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Everything posted by Splash

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: More results from the SuperNewbies: Congratulations to Splash!<hr></blockquote> Thanks there Ted! I thought for sure Dunsel had won! If that's what victory feels like! Whoa! Did I mention I shot 18 of my own men! If I recall it was AX - 81 C. 26 KIA? and 29 OK AL - 105 C! 23 KIA 39 OK I tried to predict the final score by what Ted gave us and I was wildly off. What is interesting is that even - Did I mention I shot 18 of my own men! - with this they were probably mostly C's. Whereas I managed to isolate 2 of Dunsel's Plt's. for consecutive kills - that is-- they were killed with no back up or too late a back up - thereby rendering a higher kill rate - I guess. This is hypothetical. What do you think Ted? I'm willing to believe that kind of simulation -- if so it's impressive. The whole kill vs casualty modelling -- what is that? Also the game ended with the 18th movie -- I was not fully exited and worried about a lonely member of one PHQ who was deeply weary. Kind computer?
  2. One thing I didn't try was reducing the squad size to the 2 men mod -- With rifle area fire I assume it would be somewhat meaningful to get 1 meter closer. Thanx all
  3. Sorry for the confusion This is what I meant to say: either AREA TARGET at 17 meters - YES! or TARGET at the troops at 19 meters -- YES! but AREA TARGET at 18 meters was unavailable to me. The LOS (or any other target type command) just kept popping between 17 and 19 -- I could never get the 18 meter reading - ya see whadda saying?
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: Here is a quick run-down of how scores are determined in an "Exit Zone" scenario. I hope that helps.<hr></blockquote> Whoaaa! Now that I can quote -- Why speak?
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: Splash, just hit the quotation marks at the top of the post you would like to quote. <hr></blockquote> Ohhhh!
  6. Love the game! I'm just playing in SuperTed's Tourney on Blind Man's Bluff -- I was trying to target my infantry for 18 meters - the target was out of sight at 19 meters - it would bounce between 17 and 19 but no how could I sight the 18 mark. Anything I can do --I tried all the hotkey stuff - no base, small size, zooms of all sorts... I know you had a fix for Arty-- is this the same bug?
  7. Hey Ted You been peeking at my game! - 2 dead Pole sharpies indeed - you've thrown me into deep despondency! PS I was the FAQ mentioned how to quote
  8. Reporting in on Pfc Dunsel vs. Splash slug fest at Turn 14. We have disengaged! We have haven't we Pfc Dunsel? You don't have your gander up and are now chasing my sorry butt are you? On a broader horizon -- ATTENTION: Dave H and Dan Buttar - do you exist? Tap tap: Are you there? Make some noise and both Pfc Dunsel and I will guide you out!
  9. Say Ted Could you talk a bit about how the game scores exit points? I've never really understood it. I imagine it uses a 100 pt. base? but how does it divide. At one point BMB I knew exactly how many units were on the board -- I tried to calculate but it was a very unsatisfactory mathematical model. Not my strongest suit. Are some players able to do this?
  10. Just to report: Sgt. Polak responded admirably and is safely behind our front line with only home to look forward to. - a real Veteran! Sgt. your safe in Rosine's arms. To my German foe -- those 2 tattered squads hung on amazingly! Whatever they got I want some of it! And 2 STILL fight! Wow! LMG included and no HQ (I'm judging) - our Poles will drink vodka with them anytime-- after the war of course. DISIN ROSINE needs a chime: Pfc Dunsel -- Rosine apologises for any slight on your superior officers -- they die with their men! I understand that PHQ was already dead (so sad) and now CHQ is behind enemy lines? (so sorry) you want to save your CHQ? We don't think that is possible. The Poles admit that they fear your anger but are prepared -- I am thinking now only of those 2 lonely men from this newly lost platoon -- remember the 1st Plt.? So sad - no memories! Rosine begs you, Do not ask them to fight anymore! Let them go home! As for the other ones-- the nearly whole ones? They must be spoiling to fight - do not let them! We fear them but are prepared! The fight for you is now uphill.
  11. I've suddenly realized that I can't always be a Pole! So I've had to fire Warsaw Rose - her english wasn't very good anyways. And as I feel a DISINformation Service is a military priority for me on this board. -- I've hired --you guessed it! DISIN ROSINE: Pfc Dunsel! I feel so sad for your men! One whole platoon gone! Vanished! Who will speak for them? Who will remember them? Irony of ironies (so sad, I know how it must hurt) - only Poles will remember. And now? Worse fate! It could happen again! An entire platoon! Of course, those eggheads at the top may get out -- who knows they may already be gone! Cowards! But not the men! Tbey are dead! But do not worry our Poles maybe bloodied, nay merely tattered remanents-- but the heart of each platoon - that is the men! will remember. We know too of the horrible circumstances of your men and how bravely they fought. We suffered their dying fury. Truly brave! Which brings up a question -- Are their any regulars in your platoons? Those beautiful crack troops - more then we thought!- gone! but so stalwart! So... SPLASH breaking in --Sgt. Polak (I kid you not) get up IMMEDIATELY - now, PRONTO! or Dunsel and I will use you as our pin cushion! That's the only way I can save what might be left of you! GET UP!
  12. Another possibility is someone ran off the side thereby absenting points?
  13. Sorry Leta, That post wasn't meant to be directed at anyone in particular -- or no one that I can particularily remember.
  14. Thank you Leta I accept your apology -- I too like hearing about the battles but talk code to the knowing. And here's a tip worth gold as I figure ---I can promise that every person I play -- I'm gonna look up ALL their posts! I recognise we are newbies (one and all) so I'm not planting any kind of "trip" here. I'm calm and having fun---thank you Ted! but just to point out the problem everyone immediately knew it was Polish Airborn so those on the german side could go immediately to the cost base and determine how many -- this is simple no? and VERY telling! Whereas as a Pole I'm thinking parity so I'm thinking - well something else that restricts my field of movement. An unfair advantage no? Do all us newbies see the point? If you don't --let's learn! As I say I'm cool and having fun My revenge will be to keep you waaaaitiiiing!! By the by if you're really dying from boredom play each other and post them here--- I wanna know how you think!--
  15. I just want to report personally in for the Super Newbie Tourney: I've received Pfc. Dunsel's 11 turn move signed and sealed. (I was out for the evening) I wrote him earlier to tell him to take as much time as he wanted cause I may take the full 72! So all you quickie boys (I understand that it is truer -- but not in my house) are gonna have to RELAX!!! I believe we are fulfilling Ted's wildest dreams for this scenario. As I mentioned to Pfc. Dunsel (before receiving this move) we have entered a death spiral. I've been joking about the party and what I meant is that everybody will meet everybody-- one comes with broken and scattered and the other merely traumatized -- it will be all over by move 13. Everybody double check everything you say -- I say I don't want to look at your cards but if your going to SHOW THEM to me well... Mentioning types of troops is CRITICAL. I did not use that information at the time (that is I didn't look at point values or firepower) so was working under my first assumptions of which Ted has written testimony. I'm a subtle guy be thankful that Dunsel is so good.
  16. Warsaw Rose retorting: Pfc Dunsel you do care for camping! We were wondering about that. We wait and wait and still you don't show together. You don't like each? We Poles we stick together! Is it not true that I have finally brought you all together now? -- Aren't you grateful? And you chide me? True is your words --Plenty of plates now!
  17. Warsaw Rose reporting before turn 9 movie: Dunsel say everybody is coming to the party. We say not all at once -- we are camping! - there is only so many plates!
  18. The HQ trick is fine for fix position armament -- but for suppressing troops - it's a pain. Why fight it-- small mortars are a pain -- fragile - slow and they don't last long. Good thing I'm not like that! Sometimes they are just the thing -- but at those times they are never around!
  19. Sorry for butting in on this very interesting exposition but maybe there's a place for the idea of Decisive War. That is one battle, in effect completes the war -- that's really what everybody dreams -- hence nuclear weapons. I vote nuclear war as the ultimate attrition -- Ghengis Khan the ultimate maneuver? Everything else is namby pamby. My apologies again.
  20. Warsaw Rose reporting in on Dunsel vs. Splash fight-a-thon. Top of the 9th Screeeech!! Meester Dunsel - I have my translator nearby.... So I asked you if more were coming to the party we Poles are holding -- The last ones didn't stay very long -- and somebody ran away! Some people's manners! We understand it's not much fun but we're roasting ammunition to keep us awake -- that is fun, no? Did I say awake? Ohhh you must be veeery tired -- Sooo sleepy--- but its a come as you are party and I know you want to come - you MUST come. So we're waiting. Oh, but we had to move! We'll leave a note. We're thinking about visiting your other platoon -- our sharpshooter dropped by but your CHQ was very unfriendly --- such people! And everyone else--- sooo quiet-- were they waiting for something? Send a flare next time and we'll be quicker. Just to let you know that all's not Warsaw Rosy we are hurting very badly but we will wait just a little bit -- oh the fire is stoked for when your other platoon arrives -- watch for roasting ammo! -- it's crazy fun!
  21. Peashooter? Acck! We Poles-- we don't speak German too good. My book, my book! Thank you, let's see --- yes, yes... Ohhh we meant sharpshooter and that was MY flank.
  22. Say Ted, you're super! Newbie question I've trying to work out how the film works and I've realised that I may be experiencing the "catch" We are now in the 2nd turn so when Dunsel returns the game and I run the film for the first time that will be the result. i.e. if I made a copy of the game upon receipt and ran both films would they be different? I'm confused This is not to achieve the best results but rather ensuring I have something to study. (he said deviously)
  23. Don't expose my bluffs Ted! But I have realized every war department needs a propaganda section -- so here's my Warsaw Rose impression. Meester Dunsel you better move that peashooter on your flank -- We have information!
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