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Everything posted by EnglishRanger

  1. Need some help please folks. I have a new MAC and it seems like CMAK will not work on a new MAC. If it does is it possible to PBEM with someone on a PC?
  2. MG pillboxes are the same. Thery do have a firing slit you could put rounds through but it is small. Any unit worth its salt has cleared the area in front of it. The field of fire is wide open and if a rifleman is in a position to put rounds at he slit he is almost certainly in the open in front of a machine gun. With a well made range card the machine gunner need not even aim to put effective grazing fire over a large area. His head would be down and unless bullets hit the gun sufficiently to damage it then rifle fire would be ineffective. Your CMAK example sounds perfectly realiztic to me, if I was with one other guy and my bazooka when the Africa Krops entered the building I would do the same. I would not attack indoors with a bazooka, I wouldn't surrender either as long as they don't know I am there. I would do exactly as the guys did, hide out till you try to retake the building. As for the CMBO example I think perhaps you have an unrealistic expectation of what your troops are going to do. THe tank my be stationary on screen but in real life is still probably moving about, no armor will stay still with inf all around it. I bet climbing onto a fully functional tank is hard if the crew doesn't want you there. As for clinging to the tank by the tracks I think fear of the thing crushing you would be a factor in reducing the infs chances of doing this. With only rifles and grenades it is pretty hard to kill a tank, charging a tank is really a last resort. I too would try to find cover. Perhaps with additional equipment and excellent leadership it would be worth a try. I agree with you, 4 squads should be able to take a tank out given 4 minutes of time, but I think in general, without such overwhelming odds charging the tank is a bad idea.
  3. HE doesn't always work in real life. In 2003 we took over a strategic location in Iraq. We held it over 10 days before being relieved, we were hit by mortars and artillery for the first few days. Over 300 rounds were counted to hit the dam, numerous others were close. We had 2 guys wounded although one was serious. One WP round landed about 3 meters from my Alpha Team leader. He was knocked over but didn't even loose his eyebrows, all the splash went away from him. The largest guns we found later had been fired at us were 105s, 130s and a single 152mm howitzer. We talked to prisoners and they too didn't believe their stuff was so ineffective. But it happens. [ August 30, 2004, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: EnglishRanger ]
  4. Columbus GA, but home is really still Widnes in the UK.
  5. I can only go on what I have experience of. The Thompson is amazing. The .45 is a real man-stopper and the gun is so heavy that recoil is almost nil, that and when you run out of ammo you could beat an elephant to death with it. However my favouite has to be the PPSh. We got hold of one in Afghanistan and it was really old. I think the date on it was '43 but I am not sure as it was well worn, it also had a big star on it. The thing was magic to shoot though, it had been really well cared for and fired off drums in one go with no problem (till it got really hot then it complained a bit!). Overall it is nice and light with just the right rate of fire and really accurate up to about 75m. The rounds are a bit weak but fun as hell.
  6. Guess I was a bit touchy, I apologise. I personally saw nobody use WP from our side but then I wasn't involved in firing the indirect, only recieving. I think they want to minimise its use as Iraqis bleeding looks better(or less damaging from a PR standpoint anyway) than Iraqis burned up on CNN. Nearly all shells blasted in the same general direction, the FOs got out there to do crater analysis but it was inconclusive. It could've been a light mortar, or gun or whatever, I personally didn't see it. They did have light mortars at first but we took them out right away with snipers, not sure what range their system had but we kept them with their heads down for a long way. Most stuff was coming from over 5 clicks out if I recall. As to the sound you can hear everything come in, I cannot describe the difference between mortars and arty, perhaps mortars are a higher note, it is hard to remember, suffice to say you can tell the difference, incidently, unlike the movies you get maybe a half second whistle before they hit! As for the geeks, I myself am one and the geek refered to above is my best friend, maybe tech nerd or grog would be better, either way he'd take it as a compliment! [ October 26, 2003, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: EnglishRanger ]
  7. Mr. Tittles I agree my post is not applicable but thought some may be vaguely interested in real life WP experience. I say it is rare as they were throwing everything but the kitchen sink at us but only 1 WP round out of hundreds. And everyone in the army knows of WP, however recognising it when it is fired at you is another thing. Nobody there had experience of having biological or chemical weapons fired at them either, what those shells looked like when they explode for example, so I can quite agree with any commander who errs on the side of caution when calling for guys to mask up. [ October 26, 2003, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: EnglishRanger ]
  8. Just to add my 2 cents worth about WP. In Iraq we were under heavy indirect fire for a while, the officers with nothing better to do were counting shells. They got to over 300 before they lost count. During this time only 1 WP was dropped and it landed 20 feet from my alpha team leader, he heard it coming and dropped to the floor. It burst away from him and he took no ill effects. Everyone felt the heat, even from a hundred meters. The blast hit a metal wall and splattered all over it, burning off the paint and eating a bit of the metal it seemed (I was never close enough to get a good look!). The only significant thing was that the PL was about to call "Gas, gas gas" as we were briefed it may come and this was new. It was only because one of our history channel geeks said "Cool, willy pete" that the PL held his tongue. Simply nobody had ever seen it before in real life, West Point doesn't teach everything it seems, despite what the Os say! Anyway in my albeit limited experience WP is very rare, less than 1% of shells fired. And the smoke lasted barely a minute and caused no casualties. I have no idea what it came from, we too everything up to 155mm but I am sure it was smaller calibre than that. Our geek said probably 120mm mortar but I have no idea.
  9. The coax is magic. I have no first hand knowldege of WW2 MGs either on vehicles or dismounted, however I have seen some things of the bradley and it's 7.62mm coax, it can be used for area suppression or point targets and is effective out to 900m (laser range finder and nice magnification help here of course). Saw it used in Iraq, you can only carry so much 25mm and may not want to waste it on crunchies or soft targets so 7.62 works well. Throws recoiless rifle and RPG gunners off their aim too which can be helpful in a pinch. not too effective in close defense(turret too slow) but thats what dismounts are for, it is nice and accurate and can be used in close (relatively speaking) proximity to civilians/ non-combatants without hurting the wrong folks (can't do that with 25mm, much bigger safety margin needed there) which despite some people's ideas was actually a really big deal over there. [ October 08, 2003, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: EnglishRanger ]
  10. HELP After playing CM for ages the box that contains all troop info like names of officers, ammo counts, turn number etc has suddenly become blank. The big box is there but a white hole instead of the info. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game but no joy. It comes briefly into view when the screen shakes with heavy arty fire but thats it! Can anyone help, I am going crazy!
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