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Posts posted by Chops

  1. As others have said, there's plenty of variety. Individuals can also be branded Fanatical, similar to CMx1. These guys get a Morale bonus which is, like CMx1, hidden from the player so you don't misuse/abuse the unit the particular soldier is in.

    I think it would be kinda cool to somehow track individual soldier feats of heroism and indicate that, somehow, in the user interface so the player could notice and remember who did something extreme and out of the ordinary. Perhaps we will someday add this to the game as it isn't in conflict with anything CM stands for. However, it will require a bit of work to get this sort of thing to function since, currently, there is no sense of tracking individual accomplishments nor evaluating them.


    A recent example of "heroism" - I designed a Map/Scenario using CM:SF NATO that is based on the Squad Leader Scenario 45, Hide and Seek, 6-7-44 Normandy, France. It involves U.S.Army Infantry supported by several tanks, attacking a farm complex surrounded by hedgerows and agriculture, and defended by German Infantry.

    Anyway, after about 1 hr. 30 min. of fighting I had my last remaining M1A1HC Abrams moving down a dirt road, bordered on both sides by hedgerows. The tank was conducting mop-up and looking for any remaining infantry in the hedgerows. The tank crews' commander, wrongly assumed that the Germans had expended all their anti-tank weapons/ammo.

    As the tank was slowly moving down the road, all of the sudden, several explosions rang out and the tank halted in its tracks. German infantry consisting of what looked like a 5-man crack Hochgebirgsjägerzug team and at least one member of a Gebirgsjäger squad ambushed the tank. The Germans hurled several DM-51 hand grenades at the side of the tank which immobilized it, prior to the tank unloading with 12.7mm and seriously wounding two Germans. This was followed by several more hand grenades which destroyed the Abrams. The tank crew bailed out and was promptly gunned down, with two men KIA and two seriously wounded.

    The Abrams had received some light to moderate damage to its tracks, targeting, IR optics, radio, and smoke launchers in previous fighting prior to this incident. However, prior to moving down the road, the tank was temporarily bogged in a muddy area, but got itself un-stuck so the tracks must not have been significantly damaged.

    U.S. Army infantry in another perpendicular hedgerow were providing overwatch and had engaged some other German infantry in the hedgerows near the tank, but failed to see the German ambush team.

    The German crack Hochgebirgsjägerzug team had a 0 leadership modifier, a +2 morale modifier, and was in a cautious state. The soldier in the regular Gebirgsjäger squad had a -1 leadership modifier, was in a rattled state, and had moved away from the hedgerow during the attack. The Germans had been engaged in previous fighting and had been on the battlefield for about 1 hr. 30 min.

  2. Steve

    I know this a little premature to be asking before the release of CM:BN, but is this still the general plan for familites of games in order of appearance? (Sorry, but the above discussion brought this on)

    1. CM: Battle for Normandy

    1a. CM: Battle for Normandy - Commonwealth (Brits, Brit Airborne, SS, FJ)

    1b. CM: Battle for Normandy - Market Garden (new US and Brit Airborne TO&E)

    1c. CM: Battle for Normandy - Odds and Ends (anything and everything else)

    2. CM:Battle of the Bulge

    3. CM:Shock Force (Temperate, Allies against Ruskies, maybe China or Korea too)

    4. CM:Ostfront (late war, 1944 if I recall)

    Is that still the general plan? Thats what I have written down from a couple of your posts over the last few years.



    Oh, and Merry Christmas everyone! Christmas morning is sure fun with your kids! :D

    Here you go, from Nov. 22nd, 2010


    And below, from July 2010

    I should probably post something more "permanent" about our plans, but I have actually been very specific about what we're planning on doing when we have conversations like this. Here's another go at it in Forum form :D

    CMx2 stuff is divided up into four basic concepts:

    Epoch (or as we call it, Track)




    We plan on having three Epochs in development concurrently (i.e. all at the same time). These are:


    Western Front

    Eastern Front

    We can, and already have, add to this depending on various conditions. The example at the moment is Afghanistan, which is a one shot "Epoch" of sorts (i.e. Afghanistan is self contained).

    Next is what we call a Family. This is a grouping of a base Game and 2-4 Modules. For example, Combat Mission: Shock Force is a Family within the Modern Epoch. This particular Family consists of Marines, British Forces, and NATO.

    Each Family is a self contained group of products. You can purchase any Module you want and it will work with the base Game and other purchased Modules without any hiccups. You can not, however, mix and match stuff from one Family with another. For example, CM:SF 2 will contain a base Game with 2-4 Modules, none of which will work with CM:SF 1 and vice versa.

    Normandy is the first Family release for the Western Front Epoch. The second Family will be Bulge. Currently we plan on having 3 Modules for each.

    Normandy's base game has American forces against core Wehrmacht forces. 1st Module will have Commonwealth on one side, Waffen SS and FJ on the other. 2nd Module will cover Arnhem and will contain the forces necessary to fight those battles. 3rd Module will be a sort of mix-mosh of stuff not covered in the base Game or the first two Modules.

    By the time the Normandy Family is complete, you should be able to recreate any battle within that timeframe. Well, within reason of course :D


  3. Battlefront Team - congratulations on a phenomenal, masterful work of art; transporting one as if by timemachine to the horrifying but beautiful bocage country of 44' Normandy.

    I am amazed that you got so many feautres and incredible artwork completed in such a short time period.

    > animated water, fords & bridges

    > bocage

    > unit stats + all the rest of the new features

  4. I was in the process of making some scenarios a couple of months ago, but my wife has been in the hospital and I haven't had thetime.

    CN, sorry to hear your wife is in the hospital.

    I am also working on a Scenario and will post in a couple of weeks.

    I wish CM:A would get some better support -

    Exit Points

    Trucks that can carry ammo and troops

    Mountain background wallpaper fixed (seams)


  5. OK refresh my memory is it not about 4-6 weeks after a website is up that we could expect maybe a release. Is that not what happened with the recent releases?

    Uhhh....try about three months. Thanks for bringing the Thread back on topic. It was getting a little tiresome reading about geeky grogs objectifying women while drooling in their basements.

  6. Also, regarding the internal wall of buildings. I have spent countless hours going through these buildings to ensure that the internal walls are solid or only have a door and no windows, in scenarios that I have designed. It is a very time consuming process.

    Maybe a solution would be to have the default wall in the editor solid. Also the ability to cycle backwards, when choosing walls in the editor would be very helpful. If you cycle through a wall setup that you want, one has to continue clicking until you get back to where you want to be.

  7. It seems like everything takes twice and more as long these days. At first I thought it was just me—you know, getting older and all that. But now it is clear that somehow the space-time continuum has accelerated so that clocks run faster and so do calendars. Curious. According to Relativity Theory, if the expansion of the universe were to reverse, its increasing density could cause this effect. It could mean that The End Of Everything As We Know It is at hand.


    Mr. Emrys, I corroborate your assertion. Time is speeding up, and it is not just because you are elderly, or should I say, a Senior Forum Member.

  8. C3K (a.k.a Ken) has presented his takeaways and provided metrics on the asks. By providing color on his resources, he has created vertical synergy. It appears that the powers-that-be are not on the same page, or else do not have their ducks in a row. Apparently they are not ready to open their kimono on this one. We all know Ken as a Team Player, and he really hit a home-run on this situation.

    Hopefully BFC will touch base and provide some tic-tac on this by next week. BFC can you drill down on this issue and give us some deliverables? What will your ETA be on this one?

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