good luck will do the trick.

    Maybe our German friends from across the pond will send you a few pints of stout German beer to cheer you up, albeit temporarily. But hey, like you said CM:BN is just around the corner and will be a better distraction than a pint or two.

    Looking on the bright side, at least you are not a woman trapped in Emrys body.

  8. Well, since you brought it up here is a post of mine from the CM:BN Forum. I am posting it here, because I feel that this needs attention from BFC.

    Noob, you mention thresholds, however, the orientation of the > and < signs is important when referring to a percentage. The way it is now, regarding the Condition Parameter is screwed up.

    Hi Moon,

    The problem is with the functionality of this parameter and the way it is presented within the Editor.

    This is how these parameters appear in the Editor within the Game when setting Victory Points -

    Friendly Condition > X%

    Enemy Condition < X%

    This does not make sense, based on the definition of Condition in the Manual which is as follows -

    Condition (friendly and enemy): if the player keeps his percentage of wounded, incapacitated and routed soldiers below this percentage and pushes the enemy above another percentage, he is awarded the respective victory points

    So when a Scenario designer sets the Condition Parameter for Friendly in the Editor, it looks like this -

    Friendly Condition > (greater than) 20% This means greater than 20% of Friendly Troops are panicked, routed, etc...

    Enemy Condition < (less than) 30% This means less than 30% of Enemy Troops are panicked, routed, exhausted, etc...

    The problem lies with the orientation of the > and < signs in the Editor. They are backwards, and don't make sense based on the defintion of Condition.

    A player wants to keep his panicked, routed, troops below ( < ) a certain percentage not above!

    I can't believe that after three years no one else has picked up on this issue. * Please forward to Charles or Philip or do somefink.

  9. Hi Moon,

    The problem is with the functionality of this parameter and the way it is presented within the Editor.

    This is how these parameters appear in the Editor within the Game when setting Victory Points -

    Friendly Condition > X%

    Enemy Condition < X%

    This does not make sense, based on the definition of Condition in the Manual which is as follows -

    Condition (friendly and enemy): if the player keeps his percentage of wounded, incapacitated and routed soldiers below this percentage and pushes the enemy above another percentage, he is awarded the respective victory points

    So when a Scenario designer sets the Condition Parameter for Friendly in the Editor, it looks like this -

    Friendly Condition > (greater than) 20% This means greater than 20% of Friendly Troops are panicked, routed, etc...

    Enemy Condition < (less than) 30% This means less than 30% of Enemy Troops are panicked, routed, exhausted, etc...

    The problem lies with the orientation of the > and < signs in the Editor. They are backwards, and don't make sense based on the defintion of Condition.

    A player wants to keep his panicked, routed, troops below ( < ) a certain percentage not above!

    I can't believe that after three years no one else has picked up on this issue. * Please forward to Charles or Philip or do somefink.

  10. I am glad to hear that additional effort is being put into the Manual. I for one, find it very useful and have read all of the CM:SF Manual's cover to cover. I still look things up and read the manuals fairly often.

    I hope that the effective range and ammo type for each weapon will be included. That type of information is not very complete in the CM:A Manual and some data is missing for weapons in the CM:SF Manuals as well. I have often looked this info up online, but come up with conflicting parameters.


    Edit: One item that comes to mind in the CM:SF Manual that does not make sense is the way Condition parameters are defined as well as presented in the Editor.

    Based on the definition of Condition (which is found several places in the Manual) it should be shown as-

    Friendly Condition < X% - for example, Friendly Condition < 20% meaning less than 20% of Friendly Troops are panicked, routed, exhausted, etc...

    Enemy Condition > X% - for example, Enemy Condition > 30% meaning greater than 30% of Enemy Troops are panicked, routed, exhausted, etc...

    The way it is in the Manual and in the Mission Editor now, is opposite of what I described, and is bassackwards.

  11. The desktop system that I am running CM:SF on is tuned up and configured properly, and very well maintained with no extra background processes running. I have an Athlon X2 dual-core processor that runs at 2.6ghz.

    The game runs fine with all settings on Best, and that was with 4 GB of RAM. As I mentioned, there is no difference with my added RAM (10 GB total), due to what Schrullenhaft said. CM:SF was not coded to take advantage of extra RAM, and is not a 64-bit program. I am currently playing a large scenario, and was curious if I would see a difference in performance with added RAM.

    On my Toshiba Satellite laptop, I get acceptable performance with all settings on Best, and I have a Centrino duo at 1.0 ghz each, with an on board NVidia GeForce GO GS7900. I have Anisotropic filtering at 4x and AA at 2x, set in my video card software. This machine is also in great shape and tuned up. This system has 4GB RAM.

    Hard drive speed can also be an issue as well with performance. With Windows operating systems, it really helps to reformat and do a clean operating system install about once a year, depending on how well you maintain your system. Also, if you have a lot of programs running on your computer, especially programs that start on boot up, it helps to open Task Manager, and kill all the processes that are not necessary before running CM.

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit has a 16 GB RAM limit

    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit has a 192 GB RAM limit

    For 32-bit systems:

    232 = 4,294,967,296 bytes

    4,294,967,296 / (1,024 x 1,024) = 4,096 MB = 4GB

    For 64-bit:

    264 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616

    18,446,744,073,709,551,616 / (1,024 x 1,024) = 16EB (exabytes)

    However, there are operating system and CPU limits, so the max with Win 7 Ultimate is 192 GB.

    A bit is either a 1 or a 0...either On or Off. Hence 232

    The 4GB limit for 32-bit operating systems refers to total addressable memory space and not just the RAM installed. So your video card RAM is factored in. That is why even though you may have 4 GB of RAM installed you may only see 2.2 GB available.

    Thanks for the feedback Schrullenhaft!

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