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Posts posted by Gyrene

  1. Originally posted by kford:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gyrene:

    In any case, I can buy CM2 at my store (Not in stock yet though) for $35, which is how much CompUSA pays for it so tongue.gif to you full price paying fools. :D

    Sooo, even though you know that the CompUSA copies are illegal and rob money from BTS, you are bragging about it? Just joking I hope.



  2. Originally posted by Monkeybutt:

    Since everybody is ragging on CompUSA,my favorite strip from Penny Arcade concerning CompUSA's famous customer service....



    Well as CompUSA employee (Montclair CA, store, come visit me sometime, ask for Joe) I take exception to "bad service" & "idiot employees" remarks.

    CompUSA makes it's market by offering a better level of service & knowledge than it's 2 main competitors, Best Buy & Circuit City and customer feedback bears this out - Our prices are generally a bit higher but our customer base is very loyal & does not mind the very slight price differences.

    We let Best Buy & Circuit City have the super cheap customers (Who incidently demand much more of your attention, like they deserve it) who will scream bloody murder over a $2 price difference and will pick your brain for half an hour and then go buy the stuff online.

    Retail is a crappy job and having to deal with hordes of smart ass nerds doesn't make it any easier.

    In any case, I can buy CM2 at my store (Not in stock yet though) for $35, which is how much CompUSA pays for it so tongue.gif to you full price paying fools. :D

    You want to see bad service try Fry's or best Buy (Circuit City is not too bad for the A/V stuff)


  3. Originally posted by Major Jerkov:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzerman:

    And you want a PC that you have reinstall your OS on every few months hehe. :D

    I've never had to reinstall an OS, if you know what your doing its not a problem... usually. Mac's have there uses, its just not to play games... usually. There not bad, but, thats not there area of expertise. Please, except the facts! :eek: </font>
  4. ianc, the reason that Mac/Linux users behave like this is simple:

    They get treated like second class citizens (At best) by most retailers & manufacturers and are constantly having to justify their purchase to seemingly every friend, family member & passerbys.

    This causes these alienated users to feel an even more extreme sense of loyalty to the flavor of OS.

    It's like everyone in the world wants you to buy & drive a beige minivan when you want to drive something else - And then be treated like crap at every auto parts store & gas station you go to.


  5. OS X is all about stability, which I don't get in OS 9.

    I tried to install a USB MIDI adapter from Edirol and it took over 5 reboots in the OS 9 side and mucking around with OMD when it hooked right up in OS X.

    OS X is faster than OS 9 when you consider that regardless of how many programs you have running things always run at the same speed - When's the last time you installed a program in OS 9 & surfed the web at the same time? Never. Remember burning cd's in OS9? Turn the settings down a bit and leave the room in case your presence disturbs OS 9.

    OS 9 sucks and it hurts to say so, but it does. OS 8 sucks, OS 7.5 sucks. OS 6 was great - but that was 10 years ago.

    Hating to "have to fix something in UNIX" is a lame excuse because if you have a proper install of OS X you don't need to do any trouble shooting anyways - No hunt & peck for trouble extensions or control panels.

    The multi user set up means you can confortably let the kids & the rest of your family use your machine without you fearing an act of God.

    Both my Rev D 333mhz iMac and my DP G4 533 run OS X fine, yes the iMac is somewhat pokey, but it doesn't crash anymore.

    OS X is the best thing that has happened to the Mac since the use of PC standard parts.

    LGMB: Bryce 5 is a pile of crap regardless of what OS you run it in.

    Hoopenfaust: FH10 is a pile of caca too, on both sides - Sadly Macromedia treats FH as a red headed step child these days...Makes Illustrator look really nice. On the CNC stuff: Virtual Gibbs has pulled out of the Mac market 4 or 5 years ago and I don't think MasterCAM has any plans for a Mac version - The Mac is probably dead as a CAM platform anyway, so keep that old beige PowerMac handy.


  6. Originally posted by Quenaelin:

    I would like to make somekind of compromise between older game and this new game, and maybe allow troops move little bit more in forest and under fire even when they get killed. In Finnish army there is this command "don't lay under fire" "Ei saa jäädä tuleen makaamaan" why not implement it to this game too?

    I think the real life implementation of that command would be "f*ck you! You go and get shot!" ;)


  7. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by tabpub:

    As heard at "Frozen Chosun"..."Hell, no, we're not retreating!! We're just attacking in a different direction!"

    Name the Marine General for a Kewpie doll.

    "Chesty" Puller.

    Should I send you instructions on where to send my doll?


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