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Everything posted by White4

  1. Please make a screen shot to display after the tourney, your battle sounds great!
  2. Thats got to be a great looking mod! What bmps do you convert? And when will it be available?
  3. I have to admit I enjoyed all of the games, and ironically I enjoyed twin valleys (auto surrender) and fluid (auto surrender)the most. :confused: I certainly hope I caused as many nerve wracked moments to you guys as you have to me! And if you guys ever want a pbem/tcp, just drop me a line.
  4. Well? Results of Twin Valleys? At this point, I'd much rather see Twin Peaks, say about 36", C or D....
  5. The lowly NCO of the Vegetarian Front has committed his reserves (I HOPE!), while I mop up an ambush. His offense is not going as well as mine.
  6. I don't think he ever sleeps. Probably photosynthesis or something, allowing him to be fully charged and working at 2240 hrs at night, when he should be drinking like the rest of us. ---------------------- OMG! Wow... [ August 07, 2002, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: White4 ]
  7. Cpl Carrot is a dang good shot with his %&$. Has taken out almost all of my specials in Head for the Hills, curse him. But I will prevail, for the forces of cholestrol, grease, and early heart attacks (hey, just look at my troops!) will triumph over those lowly NCOs of the Vegatarian Front! VIVA LA BIG MAC!!!
  8. Ciks is finally done mauling me in Fluid. I felt sure I was going to win that one - until his troops came out of the woods... Was this the final game for this round?!?!
  9. stick to the road, its not mined....much... And Cpl Carrot, curse your $#$%#$%!!!
  10. 1.3 MB of Head for the Hills goodness sent to Cpl Carrot...I sure hope to make him say "Whats up Doc" to the medic a few more times!
  11. With Jazza, I was up to file 42 in head for the hills, and just warming my rebuttal to his argument. I assume I send 42 to whomever you find? [ July 27, 2002, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: White4 ]
  12. Geez, I can hear the exhaustion in the post! Sorry old boy, other side of the pond and all that, I would love to help you BUT... now wheres that beer? And just wait until you have rugrats, thats when you learn to love your job and anything else that gets you peace, quiet, and no 4yr old jumping off the couch onto your chest.
  13. Its been a week since Jazza sent me a turn. Last game, feeling just a little bit antsy.. :mad:
  14. And then there was one game left. Has anyone heard from Jazza lately? He mentioned some Real Life issues last week...
  15. rescued from page 3. UPDATES! Holien - I curse his Germans before going to bed and as soon as I rise. Game over, man! Redwolf - almost done, last turn, I think. He has got me searching for the vodka or geritol, probably both. Jazza - STILL won't come over the hill, although he's made the pants of my troops quite brown. Frunze - he tasks me, but I shall have him in less than 4 turns, or my name isn't Khan.. Tero- Done. I need a tow truck!
  16. Anyone hear from Jazza lately? Since I was away all weekend and squandered monday as well, it is perfectly justifiable and fitting that I accuse HIM of not being available.
  17. Where is my turn, you mangy, half starved slightly burnt canine? WOOF WOOF!!
  18. UPDATE! Head for the Hills and St Mere Englise are doing just fine. 1/3rd and 2/3 along respectively. Have staggered a bit in Another day (redwolf) and Polish Push (frunze), as to the best of my knowledge they owe ME turns. And of course, Holien, the drywall hanging kraut of Fire on the Mountain, has used me and cast me aside...
  19. BAH, if you're really good, you'll win even if the opponent knows all your moves. Which is what TERO is doing to me now!
  20. Axis AAR Kreigstadt. THIS IS NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW! [ June 27, 2002, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: White4 ]
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