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Posts posted by Tripps

  1. Let me get this right tho - the in game data is notthe same as the actual calculations?

    Whats the point of that??

    Tomorrow I get a speeding ticket - BMW official statement "well yes, the little letters on your spedometer might indicate50 km/h - but you were probably doing 110km/h - our bad" :D

  2. Vegeorite, you have probably found a rare example of where you have actually succeeded in avoiding the buggy LOS.

    Almost the opposite of other games, where you find rare examples of the opposite

    (Cheater!! You shot me through the wall!) smile.gif

    Yes, I call it buggy LOS, no moving buttoned T34 can spot a PAK40 in bushes through multiple trees at 500 meters, and the PAK40 not see it in return - even you agree there with your reference to eyes being sensitive to movement.

    This is not even an extreme example.

    This game is a Lemon - such a pity to, as its the most easy on the eye WWII game I have ever seen. If even half of the recommendations on this forum make it into a patch, i'll give it another go - but frankly, the fact that most of these recommendations are even being ASKED for after the release and were not implemented in the FIRST place leads me to not hold my breath for any length of time.

  3. Originally posted by CaptainBly:

    I KNEW I wouldn't like this game because it's an rts kiddie clickfest and I just don't care for clickfests pause or no pause. Plus, I already KNEW I wasn't going to buy CMSF because I am not interested in modern day hypothetical warfare. When/if they do some WWII modules then I might find interest again. Going to be a long cold spell from BF games I see for awhile. It's already been awhile since CMAK.

    I didnt even read anything about the game before downloading the demo - just saw the name of game, BF's name on it, and the pic, realised it wasnt CMSF and away i went - then my first comment was "WTF, RTS??" smile.gif
  4. Originally posted by HardRock:

    Do you see Shermans hiding in the day with brush on them?

    Reminds me of:

    Know why Elephants paint their toenails red?

    So they can hide in Cherry trees.

    Ever see a Elephant in a cherry tree?

    Works huh? smile.gif

    So no, i didnt see any Shermans today, but maybe thats because they were well hid! smile.gif

  5. Originally posted by Chazman:

    Better get used to it, because it seems the disgruntled are out numbering the fan boys three to one, and growing every day!

    How can anyone defend this game?

    Ever play the "defense training" mission?

    No matter where you set up your ATguns, behind trees, behind bushes, they are immediately spotted and wiped out, what kind of defensive training is that, all it shows is the game has apparently NO blocked sighting, and you might as well have nothing but desert maps with no trees, bushes, or anything.

    Hmm, FWIW, i'm an old school CM player who only finally decided to gave it a rest midway through last year (after what i thought was a long and accomplished career smile.gif ) - ToW was then brought to my attention.

    Thinking it was some kind of CM2 or something I quickly downloaded the demo and prepared to order - i'm happy at this stage to hold on to my money however after playing the very mission mentioned here in about 10 minutes of jumping on the forums to figure out where i thought i was going wrong.

    I'm not giving up at this point as its a very early days, but what IS up with that mission, and the main single player battle in the demo, AT guns just get smoked very quick...

    Chazman, it seems you have a slight dissapointment with ToW :D

  6. Originally posted by Magnum MGG:

    Hello, been quite a while since I visited these CM forums... haven't played any of my CM games in months...

    Since then I got a new system, specs below, went to play all three of my CM games... all have a white background where the text is...

    Was wondering if this is a common problem and if theres a work a round? any info would be appreciated?

    Sys Specs:

    Dell XPS Gen 4

    P4-3.75, 2 gigs of DDR2 RAM

    Raedon 850 XT w/256 video RAM

    Audity Sound Card

    Win XP Media Edition, all patched and updated

    Direct X 9C

    latest sound and cat drivers

    Probably do to with your computer not being fast enough to display everything at once and having to leave some parts out.

    I mean, under 4 gig for a proc and not even 2 video cards SLI - what are you thinking??

  7. This is how I see it.

    I always go for at least a third in infantry.

    If the terrain is city or heavy trees, its two thirds infantry.

    And a mix of support guns, AFV's, and Arty - your standard combined arms.

    I hardly ever go AFV heavy, and the AFV's i take - i look at AFV's that are infantry killers.

    I leave the tank killing up to TH squads/AT guns - as a last resort i use my tanks vs his tanks.

    What sounds like is happening in your game is he has local dominance in infantry - unless you can use some of those other elements (tanks/guns) to turn the tide - its a war of attrition you cannot win.

    In the 1250 point ME I would have had at least a company of infantry, again depending on the terrain.

    Then - I wouldnt race to the flag, race to somewhere where you can inflict the most harm on him, then once you have won the battle - you can walk in and take the flag

  8. No one, after reading your posts I get the following impression:

    Seargent Major to new recruits:

    "right you pack of scumbags - welcome to basic training.

    Congratulations, you have passed! Well done men.

    You are now going to be shipped off to the front - we dont care if you dont know how many rounds your 80mm mortar can shoot off in a minute - you will find that out soon enough when the enemy are running full tit towards you"

    Just an impression smile.gif

  9. Originally posted by Der Kuenstler:

    In a current unrestricted QB I won the usual ME "flag race" but my victory is slipping away in an engagement in which my opponent has huge amounts of infantry. He seems to have bought almost all infantry and mortars and spent only a token on armor. He's gradually surrounding my boys and eating them up. This seems like a sound strategy since infantry can take the most punishment of anything on the battlefield and still recover to fight. What do you experts think? Is extreme reliance on infantry the soundest way to win these quick battles?

    Can you give some more details? CM BO, BB, AK? Year? Axis or Allied? - that kinda stuff....
  10. Originally posted by With Clusters:

    But in my (limited) experience w/ MEs, the guy who gets to the victory flag first usually has the upper hand, as the other guy has to then attack w/ equal odds.

    Hi, would like to say get out of that mindset quick!

    I find it is better to get to a position that enables you to kill the enemy quick, then you can kill them, and take the VL's at your leisure afterwards.

    that means things like:

    Get AFV/guns assets to overlook the opponants roads to the VL's.

    Get AFV/guns/support covering his/her access routes to the VL's.

    Get places that enable you to place direct fire HE into buildings and trees, either at VL or at staging areas.

    Get places where your infantry can defend the enemy on their terms, ie, reverse slopes, deep woods, out of LOS of his/her support, and can assault his/her postions with cover from your own support.

    Dont go rushing into the VL areas, against someone who knew you played like that, you would first find yourself first being cut down reaching it, and when you did, would not find it a very nice place to stay very long, and would then become ejected in a not so nice way smile.gif

    Master the grasshopper, it will defeat puny crane styles any day smile.gif

  11. Originally posted by tar:

    My (limited) testing seems to indicate that although you may bog SOONER if you move fast rather than slowly, you will move FARTHER before bogging if you move fast rather than slowly.

    In other words, I have given up driving slowly, since the lower chance of bogging does not offset the shorter distance covered. If your objective is to get to a certain place without bogging, you are more likely to make it moving quickly than slowly. I now almost never use the "Move" command for vehicles. I don't seen any point.

    I concur - this has been the same experience with me.

    A prime example was just the other day where I had a T34 racing around behind a Tiger to get a rear shot - during the movie i was locked on view with the T34, and lo and behold, I see the 'bogged' appear, and it would have left me 10 metres behind some woods to block LOS, but, because I was travelling 'fast', the T34 rolled to a stop those last few meters, and wham, thank you for the first shot kill smile.gif

  12. Originally posted by Spook:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tripps:

    Of course. But the potential fallacy to avoid here is presuming as that the WA had only a given frame of time to be engaged in war with the USSR.


    Yes but i'm in the camp that the longer the conflict goes on (say more than a year - starting summer of 45) that a stalemate, and probable withdrawal to 1945 lines, of Russian forces.

    I have no doubts about W.A. economic power, i'm really asking how W.A. Naval power would have had any direct influence in any European conflict, as some people here seem to think that it would have a decided effect.

  13. Originally posted by Spook:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tripps:

    Can someone explain to me just how, W.A. Naval superiority would have made such a huge difference to a W.E. conflict?

    It would have made a difference in the main as that if a new war kicked off in WE close on the heels of WWII, then it would not have remained a war constrained only in the WE theater by any realistic projection. It would have reached also into the Baltic (if in only a limited scope), the North Sea, the Barents, the Black Sea, the west Pacific, and so forth.

    The consequences of this have been touched on earlier by others, and will likely come up again later. </font>

  14. Originally posted by Marlow:

    Where was that said in this thread? I certainly don't think the analysis so far has shown anything of the sort. Numbers are between 2 to one and 6 to one in combat aircraft, depending on scenario. Over time this would only get worse for Soviets given huge disparity in aircraft production. Add in lack of range for Soviet fighters, and control of the air is not at issue. [/QB]

    I didnt say it had been said, i said "I thought".
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