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Posts posted by Tripps

  1. Originally posted by JonS:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

    Interesting how the Panther is at the top of the list. That must have made it even more of a killer than it was - low bogging chance, fairly reliable, great armour, great gun and great optics.

    That is borne out by the comments in the March 1945 report to Eisenhower comparing US and German equipment. It's available on the web, but I can only find this link at the moment.</font>
  2. Originally posted by laxx:

    Conclusion for 1941 availability


    Next Step:


    - Infantry vs Soviet Armor

    watch this space.

    Just been doing some quick tests on this, June 41 vet German squad, couple tank hunters, and those 7.9mm anti-tank rifles


    8 or so no-ammo Kv1's

    close quarters stuff.

    quick conclusion:

    Dont bother with the anti-tank rifles smile.gif

    Platoon headquarters unit disabled a KV1 with an ordinary grenade smile.gif

    Panzerwurfmine works a treat.

    Overall though, units reluctant to use their bundled grenades...

    Even at 10 meters, and following the KV's around, no suppresion or anything either, just didnt wanna biff the thing smile.gif

    And every now and then coming up behind the KV's would catch a pile of lead from the rear-facing MG.

    I wouldnt be hesistant about assaulting a KV with infantry though.

    food for thought.


  3. Ok, i'll debate this lawyers points as well smile.gif

    But I wanna ask if its kept civil then smile.gif

    Originally posted by Lawyer:

    the simple facts are that the U.S. is still leading the world while both the Nazi and Soviet regimes have met their ends in ingnominious defeat while trying to best the Americans.

    Hmmm... Maybe those Americans had something going after all.[/QB]

    1. USA bested Germany.

    2. USA bested USSR.

    3. USA still leading.

    Point 1. Not by itself it didnt. And I would argue it couldnt.

    Point 2. In what?

    Point 3. Track record has not been the best since then now has it?


  4. From another thread, came this link:


    It mentions this, as to its accuracy, I dont know:

    "On 19 August 1941, a platoon of four KV-1s of the 1st Tank Division succesfully ambushed a German tank column advancing near the Voiskovitsy collective farm near Leningrad. The platoon leader, Sr. Lt. Zinoviy Kolobanov, knocked out the two lead tanks in the column. The following tanks apparently did not relize what had happened and continued to move forward. Kolobanov's platoon moved into the midst of German battalion and, in the melee that followed, Kolobanov destroyed 22 German tanks, ramming at least one in the process. His tank was hit 135(!) times during the firefight. The other three KVs destroyed a total of 16 other tanks. Kolobanov's feat made him the second highest ranking Soviet tank ace of the war."


  5. Originally posted by Mike:

    [QB]You're joking right?

    teh CMBB engine would be utterly useless for any game whre teh primary formations are well defined and close order - line, column, square, etc.

    Hmm, I think they when they say CM3, that there would be some changes to the engine smile.gif

    So, rather than clicking on this squad of 12 men (represented by 3 figures), you would select this group of say 200 men, which may or may not be represented by a smaller number, and would tell them 'advance to contact' and whatever.

    Formation changes, moving in formation etc, would all be new stuff.

    The whole principle of 'buying' your men, placement during setup, and the 'order and see what happens' is the style that is so enjoyable, and I wouldnt think anyone was joking wishing BTS made a game in other wars as well smile.gif


  6. Originally posted by tiborhead:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by tiborhead:

    Perhaps some of the reason the eastern front's role isn't covered more in western countries has something to do with the shear brutality of the conflict. Things on the western end were, in comparison, pretty civil in terms of mutual treatment of both sides. Perhaps the Ostfront is too graphic for some/most to handle?

    More likely the cold war. Same reason most Soviet kids didn't learn much (anything?) about the Western Allies in WWII.</font>
  7. Originally posted by energy76:

    Dude. North Africa was a 2 and a half to 3 year long campaign, longer the campaign in BO.

    Yes i'm aware of the duration of the campaign, but you cannot compare apples with pears. I was trying to say too small a scale in regards to total resources committed to this theatre would maybe be to small to market a whole game by itself, I later went on to say N.A.+ entire Med makes more sense.

    The British changed their primary tank three or four times. Plus you have to model the whole Italian army in all it's "glory." There was a lot of technology being developed in that timespan, so upgrades weren't unfrequent. I think you'd have as many units as anywhere else...but now I guess I'm just being nitpicky. Maybe I'm just over-eager to have people like the idea of CM in Africa. smile.gif
    Yeah I think you are smile.gif I am for one eager to see N.A. as well, I just feel by itself if would not offer as much smile.gif

    not the sort of soft blowing Sahara type sand you need for dunes. Lot of rolling terrain and rocky outcroppings. Lots of flat terrain, too. Short, grassy, tough shrubbery spread out thinly over the desert surface.

    Then once you get to Tunisia: Green and mountainous. Lots of trees and such.

    :rolleyes: I said put it into perspective with everything else I was saying! smile.gif

    I mentioned the Tunisian mountains, the flats, the quattra depression etc etc

    I hope people get off this notion that i'm trying to say N.A. is all rolling sand dunes...

    [qb]Afaik we'd need a new engine to do North Africa if you wanted M3A1's Lee/Grant with their hull-mounted 75mm gun.

    Why? Are you sure about this?
    AFAIK, there was a thread a while back with BTS saying they could not model the 2 main guns on the Grant.


  8. Originally posted by laxx:

    86smopuim ,


    i am trying to capture the initial barbarossa atmosphere: back in 1941, panzer III and IVs (the short nose) version went up against the bulk of the russian army. The III had L/45 while the IVs were mainly L/24 versions.

    Yesterday, I replayed June 1941 scenario: 6 veteran IIIH versus 9 regulars (3 KV-1, 1 KV-2, 2 T34s, the rest being T-26s and other light tanks). I used the method described earlier, shooting from back and flanks.

    T-26s and Light tanks died early with one or two shots.

    T-34s died with several rounds in the back hull/turret

    KVs refuse to die, rounds simply bounced off them.

    In the end, it was down to 4 IIIH versus 4 KVs in a 51/49 draw.

    Of coss in hindsight it was not a realistic composition, i think in reality it would have been 1 KV with a couple of T34s followed by light tanks.

    I wonder how the german tanks responded to the KVs with IIIs and short-nosed IVs.

    anyway, will try to add in IVs in the same scenario i created.


    Think you'll find they had the same problem you are having now smile.gif

    Call in the air support, and bring up the 88's was the general cry when coming up against KV's.

    My impression is the Germans were pretty shocked and worried when they first encountered T34's and KV's, and apart from the 2 methods above, when they were not available a couple of the only good things going for the Germans is they were more experienced, and had better communication between the AFV's (radios), so would outflank, ambush, and whatever they could at the time until aircraft and AT guns were available.

    I was reading somewhere the Russians learned to fear the StugIII's, probably the F&G series, and would back off when encountering these, but that wasnt until '42 onwards.


  9. Originally posted by Eden Smallwood:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by laxx:

    also known as TopHat / LowSky method of using multiple tanks to moving in and out of Line of Sight of Enemy. This will make it harder for the enemy tanks to engage and also a great diversionary tactic where other tank teams can flank the enemy tanks.

    Cool, some education for me! ( Where do they get these names? )

    In your first post you didn't mention moving "in and out of LOS"... that makes it a bit different. smile.gif

    Now are you saying that all your tanks are moving in & out *at the same time* ? Or just the one that's currently targetted?

    If I have mutli tanks on an enemy tank, I will pull the one being targetted out, in the case where the enemy tank is utterly uber, like a KV or something, so my only chance is to not get hit. But I've never even considered moving *all* of them back 'n' forth constantly. Is that what you mean?


  10. Originally posted by JonS:

    More gems from some of the stars of our forum:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Scipio:

    The Pacific war (1942+) has a problem, it is always the same. No terrain variations, Japanese with unbreakable moral, but always bad equipment - especially tanks, and US with endless heavy support and equipment.

    Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    Battles in Africa...I can see it now.

    "Sir, is that a Tiger in the distance or a mirage?"

    Tank battles galore with infantry playing zero part in your success. How fun!

    Originally posted by energy76:

    Personally, I'm not interested in France 1940. What's the point? Most of the battles would be something like this: Germans attack. French put up fierce resistance but are outgunned and isolated. French surrender or flee.


    I'm holding out for CM:BI (Combat Mission: Beyond Ignorance), in which the players manfully resist the urge to make pointless, inane, ill-informed, and incorrect statements about anything they don't happen to agree with, or which doesn't fit their pre-concieved notions.

    I think I'll be waiting a while.



  11. Originally posted by Magnum MGG:

    Thanks for your time... again.

    2. How can I determine effective and maxium range of my mortar units?

    Thank again.

    Oh, for this, hit enter when selected and it will tell you min and max range of the mortar.

    I believe they are 'effective' consistantly within this range, depending on experience, bracket/ranging shots etc.

    Maybe at longer range it would take more ranging shots tho, not sure.


  12. In regards to Plane Kills, that would be a no. If you are not playing AI you can ask for the opponant to make a note of kills they suffered so that they can tell you after the game.

    In regards to adding up all your units kills at the end of the game, i'm not sure this is possible either.

    Not that I have tried it, but I think FOW would still be in effect, so it may be your unit has caused 20 casualties, but only registers 10, thats all they can confirm. So following that, your plane would be given 10 kills it did not do smile.gif

    I wish there was an option as well, like, shows your unit(s) with the most kills, he gets a medal or something smile.gif

    In regards to mortars, both having them direct fire and having them as a sort of on map battery with an HQ unit spotting each have there advantages/disadvantages.

    I tend to group them (depending on how many I have) in 3-4 mortar teams (had 11 once smile.gif )with one company HQ spotting for them, the HQ unit heads to something like the second floor of a building, and the mortars are behind the building in a forest or something, within command range of the HQ unit, but hidden from view (good command radius helps here)

    OTOH, a single mortar moving up with each of your units can get into a nice position to get LOS to an enemy gun, which the mortar battery might not have that LOS or range to reach.

    adapt to the situation smile.gif

  13. Blah, just read this smile.gif

    Originally posted by Magnum MGG:

    Like I said early, I believe my tactics, in a little way at least, are correct and proper. moved to the flag with armor and inf, got them in defense positions,

    I wouldnt do this, knowing that he wont advance til later, I would just move Inf and AT guns, and not just to the objective, but to wherever is best to kill him when he moves forward to engage you and make the bid for the flags.

    Originally posted by Magnum MGG:

    then had to smaller force (2 armor and some inf) on both flanks they were olding but over ran, leaving my force exposed...

    Try an AT gun with maybe MG's/Inf guarding each flank. Ambush smile.gif

    Works out cheaper too, 1-2 x hidden 57mm AT gun at close range, or 1x75mm at long range, is cheaper than 2 x AFV's, granted you cannot move them as easy, but what is their purpose?

    To guard your flanks from AFV's, tanks are not the best way to do this

    Originally posted by Magnum MGG:

    by then too late to re-organize and assualt circling units.

    I suck at understanding what units I should pick in these point games... my panzers were attacking but there rounds bouncing of his tanks like bb's... then he would take out one of my tanks with 1 or 2 shots. :confused:

    thats what I need to work on.


    Like I said in my previous post, if you insist on a AFV dual, make sure your AFV's are better, StugIIIF front on will leave him screaming at his innefectual T34's, while the other Stugs have a 50/50 chance...

    Dont rely on tanks to much, their real purpose, was to break through and cause disruptment in the rear areas. Rely on your Inf, they are the ones that do the hard work.


    [ November 10, 2002, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: Tripps ]

  14. Well, i've never really divulged my tactics before, but i've had a pretty good run in CMBO, and looks like it may continue in CMBB, so I figure why not share my hard earned knowledge smile.gif

    Before I begin, i'd like to say this has worked for me, and is my opinion, something may work for you, or it may not, but I will say, glean what you can, and make your own decisions smile.gif

    Ok, lets see, I reckon the biggest thing to winning this game is knowing your opponant.

    In the initial game, this is hard, but in the following game(s) this is what wins it for me.

    Look at their force composition, what do they like using, big heavy uber-tanks, lots of Inf, loads of guns, fast mobile light AFV's.

    Do they rush the objective, do they wait for you to take it and then direct HE/arty the flags.

    Once you have figured this out to a degree, you can then decide what kind of force to take, I still believe in combined arms, but depending on the situation (attacking/defending etc) you may drop one of these arms.

    For example, i'm finishing a map now where I am defending against a probe with heavy hills, and I have taken no AFV's whatsoever, just Inf, guns, and arty. (lots of reverse hill side defense, with TRP's on the other side)

    Also read the map in the setup and decide what your opponant is going to do.

    My most recent 3k total victory is because I knew my opponant would rush the middle and head for these 2 large buildings, so I covered his approach, slowed him up, beat him there with HMG's and mobile 75 HE, and pretty much won the game in the first 3-4 turns as he then ran 50% of his Inf into prepared Inf defenses, not knowing I was already there, he also lost a lot of his support trying to remedy the situation.

    So I won that game not because I had better equipment, but because I applied what I had in the best manner to counter his forces, all because I 'out-guessed' him.

    You are just playing 2k QB ME's, fine.

    What I would do in your situation, is what have I learned from my opponants playing style?

    In the pic you have shown, I count a lot of Russian AVF's, a hell of a lot for a 2k ME, and also he waited for you to move forward, before he engaged.

    So, although not conclusive by any means, my next battle with this fella IF you were to follow your original method of advancing and taking the objectives early I would do away with any PIII/IV's altogether.

    I would take one platoon of Stug's, preferably the IIIF, as the T34's up to 44 I think cannot penetrate the frontal armor of these.

    I would take AT guns, probably 2 x 75mm's, and 2 x 57mm (or whatever medium calibre)with transport.

    2-3 Arty, 1-2 light for smoke, and 1 heavy-ish.

    Maybe some HE guns, with that many AFV's, he is not going to have much in the way of Inf.

    And the rest of your points on Inf with support (HMG's etc)

    The basic tactic would be to sum up the map, and then decide right, he's going to wait till I have rushed the flags, see what I have, then take it out.

    So I would then look at the best positions to place my guns to ambush him when he finally advances, this could be in your setup zone, or moved up (you have transport availabe for them, if they are not used because you set the guns up in your zone, then look at something else you can transport, MHG's for example, or use them as a reserve, a fast mobile one), and thats my target, not the flags.

    The flags IMO are secondary, the primary target is to remove the enemy, then you can achieve the secondary target.

    In your pic, and it's hard not seeing the whole layout, but I dont seem to see the point of your destroyed AFV's, as in, what are they doing there? you have advanced PAST the objective, with maybe no Inf support, for no reason I can see, and he has destroyed them from his setup zone, and then advanced past you and used his AFV's to I presume cause a lot of hurt smile.gif

    I could be wrong, i'm getting all this from 1 picture without seeing the battle unfold, but I would not have advanced those AFV's, if I had taken the flags already, and that 1 flag I can see has quite a lot of cover around it, I would have setup dispirsed around it (to avoid arty), with AT assets waiting for his assault. The PIII/IV's would have been back in reserve to see what eventuates.

    In a nutshell, thats the guts of it, know what your enemy is going to do, and counter that.

    If you do want AFV duels, and I dont recommend it, make sure yours are better smile.gif

    Try and use your AFV's vs Inf, and your guns vs AFV's.

    Someone just mentioned the fact that your remanining AFV was 'Elite', was this because you chose the highest experience available, or the random element that made that unit elite, and the rest were veteran etc?

    I seem to take Vet in CMBB so far as my experience level of choice, but thinking of Reg for the Axis up to 44, as the Russian "elite" is comaprable to Axis "Regular" IIRC

    In regards to your 2-3 pronged attack, with equal forces in each, I dont tend to do this.

    This would just spread your forces out to much.

    It will work sometimes, but I tend to favour groups based on the terrain and what I think the enemy will do, having a combined arms force makes up for this, because if you load the AFV arm, and its not good 'tank-country', your screwed smile.gif

    Look instead to stack one area where you think it will exploit him, be it either the middle, or one of the flanks.

    In your situation where you like to rush ahead, leave some AFV's and mobile reserves behind at first, dont show everything at once, look for sweet spots to place them to counter any unexpected moves.

    Anyways, for what its worth, this is how I am winning my games smile.gif

    Take what you will.

    I wouldnt mind discussing this any further if you have any questions smile.gif


  15. Originally posted by Brian Rock:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tripps:

    yeah well, i'll just quote one of our Prime Ministers a few years back

    "With the recent exodus of Kiwi's to Australia, its raised the IQ of both countries" smile.gif

    That was Sir Robert (Piggy) Muldoon - I have to admit one of my favourite insults of all time.

    And as long as Kiwi companies own all your Aussie beers, it'd be best to be nice to us smile.gif
    Now you're back in fairyland. ;)

    CUB: 55% market share

    Lion Nathan: 42% market share

    Now either CUB became a New Zealand company and forgot to tell anyone, or you aren't clear about the difference between 42% and 100%. Based on the numeracy of the Kiwis I've met I'm betting on the latter. :D </font>

  16. Originally posted by Brian Rock:

    The rest of the population of NZ is on Bondi Beach in Sydney, and I'm willing to bet none of them have the game. CMBB is a bit expensive when you're on unemployment benefits. tongue.gif [/QB]

    yeah well, i'll just quote one of our Prime Ministers a few years back

    " With the recent exodus of Kiwi's to Australia, its raised the IQ of both countries" smile.gif

    And as long as Kiwi companies own all your Aussie beers, it'd be best to be nice to us smile.gif

    [ September 24, 2002, 10:56 PM: Message edited by: Tripps ]

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