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Posts posted by Chops

  1. YD,

    On page 66 of the CMBN manual, it says, "Note: Seriously-wounded (red base) soldiers who have not received "buddy aid" (i.e. disappeared) by the end of the game have a 25% chance of becoming KIA in the final tally."

    So it sounds like BF was thinking about it...

    The same description is in both the CM:SF and CM:A manuals. So it does not appear that anything has been changed behind the scenes for the WW II setting.

  2. Does this mean that 'New' sounds have been sourced for everything or will I be hearing, yet again "take a look at that" from my US infantry every 5 seconds?

    One of the disappointing things about CMSF was having the US stock CMBO voices all over again. The Brit module took the right approach though.

    I agree. The voice sounds are one area where there is room for serious improvement. I was really disappointed to hear the voices in the CM:BN AAR videos. Recycled CM:SF stuff, which was already weak to start with. It really destroys the sense of immersion.

    We need Mord to crank out some more of his great voice mods.

  3. Sort of. They and the remnants of the 17th. SS PG were off to the west facing VIII Corps at the start of Cobra. The two of them were ordered to attack southeastwardly against the flank of the penetration, but were so weak and disorganized that the attack petered out without accomplishing much.

    Meanwhile, the 2nd. Pz. and 116th. Pz. (Heer) were ordered to attack from the east. They were much more complete formations, but their attacks were so poorly planned and coordinated that they didn't accomplish much either. Plus they were severely hampered by tactical air strikes.


    The 17th SS had been hit very hard by air strikes while trying to move toward Carentan right?

  4. I must admit, i am a junkie also when it comes to the SS and FallschirmJäger. In my opinion i think it would be vital to put the SS in, especially if Battlefront want to add the British into the game. The 12th SS were out in full force in and around Caen.

    Am i right in saying the 2nd SS were around St.Lo also?

    But of course, Fallschimjäger must be in Carentan. Along with 17th SS.

    So yeah, as you can tell im looking forward to Battlefront adding SS and Fallschirmjäger.

    The 1st SS-Rgt. SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Schuster under Kampfgruppe Wisuceny (led by Obersturmbannfuhrer Wisliceny) was in the action at St. Lo. Don't know about the 2nd SS.

    What additional weapons and equipment will the SS - FJ be bringing to the mix?

  5. All this talk and anticipation about CM:BN is getting a little tiresome, to say the least. In short order, we will no longer have the thrill and enjoyment of waiting and anticipating the release.

    So, can we please turn our attention to the next greatest thing; the SS - FJ Module. A junkie has to get his fix and keep it going, so we had better turn our sites on the future.

    Am I correct in assuming that the battle for Carentan will not be modeled in CM:BN? It is my understanding that the 17th SS was involved in that little skirmish.

  6. As one who did not play SF (partly for technical reasons), I say let the rehashing begin!

    Mr. Emrys, there should be no re-hashing required by you, since you have been following and ummm....uh "contributing" [term used very loosely] to the CM:SF Forum for the last 4 years.

    So, I nominate you sir, as the Director of the Re-Hash Committee. Your primary responsibility will be to re-hash and deal with all of the deserters reporting back in to headquarters.

  7. A lot of the vehicle clipping issues can be avoided by the scenario designer, with the sensible placement of AI Orders, and limiting the number of vehicles assigned to a particular AI Group within the Editor. Also, units can be assigned as reinforcements, since the number of AI Groups are limited to 8.

    This prevents to many vehicles from trying to move to the same spot on the map at once.

  8. Observations of the first video from a CM:SF vet:

    I heard many of the same vehicle, american voice sounds, and wounded soldier sounds that are present in CM:SF, in the video.

    AI vehicles still bunch up at one action spot, just as they do in CM:SF, creating a bit of a cluster phuck. The way to avoid this is for the scenario designer to give individual AI plans to each vehicle. However, if you have a lot of vehicles you can't do this due to the limitation in the Editor of 8 AI plans. Has the number of AI plans been changed in CM:BN?

    Bailed tank crews do not seem to seek sensible cover, just as they don't in CM:SF. I saw one american crew in the first video run across a field toward woods and enemy troops, when they could have gone the other direction into a hedgerow.

    Saw some funky infantry movement that is also present in CM:SF, where a lead soldier will double back to the action spot, turning his back to the enemy before proceeding forward again with the rest of the squad.

    The landscape, soldiers, and vehicles are beautifully modeled, although only got glimpses of this due to the real-time click fest well above the action.

    Thanks for the video. I am looking forward to playing the game in WeGo.

  9. Mind you, if good order is important to the mission, there is the Condition Parameter that can be used as a separate objective.

    ND, since things are clicking today, maybe you can resolve this long standing question for me regarding the Condition parameter. I have sent PMs to Steve, Moon, Phillip, and posted this several times, but have never received a response.

    This is what I posted previously -

    The problem is with the functionality of the Condition parameter and the way it is presented within the Editor.

    This is how these parameters appear in the Editor within the Game when setting Victory Points -

    Friendly Condition > X%

    Enemy Condition < X%

    This does not make sense, based on the definition of Condition in the Manual which is as follows -

    Condition (friendly and enemy): if the player keeps his percentage of wounded, incapacitated and routed soldiers below this percentage and pushes the enemy above another percentage, he is awarded the respective victory points

    So when a Scenario designer sets the Condition Parameter for Friendly in the Editor, it looks like this -

    Friendly Condition > (greater than) 20% This means greater than 20% of Friendly Troops are panicked, routed, etc...

    Enemy Condition < (less than) 30% This means less than 30% of Enemy Troops are panicked, routed, exhausted, etc...

    The problem lies with the orientation of the > and < signs in the Editor. They are backwards, and don't make sense based on the defintion of Condition.

    A player wants to keep his panicked, routed, troops below ( < ) a certain percentage not above!

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