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nothing fancy, just Steve

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About nothing fancy, just Steve

  • Birthday 10/23/1968


  • Location
    Eastbrook, ME
  • Interests
    wargaming, painting, target shooting
  • Occupation
    Contractor, retail

nothing fancy, just Steve's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Going back to the original question, Kuni does have A right answer, but then again, so does anyone who answered with anything between one mile, the minumum, and three miles, the maximum (barring a drunken, wandering course by said messenger). With the information given in the question, and without knowing any relative speeds, the question can not be answered in any closer detail than between one and three miles. Any attempt at greater accuracy is simply a guess and possibly wrong. It would be like answering the following word problem. If a car travelled 600 miles in 10 hours, how fast was the car going at hour 5. If you answer 60 miles per hour you may be correct. However for all we know the car was at a dead stop along the side of the rode or was travelling a maximum velocity and screaming downhill. Therefore the answer would be anything from zero to the vehicles maximum capability. I can't believe I've sacrificed my lurking status for this and in few more posts I'll have my Junior Member status lost... And by the way, never pop off during a Division run and have to run around the entire formation. It takes forever to get to the front of the division. :eek:
  2. Sorry, but I believe even the manual is wrong on this one. I play a lot of head-to-head games against myself to see how certain things work. I was playing an Axis night attack, maximum visibility of approximately 198 meters, with mud. As the Soviets, I purchased AT and AP mines, no Daisy Chains. During the game, as the Germans, before my soldiers stumbled into the minefields, several of the fields were spotted, one as far out as over 150 meters. None of the Germans triggered the mines, and as the soviets, none of my guys had moved and could not have triggered them. From everything I've seen it is completely random. Additionally, my Germans were running when they spotted the mines.
  3. The background burst looks quite similar to the "Tapferkeits - und Verdienst - Auszeichnung fur Angehorige der Ostvokan" A decoration for bravery and merit of the "Eastern People". Which was also awarded to some Germans. Unfortunately, the ribbons usually associated with these were also green. However the Klasse in gold ribbon was green and red. Could be a family/town/organization towting its award. BTW insert an umlaut over the fur and Angehorige-still haven't figured out how to get this keyboard to type an umlaut (I think it's user error!) P.S. Can't you see we got the game on. Booker, bring me my uniform!
  4. Try "Fast Moving" (arty shift)that Pak when the spotting round hits. Especially in the woods where it will suffer from the dreaded air burst. Of course it's always fun to move the Pak after it's LOS has been obscured by smoke. :eek:
  5. BTS, I know I've already made two requests in "Toasting marshmellows by the old Sherman", but I had forgotten one that I thought would be interesting. How about a random operations/campaign generator? You could establish say a point amount for order of battle and a point amount for each new battle were the human players could request/purchase his reinforcements. If his request was not available, as determined by the the computer randomly, the computer could assign what it determines is available. ie-You know sir(computer), we could really use a Panther platoon for the next battle. Sorry Lieutenant(human), but all Battalion could send us is this box of new mess kits. Sorry this got so long, but I know you guys could really run with this idea. Thanks, Steve
  6. A couple of things that I feel would help contribute to the realism of CMII would be when a vehicle/terrain feature catches fire during a night senario everything within a certain range is silhouetted (causing a lot of incoming fire for anything dumb enough to approach a cozy little camp fire to toast their marshmellows). Secondly, I thought it was rather standard to try to hide tanks in buildings. It would be nice if a fully tracked vehicle could enter buildings albeit at a costly immobilization risk, and that the lighter guns could set up inside buildings. Thanks
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