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Posts posted by daft

  1. Agree it is annoying. I think it happens because on tiny with some of the point category levels, only the cheaper rocket FOs fall within the AI's point budget for arty, so it takes them by necessity. That can be avoided by either setting an artillery point limit of zero or ensuring that it is high enough to afford other reactive types.

    As for what to do about them if they are present, don't bunch up at the start, put people in any sort of cover, and start everyone on "hide". That has them lying down and can dramatically reduce the hits take from turn 1 prep fires. Get up and move out on turn 2 instead of turn 1. Not saying that is perfect, it is just a work-around.

    Yup, that has become SOP for my infantry QB's now. :)

  2. This is getting somewhat tedious. Every QB i try to play with infantry only is preceded by MASSIVE Katyusha barrages. While I do appreciate that this was a devastating weapon if employed accurately, it doesn't really make for fun gaming when half the map is blanketed with rocket fire. Is this something that is being looked at or is the only hope around it manual unit purchase for the AI side?

  3. Daft, hi,

    Panzer Operations by Erhard Raus, Complied and Translated by Steven H Newton.

    Covers a lot of the same ground. The US Army pamphlets that were produced in the ‘50s were often based on interviews with Ruas.

    Very important to get the version translated by Newton. As he points out the pamphlets were very poor translations. Often did not pick up the true meaning of the German records of the interviews.

    All the best,


    PS. In my view the above is one of, for tactics in fact “the...” best German officers memoir of the Eastern Front.

    I think I might have that one lying around in the basement. That or I'm confusing it with something else. In any case, thanks for the suggestion!

  4. Any good sources of information regarding small unit actions during the latter stages of the war? Summer -44 and onwards? I have read the "Small Unit Actions During The German Campaign in Russia" publication several times, and it is a very good source of info on tactics and handling of company sized units during the early part of the war, but I haven't really seen much of the same regarding the latter parts of the war in Russia. Any ideas?

  5. With warts and all, I'm pretty happy to live in Sweden. Guns aren't really a major issue (although we did have a shooting in my city some months ago, so gun related incidents are on the up I think) and violent crimes isn't really something you regularly have to deal with or face personally. I'm not sure we are heading in the right direction, a lot of things will have to change in order for Sweden to become an even better place to live, but in comparison with the above incident, we have it good.

  6. well look at the other side of the coin. with a more functional campaign cm might just become too addictive. you might end up with small countries going bankrupt coz ppl spends all their time playing it.

    just kidding:D

    Actually, this is very true. With a proper campaign system in plave I'd probably have to resign my job and sell my family to play CM full time.

  7. It certainly is touching on my upper limit, and I was slightly confused about the force disposition with the numerous Aufklärungs and pioneer teams that appear in the beginning. That is caused more by my poor ToE understandning of the units involved than anything else though. Not finished yet, but overall a very interesting and well designed scenario with lots of manouverability and choices. I rushed my battle plan so I will probably restart and do it properly. :)

  8. Great! Hope you manage to open the road. Let me know how it ends. And the size of the map and the forces? Not too big?

    So far so good! Not feeling overwhelmed other than through my regular incompetence. We'll see how it goes, but the will probably be a lot of pixel parents in tears back in Germany once this is over...

  9. For those looking for a somewhat smaller sized scenario, but still a sizable battle by any standard, have you tried CMRT Firebrigade von Saucken yet by any chance? Perhaps the size of that scenario fits the bill. It is up in the repository. Give it a shot.

    *shameless promotion end here*

    Have it downloaded, but not played it yet. Will if I get time tomorrow though. :)

  10. I too, would enjoy something in the same vein as Devil's Descent or Cobra's Strike. I wonder if FMB is still around, I haven't seen him in awhile.

    Exactly the ones I had in mind when I wrote the question. :) Some really good stuff in those. Had so much fun!

  11. Try this and share your results:


    PIV vs T34/85, 2000m

    10 German tanks lost against 9 Soviet. T34's seemed to have som spotting issues, but when they got a bead and scored a penetration the result was rather nasty with higher manpower losses on the German side (24 killed, 7 wounded) compared to the 9 killed and 7 wounded on the Soviet side. I did have to push the last Pz IV forward a bit towards the end, but will run again.

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