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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. Originally posted by lenakonrad:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    If you want to be a part of the Peng Experience, then you need to get a couple of things straight.

    Hiram don't be a jackass.

    But well ,no wonder ,you've just had an operation .Of course ,I've never had one ,so I don't know what it's like.

    Quiet ,peaceful ,and lonely


    Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF </font>

  2. Hey Jimmy Boggs,

    Jimmy don't be a jackass. If someone has been sent to "coventry" then don't reply. Its just that simple. If you want to be a part of the Peng Experience, then you need to get a couple of things straight. Granted, you are welcome to get the hell out too. In fact, I'm wondering why I am wasting my precious time even replying to you.

    Let me splain' it so you can understand. When a toddler hurls feces your way and you react, it shows the tyke that you care. Do you care, Jimmy? Can I call you Jimmy? Perhaps another tact is needed.

    Damnit Jim, I'm a hirsute pariah, not a gatekeeper!!

  3. Big News from the Hirsute Knight:

    I will be moving next month to live with my girlfriend in Georgia. I will have to learn the language there because they don't mumble and slur like NJ people do. They also don't seem to have the arrogence that I am so used to up here.

    Regarding my opponents, you are already used to receiving slow turns from me with a guarenteed win. Beat me quicker. (If I had a nickel for each time that phrase escaped from my lips)


    Regarding the brain dead among you that think I am pretending to be female or somefink:

    You may count me among the most homophobic people you have had the displeasure of meeting. I pretend to be nothing more than an oversexed, underappreciated pariah of society. I cared about what you thought for approximately 30 seconds and then I decided that it doesn't really matter. I found my soulmate. So, you can pull your collective lip up over your collective head and swallow. Eat me, I'm a danish.

    To paraphrase Michael the Archangel...let the female deal with you.

  4. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Hiram, you don't have to hate yourself, anymore. You don't have to worry that those groggy dreams you awake from, with the covers damp and in disarray, with thoughts of Adam West still spinning through your confused and self-loathing brain, mean that you aren't cherished for yourself.

    There's nothing wrong with you, Hiram. You're exactly the you that nature intended for you to be. Once you realize that, you won't have to sign on under two different screennames to pretend to be your own girlfriend.

    We're your friends, Hiram. You are a Knight of the Cesspool. It's all going to be alright.

    The wonder of alzheimer's disease. Some think its sad, but I am amused by it. I see you forgot the chat we were in. Want my significant other to give you a ring some time? I still have your number. hehe
  5. It took me this long to figure it out. You're a troll, Focker. That has got to be it. Are you even a knight yet?

    I also noticed that the idiot boy/girl Lekonigrad/Leningrad or somefink knows that Seanachai is "looser". How did he come to that conclusion? Does he know of the years the our bard spent behind bars fetching the soap? In order for one to be "looser" he must be "loose". Is our gnomish bard a trollip?

    Just some random observations I wanted to share. Let me count off ten seconds before Focker responds again.

  6. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

    Hey Boo, how about taking a short break from disseminating your resort porn and sending me a freaking turn? Pillock.


    ...I'm sorry, did you say something? Whenever you begin speaking, I just sort of zone out. But I imagine you're used to that...

    On another note (B-sharp), my wife's car was totaled in an accident this last Thursday by a gimboid who felt that 4-wheel drive gave him authority over "black ice". Not to worry, though, no one was hurt, just some metal got bent. I bring this up merely to point out that the accident happened on Thursday and by Friday we had gotten letters from no less than 5 different lawyers wishing to represent us.

    Feeding frenzies always impress me. </font>

  7. I've used PBEM helper off an on for close to two years now it seems. Love it!! I still have two versions of it on my computer.

    Question - is this newest one still in beta format? Also, can it be used to play people who don't use PBEM helper at all?

    Its a great help when I have approx 10 opponents but am a bit hesitant to download beta software.

  8. I hate to say this but I ordered the game a very very long time ago and received it yet I still play poorly. Can it be my copy of CMBB? My Strategy Guide must be faulty too because I show little strategy in my moves and can only look forward to the AI casting aspersions on my personage.

  9. I like Happy Songs!!


    Bleeding now I'm

    Crying out I'm

    Falling down and I'm

    Feeling nothing like

    Laughing now I'm

    Stopping now I'm

    Reaching out and I'm

    Feeling nothing

    Yeah, you have created a rift within me

    Now there have been several complications

    That have left me feeling nothing

    I might say, you were wrong to take it from me

    Left me feeling nothing

    Crawling now I'm

    Beaten down I'm

    Tortured now and I'm

    Feeling nothing like

    Hunting now I'm

    Stalking now I'm

    Reaching out and I'm

    Killing nothing

    I can feel you ripping and teaching

    Feeding and growing inside of me

    I want this, more than you know

    I need this, give it back to me


  10. Originally posted by Black Max:

    Without getting all wishy-washy and teary eyed, I just wanted to thank all the opponents out there (and the few that I have) that make this game great. No game is perfect but a good opponent can make it seem so. Battles with a good opponent who constantly challenges your abilities and always seems to surprise you with a brilliant tactic makes me look forward to another battle. And I think its fair to say that some of the best battles where not always won, but were well fought.

    Kudos to the AI as well, my most seasoned opponent.

    Amen, brother. I would like to thank the AI for offering a Ceasefire during setup because it pitied me. I would also like to thank my mom for allowing me to live when the afterbirth showed more potential. While I am giving thanks, I would like to thank all the little people that I had to step on so I can be where I am today.

    Opponents? I would like to expectorate upon my opponents and show true derision. They are beneath me and should be verbally castigated and have their entrails ripped from their bodies with a tuning fork.

  11. AAR for yet another TCPIP session between Hiram and his soulmate

    We played Lirruzione together tonight. She played the Russians and was defending while I was the Italians and attacking. The chat went along as usual:

    Her: I will crush you beneath my jackboot stiletto, unworthy dog!

    Me: Yes, Mistress

    She had minefields and that barbed wire stuff with three flags. Alas and alack, her armor was no match for my superior Aye-Tail-Yen armor. When I listened closely to my soldiers I could hear a faint “Doh!” when one of them would drop his rifle. The response was usually “Sa matta you?” by the platoon leader.

    We had a draw! As my love reaches for her whip and furry handcuffs, I can only hope that she forgives me for my inordinate audacity at almost winning. I shall strive to make up for this by clipping her toenails with my teeth in the future and giving her dog a colonic.

  12. A Request to the Mutha Beautiful Thread (and may it will always be there)

    As many of you know there is a squire scuffle scheduled (shedduled for Seanachai). Normally, I wouldn't really care about such mundane things. But, my love, my heart, the reason for the trembling in my loins, Moraine Sedai (bolded and italized because she deserves nothing less than the best)is one of the participants and will be the winner.

    Here is my request for both of you who are capable of reading so much text in one sitting:

    I hereby request a third party to create a Squire Battle. Do not spare any feelings. I still shudder from mine with OGSF (may his teeth rot out of his mouth and may he prance about like Nathan Lane).

    I would appreciate a knight who disdains both me and Aussie Jeff to participate in this.

    That is all.

    [ February 18, 2003, 10:58 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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