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Posts posted by Gen-x87H

  1. I hate to sound mean but your name seems to fit your play style smile.gif

    "It was mod hills and mod trees.....his Panthers are sat on hills, and whilst i had my own tanks on my hills....sadly they were Panthered...i took 8 Churchill VIIIs, seven of them lie smoking, all facing his Panthers, all sticking out their big armoured frontage, all in their time fired four or five shots at his Panthers, each.....the crew may as well have carried the shells up the hill themselves and rammed them into his armour by hand, BTW, thats another question i meant to ask - Reg. tankers or Vet., i took 3 Pershings, 1 Jumbo, and 8 Churchills, all of them needed a good 3 or 4 shots before hitting the target, and they had been parked in that position since the start of the game...and these were Reg tankers...never, ever again!!!!"

    Churcill gun is horribly inaccurate at range. Jumo is an Inf tank, and the Pershings gun at anything over 700 meters seems to also be horribly inaccurate. All the while the Panther tank I have seen is deadly accurate upto 1200 meters and it hits you deadly at that range to.

    "Whilst i accept all incoming advice from sturdy veterans, and i know my PBEM opponent is watching, he's already commented on my new M18 addiction, i think Commissar has steered my rightly, i have read his posts from when he was a wee fledgling tanker, getting mashed by his obstinate PBEM opponent, his next match with M18s seemed to solve his problems......i'll give it a try and get back to you....its his turn to choose next, i have an awful feeling he's going to want to be Allies and i sense the M18 factory working overtime!!!!! Thanks for all advice..... "

    M18s are made quick work of with Flak guns. 37mm can light an entire column in a matter of a minute under good circumstances and not being seen. High ROF means they can find the target quickly if they miss on the first couple of shots, descent sized weapon + penetration. Get a couple of these to augment larger caliber AT weapons.


    [ April 02, 2002, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: Gen-x87H ]

  2. Lots oh cheap ass TDs.

    Allied tanks just cant hang one on one with the big cats. So you might as well swam the hell out of them with tanks that have guns who can penetrate that armor. I would also used a shatload of infantry on top of that. 5000 points is a lot of infantry. Lets see I can get 8 toons in a 1500 point game as the Germans. I bet I could get almost 3 battalions out of a 5K game smile.gif


  3. I used a JagdTiger in 1 game against a human. It was a armor only game and I used it as a huge standoff\cover tank. It was flanked by 3 PZIV(70)s.

    Then I had 2 KTs and 8 Panthers.

    It was a draw because my opponent decided to bring Infantry into an Armor only game :mad:

    But the big girl lived through it and had 4 tank kills. All over 1200 meters.


  4. I am playing a game a few nights ago and run across a few jumbos. My panthers lay waste to all but 1. At 138 meters I had two panthers pumping round after round of AP into the thing and all it would do is ricochet. I finally killed it with a close qtr infantry assault.

    I found it rather interesting myself.


  5. Closing the blinds when a tank turns its guns towards you is the equivalent of Wile E. Coyote opening an umbrella to protect himself from huge falling boulders! "

    As lee corso would say "not so fast my friend"

    Think about how CM targeting and LOS issue work?

    Sure you can tell the tank to target a given unit but if that unit kills the LOS (by closing the blinds) then it will not fire at that target anymore. :D


  6. Grab the toon commander, then the squads. Place them in a V. Take the completed toons and put them into their companies. If there are any support weapons like MGs or mortars I group them a little bit off. Then I take vehicles,armor, and guns into a group. Then decide my battle plan and delegate forces accordingly. It looks so nice until that first arty round comes in :D


  7. When forced to not force mix and one takes German Paras and gets a wonderful 81mm spotter that eats up valuable arty points.

    Do you guys go ahead and just him lay smoke for your advancing troops? Or do you bother to actually try and supress the enemy with it?

    I tried supressing a few nights ago and it didnt do squat. Most of his troops got away then cut my paras down when they regrouped. I am thinking if I layed 300 rounds of smoke I would have done better since they have better firepower than American 45 rifle toons. It also would have got me closer to his jumbos since the stugs you get with the paras are not worth much when you run into Jumbos.

    So what do you guys do?


  8. If Apple had told us 2 years ago that RAVE was dead *and* had its act together supporting OpenGL, CM would not have been programmed for RAVE. Thereofore, Apple screwed up in a big way."

    I wonder how much dev costs + time you guys would have saved if you could have done it in OpenGL from the start.


  9. If I am in town and it looks like it is 120mm or less and Im in large buildings Ill stay because by the time myt guys run out from underneath it they will be hurting. Might as well take a chance and let the buildings eat up the arty. At worst my toon will go bye bye but it will take 3 times as much arty to do it. Arty is the number 1 killer on the battlefield.

    If we are in trees and it is 105+ then I withdraw as fast as possible. I would rather lose a little ground and live to fight another day. With most of the people I play they follow up the arty attack with an infantry rush.


  10. CM seems at times to be to linear. Once one side gets a small upper hand on manpower then it usually is just a matter of time before the opponent is finished. Unless the person with the small upper hand does something really stupid.

    There rarely is a time when a squad will make some miraculous stand and hold off an entire platoon ect ect. This may have something to do with the way squads target. Being they apparently only target on other squad at when in reality the whole squad may be targeting other groups as they run across an open field.


  11. I am in the process of redesigning my MP version of CM.

    What I want to do is have the ability to coordinate production of guns\vehicles\tanks. For instance a Volks squad has 6 Kar 98s,2 SMGs, and a LMG.

    I came to a crude determination on how to arrive at a point value per gun.

    Kar98 = 1

    SMG = 2

    LMG = 4

    I determined this by taking the squads value and cutting it in half. Then delegated the points among the guns based on my estimation of firepower. I figured the other half of the points would be devoted to manpower.

    But what I am wondering is your opinion on whether this is a good system for determining the value of the gun. If not how would you come to a point value per gun. This will also apply to all other weapon systems. Right now I am much more worried about concentrating on the small guns.



  12. As to the drooping barrel (notice how I avoid the easy genital joke here. Someone please tell my parole board.) Well I think it is an emotional reation by the tank. It's crew has run away and all it's other tank friends have driven on to keep fightin. The KO'd tank feels alone and deserted. Not to mention probably feeling a fair amount of guilt. I am sure the tank asks itself "What did I do wrong" and "What could I have done better". I think the long term emotional injury to KO'd tanks is poorly documented and little understood. These proud vehicles carry our boys into battle but when rendered useless we abandon them to their own inner demons."



  13. http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.03/03.04/AppleTalkFundamentals/

    Now Ill admit that my experience with Appletalk is limited but this paper on Appletalk quotes the speed of the network as 234 kbps.

    "OH except for the Minor point that CM is coded on Macs."

    But I highly doubt on an OS-X run mac. And lets be realistic here. It doesnt matter what it is developed on because OS-X apparenly has paultry RAVE support which is the problem here. In order for CMBB to run right on OS-X it will require the 3d engine to be rebuilt to use opengl. That is no small task and for the small crowd why? That is a lot of dev costs for a small portion of the community. Chances are in 2 yrs you will still have a Mac that will use OS9.


  14. You can already do that. Just equip the Allies with mostly Pershings, the Germans with Panthers,KTs, and JagdPanth\Tigers.

    What I would like is the ability to have two german players fight it out using German units. I could design a world level game equipped with diplomacy, economics and of course warefare. Each side just needs to pick their equipment smile.gif


  15. (Which caused me a lot of headches in 9 - My current uptime in 10 is 6 days, 12hrs. and that because I installed software that required a reboot - I never had 9 stay up that long.)"

    hehe I am working on 18 days. If I did not have to friggin reboot because of some doumb ass software I installed I would be looking at nearly 50 days in Win2K without a single reboot smile.gif

    "Any network guru who says that you need to move to an NT based solution because of the Appletalk networking protocall is not well versed with the Mac.


    I thought upto OS X you were required to use that crap Appletalk to network a mac? Maybe Im wrong. All I do know is Appletalk is something that is good for the 1980s. 240 kilobit for a LAN solution? I would be waiting days for some of the files we work with. Try to move a terabyte DB across that dinky connection LOL!

    "It would be great if BTS would comment on this issue. Mac Guys should know there platform future with CM"

    I believe they already have. It sounded like Apple kind of blind sided them on the RAVE issue and OS-X. You cant expect them to rewrite the entire engine for such a small crowd. After CMBB I can say it would be expected since they have indicated that is when the engine will be rewritten.

    I can only imagine what it will look like smile.gif


  16. Once I designed a scenrios that was set in 1954 on a moon of Europa. It was based off a map from the game battlezone. Anyways all it was is snowed with roads, moutains of snow and huge ice things.

    The gist of the story was you were to eradicate the enemy from the face of the moon. It pitted a small infantry force(since the moon was so damned cold) and about 26,000 points worth of tanks and vehicles. And that each side. So basically 52,000 point scenarios hehe

    It was a pretty cool scenario actually.

    [ March 17, 2002, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Gen-x87H ]

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