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Posts posted by YECoyote

  1. it's very easy to reproduce this, because it happens ALL the time. If the tank is unbutton, they will spot the ATG right after the first shot. In All or Nothing scenario, my 88 would kill 1 tank, and the rest of his friends would blow me to kingdom come in 20 seconds after that.

    The map size and the terrain (in CM) do not lend itself to the 88's advantage. In desert warfare, Rommel usually used the strategy where he first attacked with tanks. The tanks then immediately retreat. The Brits gave chase, and the 88's, at long range, would decimate the armour formation.

    [ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: YECoyote ]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Raketenpanzerbüchse:

    I decided not to get WWIIOL, to many people are very upset with major issues that probably will not be fixed anytime soon. Grand idea tho, too bad.

    I remember this game from long ago and the demo looks great! All of you seem fairly happy with the game to so I will order.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You mean you don't like the FLYING tanks? :D

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

    Monty gets my vote, maybe not up there at the very top, but definitely in the running. An arrogant, pompous ass.

    Yeah, Patton was arrogant and pompous ass too, but at least he knew it, and had good cause to be arrogant and pompous.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Actually, I find all the Allies' generals to be pompous asses. The exception was Omar Bradley.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Ah! If this is what he meant, then I am sorry. I read it as he was responsible for Pearl Harbor and had prior knowledge of the attack<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sorry I wasn't clearer. but that is exactly what I meant. There were also rumor that The Chief of Staff knew, before hand, that the Japanese was about to attack PH. They wanted to have a reason to enter the war.

    The Brits definitely knew about the attack because they decrypted the code at Blechley (sp?) Park. But they didn't tell the US intelligence about it.

  5. it's over 16 megs when decoded to Wav format and zipped up.

    I think it's better if I show you how to use it. I always believe "it is better to teach a man to fish, than giving him the fish" saying.

    1. launch the MP3 encoder

    2. click on the tab that says "Decode MP3 2 Wav"

    3. There are 3 bottom windows. use the left most to go to where store Scipio's sounds.

    4. After you have double-click to the folder, the middle window should be populated with all the MP3 files. Select them all.

    5. click on the ">>" arrow to move the files into the right most window.

    6. Click "Decode"

    7. you're done. now to find out where your wav files are stored to. If you haven't touched the "Configure" tab, then the default place will be your "C:\" (the root directory on your C: drive).

    8. copy the wave files to the wav folder in your CMBO directory.

    Hope this helps. Happy wargaming.

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