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Rocky Balboa

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Posts posted by Rocky Balboa

  1. Hello Steve, I have a question.... Why do we have to wait for Bulge for Commonwealth? will we not be able to simulate the Juno and Gold beach landings? I mean lets face it... pretty much all the Tank action was with the British and Canadians vs some pretty heavy hitting Germans, namely the 1st and 2nd SS Pz Korps... and the remenants of the 503rd sPzAbt 503, sSSPzAbt 101. Not to mention the use of the Brilliant British Para's with their valiant hold on the Pegasus Bridge. Not that the GI's are not fun to play, I was just hoping their would be commonwealth forces for the first issue of Normady. Anyways thanks to you and your entire team for not forgetting about how important it is to somewhat keep history alive.. even if it is with remarkable video games such as yours.


    Easy there big fella, BF is not a large corp so they need to stage things in order to keep costs down and quality high. This means you'll probably have to wait 6-8 months for the Brits and Canucks... Meanwhile just have fun with the doggies...

  2. screenshot3 is so atmospheric - this is exactly how i remember normandy when i was there a few years ago. very good work i'm looking forward to the release of cm:bn

    Agreed ... when I saw that shot I just sat there and stared at it ... 5 mins later I woke up and wiped the drool from the corners of my mouth ....

  3. Adjustable waypoints were "gamey" in that you could do a single waypoint at the ultimate destination of your unit, and the game would automatically break that into many waypoints and plot them around obsticals, etc -- without any command delay. Then, could adjust each individual point - all without command delays. I found this to be gamey as it could be used to do complex maneuvers without any command delay.

    This could be solved by the game setting a limit on how far you can adjusty a single waypoint. Adjust it too far and the current waypoint is removed along with any further waypoints in that chain.

    So if you had a move order with 5 waypoints and you tried to adjust point 3 too far then you would remove points 3-5 and will need to plot your move beginning with point 2.

  4. 15 Waypoints? Do you really plot that many at one time? I can't ever remember plotting more than 4-5 at a time and on average probably no more 2-3 so its not really a huge issue for me.

    Yes if I'm on that 3rd path and something doesn't stick right its frustrating to have to start over so it's definitely needed at some point to avoid frustration because frustration <> Fun.

    I don't play a lot of RT but when I do it would be very nice just to modify a waypoint instead of having to go back and re-plot the whole path.

  5. Maybe the New World Order Special Ultra Covert Police Unit rounded him up and took him off to a Fema Camp for reeducation.:mad: You know,the guys in the mysterious Black helicopters with no markings on them.

    That would be the illuminati and they are holding Steve and 'Brain in a Jar' hostage until they create a combat simulation that will allow them to train soldiers to fight in the battle of Armageddon.....


    Can I have my tin foil hat back now please. ;)

  6. Interesting question. I think in this case it depends on what the writer had in mind. If he conceives of chaos raining down from the heavens upon our poor, confused heads, well there you are. More usually though the correct diction would be 'reign' as in "Let Chaos rule until...."

    A further thought if you want to get even more wacky would be "Let Chaos rein..." as in, "Let Chaos constrain us until...."

    English allows considerable weirdness free rein.



    See this is what happens when you don't have a proper version of CMBN to occupy your time with. I truly feel sorry for the poor sods that weren't born into the language and have to try an learn it. Its my native tongue and I still make a mess of it.

    Ok so just to make sure I have all my bases covered.

    Until BF releases this game then thread stealing and topic snatching shall continue. Let Chaos reign until our demands are met !!!


    Until BF releases this game then thread stealing and topic snatching shall continue. We shall not rein in this Chaos until our demands are met !!!

  7. I believe that the majority of players would make use of grid lines to aid them in interpreting the field of battle. And then base troop dispositions and attack/defense schemes accordingly.

    I'm not sure if the depiction of Bren Tripods would have any effect on the effectiveness of Bren guns. If not then its just misc eye candy and should be prioritized as such.

    tsk, tsk "eye candy" indeed ... In one fell swoop you have just upset and insulted the entire Bren Tripod lobby. ;)

  8. What WW2 really proved is that the importance of battleship gun size is infinitesimal compared to the importance of the Combat Air Patrol. No fighter cover was, and is, a one way trip the bottom of the sea.

    Up until about 25 years ago I might agree with you but today I'll take an Aegis cruiser in my TF over CAP any day.

  9. Grids are something I like for the same reasons. As in the other CM games this will be something that will have to be modded to have. The grid is not an overlay, but rather drawn on each bmp. of terrain. That said, you cannot just "turn" grid on or off, but must replace the terrain tiles with those that have the grid drawn on each type of tile.

    Granted, if left up to the community to mod then this is pretty much the only way to do it. However there might be an integrated solution from BF that will allow grid lines to be turned on or off with a switch or options setting. Of course this would need to be added to that never ending hopes and dreams list that Steve seems to keep track of.

    Would you want this prioritized before or after Bren Tripods?

  10. The other thing is that it's not always a wise thing to puke things out to the market in a too rapid pace. Otherwise players will go from chanting "oh I can't wait for the next module! WHEN CAN I PREORDER???" to "another module, so soon??? What a rip off! This is the fourth module this year, how am I gonna have time to play these through???"

    I agree, No need to arrive ahead of schedule, in the nick of time will do nicely. So after you release CMBN, feel free to take a day or two off .... Oh what the hey go ahead and take three days you deserve it. ;)

  11. I'd be willing to bet that modules for CM:BN are released slightly more frequently than those for CMSF simply because the engine is so much more mature. Of course "more frequently" could still be a year or so.

    My googling skills give the following:

    CMSF to Marines Module: 27 July 2007-12 September 2008. 1 year, 1 month, 16 days (Including multiple patches after CMSF release)

    Marines to Brits: 12 September 2008-29 July 2009. 10 months, 17 days (Including patches for Marines)

    Brits to NATO: 29 July 2009-21 October 2010. 1 year, 2 months, 22 days

    Brits to NATO time period includes CM:Afghanistan: Released Monday, 13 September 2010

    So it looks like the 10 months or so is about a best case scenario, though it seems like if there is a lot of crossover for later modules and it is just TO&E and scenarios rather than art and new vehicles things could go quicker. eg Bulge game will have very similar equipment to CM:BN.

    Thanks for doing the research and it is what it is, which is pretty much black and white. However I do think a fair amount of development time was being spent on CMBN while some of this was going on. I'm hoping they will find a way to step up the pace as well. But the challenge will be huge for BF to even keep up with the schedule they set with CMSF unless they can find more art assets which is where most of the work will be. Just the variations in terrain from each module not to mention equipment changes will be formidable. Adding additional terrain was something they really didn't have to deal with in the CMSF modules.

    The commonwealth module will be a huge resource hog from a TO&E and art perspective. Most of the Norman terrain will stay the same but there will be some additional terrain I'm guessing in and around CAEN. Hopefully not so much on basic game code although there will certainly be some game code changes I see this module taking at least 10-12 months or more so maybe around Nov-Dec 2011 if lucky, would be my guess.

    The Market Garden module might also take some time because even though the TO&E wont change a great deal, the terrain is quite different from Normandy which will tie up a good amount of art assets as well as requiring some code changes to deal with the different types of terrain. It remains to be seen how much of the Normandy Terrain they can apply to Holland, Belgium and Eastern France . Scenario design in this module will also take some time because most of the German formations had been decimated and where thrown together in adhoc fashion, so this will require additional time to research. So another 10-12 months on this one as well.

    Its hard to say how long it will take to do the battle pack because that depends on what BF decides to put in it.

  12. Having "destructable" vehicle models is something the game engine is inherently coded to deal with. So it can, and will, be implemented at a later date. The primary problem is we have to create the code, and model structure, to have these destroyed states made on the fly (at least to some extent). The reason is that making customized destroyed models, and their various LODs, is extremely time consuming. And we're concerned that putting a ton of effort into a single destroyed state might not be "good enough" from a player's standpoint. Especially if the visual destruction doesn't match what actually happened to the vehicle from a gameplay standpoint. Steve

    IMO this would be a nice enhancement but I would put it way down the list of things to spend your time on.

    For those that haven't played CMSF yet I think they'll be pleasantly surprised with how CMx2 handles WW2. I've never had a problem differentiating between whats been destroyed and whats still still alive but once you see flames or smoke coming from the vehicles and especially when the ammo starts to cook off, like I said before, most players will be very happy. :D

    Of course maybe some charred or burnt out hulks to be used as flavor objects would be super sweet. ;) .... I would personally like to see BF add a few more flavor objects with each module...

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