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Posts posted by Gen-x87H

  1. I would say off the top of my hat the Panther.

    The Medium Cat can kill anything in the Allied arsenal and it can even provide a little infantry support once it has taken care of enemy armor.

    But coming in real close is the FireFly and Cromwell.

    Firefly can kill most anything on the German side and the Cromwell is just plain murder on German Troops.


  2. I am sorry, but a laughed my arse off at your post. You have totally misconceived the whole battle."

    Dont be sorry. If you disagree just say you do. No need to be insulting.

    "From where did you get that data on knocked out airfields? As far as I know some were out of action for a few days but they can hardly be said to be "knocked out" of the battle."

    Well smarty pants I thought you knew it all?

    I am reading it right out of the book titled.

    "World War II Day By Day" by Donald Sommerville.

    Good book. Just gives action reports for each day of the war. Not much editorial.

    If you want to get it turn to page 52. On August 31st 1940 according to this book the following airfields were out of commision for the RAF.

    Manston,West Malling,Lympne, and Hawkings. They only had 2 air stations operational south of the Thames river. As for how long they were knocked out that is totally debatible. As for how much air supremacy the Germans achieved is also debatible.


  3. I had this happen to me once in a QB against the AI. It was a 3000 or 5000 point game? Anyways I was strifed and attacked for 17 turns straight. Right from the first turn they bombed and strifed me to no end.

    I quit the game because I had class but it is my firm belief they would have continued to bomb and strife me for another 17 turns.


  4. they often and understandably have a slightly different angle on things in contrast to what I (and presumably most others expressing an opinion on this thread) was brought up on as a child. "

    This is very true. I gained this knowledge from reading a few books. One of them was a day by day account of the fighting from beginning to end. And it was obvious that with each passing day the German onsalught would continue with roughly the same amount of planes but the British resistance would lessen everyday. This was mainly from the loss of airfields and aircraft production. It is true that the German bombers were left alone on longer bombing routes but the stats just dont come out to favor the British in a long drawn out war where the Germans continue on with thier initial objectives. On average the Brits would not kill significantly more German planes than thier own losses. For instance between Sept 1st-6th the RAF lost 120 planes to the Germans 148.

    The ratios dont vary too much through the whole ordeal.

    At the end of August the Germans had knocked out the airfields of Biggin Hill,Manston,West Malling,Lympne, and Hawkings. This left the southeast of Britain almost void of any kind of protection.


  5. This is very true. The RAF was being bled dry. Germany's bombing of RAF airfields and Aircraft factories really did take a toll on the RAF. To the point where Germany was gaining a significant upper hand. Hitler then decided to bomb civilian populations hafter a German bomber crew who was lost in the fog dropped thier bomb load by accident into the middle of london. This sent the British bombers over and I think they bombed Hamburg? I believe Hitler was actually in the middle of making "we are the greatest race in the world" speeches. Talk about a slap in the face. From that point on the Germans decided to bomb British civilian centers. This allowed the RAF to recoup.

    If the Germans were to continue on thier pace I bet the RAF would be to the point of inconsequential within a couple more months. Lucky for us Hitler was a moron smile.gif

    I dont know even then if Germany would have gone ahead of Sealion.


  6. Anywho from the few people I know who have played with Office XP it is the same crap. What is the most troubling is in the last beta some testers were getting locked out of thier computers for no reason.

    What I am amazed at is the logci behind making the consumer call MS for a unlock. I have a feeling that they will grant the consumer 3 free calls and start charging 35 bucks a pop after that.

    And we ask for this kind of crap when we buy thier OS in droves.


  7. Oh, and BTW, it's not just an XP problem, it's also a problem with Windows 2000. It's not that the game won't run. The problem seems to be that the color white becomes transparant on the 2d screens, making such things as reading the mission briefing and unit selection in a QB difficult, if not impossible. "

    This is very true. I believe I saw BTS say something about them knowing about the Win2K problems. I dont know if they will do anything about it. I am not sure what is causing it but is happens in my Win2K also.

    I dual boot and play all my games in Win98 so it was not that big of a deal for me. But either BTS or Nividia will need to fix this problem because XP is the Win2K of the desktop retail world. And this time next year I would imagine every desktop will be shipping with Win XP. That is close to 25 million units a qtr or 100 million XP machines a year.


  8. I find they are great cannon fodder to keep your big cats from being hit by pesky Allied Tungsten. I played a ME against a guy last weekend. 3000 point ME auto pick. I found this game the most fun I have ever played. He ended up with 13 tanks ranging from a plain jane Sherman upto Churchill VIIIs.

    I got a couple of Hetzers, StugIII and a Stuh.

    Then I grouped my other tanks into a formation. 3 PZIVs, 2 KTs and a Panther G.

    Sent a Moto SS platoon in front and the PZIVs just a bit behind them and the big cates behind them. It was heavy fog so the Allied had a slight advantage IMHO. Anyways after he hit my main lines in the city I just held out until my flanking manuever could come in from the side. We hit the first flag and overran 2 platoons of British. My SS platoons got mauled :( But I lost my first PZIV in the attack to a churchill. This caused his main thrust to come back at my flanking manuever.

    In the end it became a draw. My PZIvs got smacked but they served the sole purpose of finding the Churchilles and Sherman 76s before my big cats did. They even got a few kills.

    My KTs performed horribly. One of his Shermans who kille the Panther on a side shot later was shot at by my KTs 8 times at 200 meters and theymissed every friggin time!

    Finally a hetzer got it!


  9. BTW Gen-x87H, that sharshooter "shot" is not one "bullet". Infantry small arms ammo is not tracked bullet for bullet. Each time a sharpshooter "fires" it doesnt neccessarily mean they fire ONE bullet"

    I can understand this for a sqaud but since a sharpshooter is 1 guy with a gun I would consider that each shot he takes is 1 bullet not necessarily the ammo reduction shown.

    Unless you are telling me he got off 2 shots in less than 1 second.

    Maybe there wasnt a second gunman on the grassy knoll smile.gif


  10. I try to do this as much as possible now. It works really good on defense.

    Setup strong points and place a TRP about 30 meters infront of the troops. You usually can see the enemy within a 100 meters. The next turn hit the TRP. Usually the arty starts falling just as they ran into your hiden line. It can really cause some damage. Of course after you smack them around a bit retreat to the next strong point.


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