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Posts posted by jwxspoon

  1. I find myself thinking of the old adage "A car given is kept dirty and driven hard, but a car earned is washed and kept in good repair."

    It seems to me that a quid pro quo is in order here so that there is value placed on the designers' time and effort. If having to review a scenario every 10 downloads is too onerous a task, then perhaps the player should stick to something really easy, like Quick Battles.

    Like some other posters in this thread, I designed my scenarios for enjoyment and as a way of helping out the community and keeping it 'fresh'. Indeed, I only ever released 25% of my scenarios to the public anyway. Players are free to modify my released scenarios, play with the maps, put them in map packs, whatever. The only thing I asked was a review of the original work when you finished, whether or not you liked it.


  2. Ken,

    In the proposed scheme, a reviewer would get multiple credits for a review, which he would then spend on multiple scenario downloads.

    As a designer, it is quite irritating to have literally thousands of downloads and only 1 or 2 reviews. It helped to hasten my decision to stop designing scenarios for public distribution.

    I applaud the fact that you have reviewed every scenario you have played. You are just the kind of player I designed my scenarios for. Unfortunately the large majority simply play and move on. While I did not expect a plethora of reviews for my scenarios that came out on the various CD's, it would have been nice to get more feedback from the extras scenarios I did to help keep the game going.

    In any case I think that Admiral Keith's Scenario Depot has proven to be one of the most valuable 3rd party resources ever created for CM. I applaud anyone, whether they be designers or people like Keith that help extend the life of a great series of games.


  3. Admiral - what would be neat wouuld be to have a "point system" awarded for scenario reviews. A new registrant at the Scenario Depot might start with 10 points in his 'account'. As he downloads new scenarios, his account balance is reduced. When he posts reviews, his acount balance is credited. Etc.

    Kingfish - You bastard. Why did I ever post some of those old army pics?


  4. When I submitted Honor to Kingfish the fog setting was at midday, which allowed for 800+ meter visibility. Made the hidden axis AT stuff very potent, as well as the arty from hidden observers.

    Kingfish noticed in my briefing I had mentioned an attack at Dawn. When he asked me which one to change, briefing or scenario time setting, I had a total brain lapse and told him to change the scenario time setting to dawn.

    The resulting LOS reduction totally changed the scenario balance and once I realized it it was too late.

    I realize that in the scheme of things for ROW IV it didn't affect the balance of the tourney, but I know for a fact that it did affect the 'fun factor' greatly.

    My sincere apologies.


  5. I have an Alienware Area 51 laptop. I spent an inordinate amount of money on it.

    It plays games well, even newer FPS like Far Cry or Batlefield: Vietnam. However, it gets really, really hot. It is also really, really heavy.

    If I had it to do over, i would have gotten a cheap desktop for $1000 and spent the remaining $2000 on a middle quality, light laptop that I would have used for most everything BUT gaming.


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