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Everything posted by Yosoce

  1. How does HE richochet? I would think it would explode upon hitting something. Please enlighten me, oh armaments demi-gods.
  2. Just once I want the guy who gets flamed with dozens of "then make your OWN game!"s to actually make his own. Oh wait, thats what every single game designer out there did. Made his own game. You shouldnt flame someone just because he has ideas and assume he will never actually use them, maybe he will.
  3. Ive played a couple PBEM games, but mostly been stuck playing Mom (AI) through sheer laziness, and I was wondering what kind of force compositions people commonly use? Im not asking for a historical order of battle, just what kind of things are common for say, a 700 pt combined arm force, any type. Personally, I tend towards an all purpose plain vanilla Company of either Heer or British regulars backed up by a tank or two and a few HTs plus a 75 or 81mm barrage.
  4. if BTS thought transports were essential to guns, they would put them together, much as company commanders are only available with their subordinates
  5. trashy ann rice stuff! I know what you mean. I TRY and get my girlfriend to understand the glory of CM, but all she wants to do is read trashy romances! AAAAAAARGH! :mad:
  6. seems to me that if we put a constant dud rate on all weapons for all nationalities, its just like making everyone miss a bit more. itd make sense if different weapons and nationalities had different dud rates at different times, because then it could slant things one way or another realistically, but an across the board dud rate is more or less pointless
  7. I dont mean just generic order of battle, I mean the actual force mix. Say I choose the A Company, 509th Infantry for June 1944(if such a company even existed); well it just so happens that in May that company was shot up pretty badly tangling with some crack SS troops and has a large portion of green troops some of its heavy weapons werent replaced by June. This would be reflected in the forces you are given. The point is to get away from completely generic company force mixes, and yet at the same time not become unrealistic. And of course, playing with a Company/Battalion that actually saw action would be fun.
  8. I think it would be cool if you could choose a battalion or company or combination of units that actually saw action in WWII and used their order of battle. Obviously not every company could be chosen, but with just a couple of you Grogs rummaging around Im sure you could come up with a "timeline" for a couple of your favorite units. Example: You want to fight a company sized battle in June 1944. So, you choose from a list of companies and the computer gives you the force composition and strength that the unit actually had at that time. You could even add a realistic armor force by attaching part of an armored section that was nearby. Now I know this sounds like way too much information to realistically have, but in reality all you would have to do is read the battle reports for a unit to find out what its composition was and what was nearby.
  9. Seriously though, I recommend a look into how often the Germans used carrier pigeons. Of course your flak guns would be able to target the pigeons... <poof!>
  10. also for common items youd want a certain rarity number. for example, for a 250/1 the rarity number would be something like 5, meaning you could have 5 of them until the rarity factor starts making thigs cost more. of course this number would vary according to the size of the battle. maybe this seems pointlessly confusing to some of you, but I think that theres no reason on a battalion size engagement for your second of common equipment to cost more. otherwise people will just chose one of each variation, so the cost doesnt go up
  12. Seeing as this forum is packed full of military, ex-military, and experts on military, it seemed a good place to ask. First, before going crazy about the population difference, I'm just asking about a small-scale war (if there is really such a thing), such as if China and the US were to tangle over Taiwan. Obviously if it went all-out the earth would quickly get a tad bit radioactive, so just consider a strictly confined area conflict over some territory.
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