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Everything posted by Feldgrau

  1. Not that I consider myself a Mod God (I only have my Apprentice Mod Maker's Card)... I am just about complete with the Universal Carrier series for all Commonwealth nations, and I am about to send off the alpha version of the Churchill series to the review committee for critique. That one is still a ways off, considering how slow I move... Regards, MSP
  2. Mssr. Pawbroon, It appears that nobody wants it. Everyone is much too satisfied with the Austin Powers mod, since it obtained the holiest of blessings from MadMatt. I stand before you in shame. I will do the honorable thing and withdraw it completely.... Hey! You need to check your e-mail box; it keeps bumping back all of the most recent files as "undeliverable- mailbox full". Regards, MSP P.S.- this should be completed this week some time, and then I will send it to Manx to be posted (if he so feels inclined). Also, it might also be at Michael Dorosh's site/s if he desires.... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Why is nobody BUMPing that beauty? Do you want it or not? Dear Mr FeldGrau, this one is beautiful but I'd rather have you release the Purple one you had us Beta Test. Unless it was Maximus Jungle Cat? Am I to understand there will be no Purple Carrier?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  3. Listen, this would be perfect for a 'Castle Keep' scenario (does anyone remember that book by William Eastlake?).... But it would need to be a winter version, because, if memory serves me correctly, that's the timeframe of the book. Now THAT would be a kick! Regards, MSP
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gordon: Oh what the hell, it's not THAT bad, I guess I'll take a copy. For the humor-impared, these are fantastic, and a must have (once they're released). Gordon [ 08-18-2001: Message edited by: Gordon ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, my, I forgot to mention something.... If anyone does want a copy of this, I'll try and post it with Manx once he's back from holiday. Oh, and please post many, many requests to this guy... umm... oh, yes, here's his name... Gordon M. and tell him how much you really, really, REALLY want a camo version of it soon. Wait, scratch that.... with Gordon it's much better if you DEMAND it. In a surly tone of voice. Works wonders. Scout's honor! Regards, MSP
  5. I don't know if anyone will be interested in these, especially if you are already using the absolutely fab "Austin Powers" carrier mod, but here are some IP shots of a Carrier mod I have been working on. Well, nobody is going to want this thing, so I'll just throw it away. Sorry to have wasted your time! Chips Ahoy! MSP [ 08-18-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau to get the stupid url right! ] [ 08-18-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mord: Has anybody considered going after any of the Churchills/Cromwells in hires? Mord<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mord, Do you mean something like this.... No, nobody is working on one that I know of.... Regards, Shane [ 07-08-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Thanks Andreas but that specific MOD is Shane's actually. I had been testing it for some time and it's not widely known that he was doing one... You'll have to get in touch with Feldgrau directly for an ETA on that one. It looks just like mine in a completly different way (IE good).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Opps! Did I let that slip in the pic? Silly me; that mod isn't completed yet.... As Marcel has said, this is one which is still in beta stage. It is being reviewed by Mssrs. Vie, Molek, et al., but I think it'll be a bit longer before it is ready for the battlefield. However, if there is any interest, I could post a few I.P. pics. Also, is there any interest in a mod for my vote of the ugliest tank in the ETO- the Churchill VI / VII / VII / Crocodile? I have started one which is only in alpha stage, but it has been on the back-burner for a while now. Is anyone interested in this AFV? Regards, Shane
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt Canuck: Will there be a batch file version...BTW it looks AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, WOW!!! I just downloaded it! Many Thanks! Dave<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, although I admit I am not as familiar with the batch file system as I should be, and it takes me a bit longer to get those files ready. However, I will do it, and it shall be handed over to Manx and Madmatt when completed for the batch file needy... Thanks for all of the positive comments. I'm glad that it meets with approval (despite the hiccup with the incorrect markings...) Regards, Shane
  9. Here are a few preview pics of a mod I have made for the Sexton 25lb (88mm) Sexton Self-propelled Gun. There are four options: two early versions w/ the early, three piece bolted nose, and early VVSS suspension (Canadian & Polish), and two late versions with the cast nose & later VVSS suspension w/ trailing idler (British and South African). I have uploaded this to both Manx (COMBAT MISSIONS) and Madmatt (CMHQ). It should be out in a couple of days or so, if anyone is interested. Regards, Shane [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ] [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ] [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ] [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ] [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau because he is a nimrod and couldn't get the stupid url right... ] [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Clubfoot - why the biplane wheels? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not to step on Clubfoot's toes here (no pun intended), but I'll wager the intent here was to simulate a view from - say - a Storch recon plane... Although how it was shot from the angle shown in the picture from ANY German plane of the type available during the time frame of the North African campaign would be open to some debate... Regards, MSP
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moon: ...So far, the best source I found is "A Dark and Bloody Ground" by Edward Miller, but it's by far not as detailed as I like to have it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Moon, Have you looked at "The Battle for the Huertgen Forest" by Charles MacDonald? I haven't read it in quite a while, but I seem to remember that it was a decent accounting of the battle. I haven't read the book you mentioned, so I have no basis for comparison. Wish I did... Regards, MSP [ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ] [ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: ....He's also got some Commonwealth versions which unfortunately didn't come out too well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm working on it! I still think these are worthwhile... I'm not giving up on them just yet. If I can't get them right, then I'll post the American / Free French versions to Manx, and post the Commonwealth versions separately later. I still need to make the tweaks you suggested to the American / Free French versions before I post them. Plus, I still need to let Old Dog take the shots. It shouldn't be too much longer now. Then, on to the Sexton... Regards, MSP [ 04-29-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: HEY! Stop hijacking my loud assed self promoting thread to start talking about Hitler and school shootings. This thread is solely for the adulation and praise of ME and CMHQ! Let's not forget that people! Madmatt <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hear! Hear! And so, to honor said request... Haiku to Madmatt Bald dome glistening Fevered brow as upload burns Adoring public rejoices in his kind benevolence MSP
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: Assuming that "Charles Whiting" is not a German/mainland European name, is it not a huge con trick to have translators notes (example "T34=main Russian battle tank" etc etc etc) at the bottom of most pages!! [/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, HUGE con trick might be a bit harsh, but it certianly makes his work seem more scholarly than it actually is.... I think of his books as a nice way to waste a few hours on a long plane flight (the same way some folks read Tom Clancy novels), but I certianly wouldn't use them as primary sources for any reference work I would be doing (unless I had some other bodies of work to back it up with). Regards, MSP
  15. There was a discussion regarding Stephen Ambrose and his book "Band of Brothers" on this message board a few days ago. There were some pointed comments about Ambroses' lack of 'reference checking', or using first-person sources / recollections without checking their veracity to fact. If this is said about Ambrose on a minor scale, it must be said of Whiting on a much larger one. While his books are interesting to read, they would be what I would call tertiary sources at best. He also tends to rely on first person sources and recollections, and, IMHO, does not concern himself too greatly with checking to see if they are 100% accurate or not. Not that this makes him a 'bad' author, but just one you have to use a little objectivity with when reading. MSP [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gordon: [QB]Yes, to answer your question, the 5 pointed star, either alone or within a solid or broken circle was considered an "allied" recognition marker, and not just an "American" mark. However, some nationalities took somewhat of a dim view of it. Some Canadian vehicles displayed a crooked or inverted star.QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gordon, Thanks! I wasn't sure if this was just something I was noticing because I was looking at a couple of 'atypical' pictures, or not. A "crooked" or "inverted" star, eh? Hmmmm... that would look interesting.... Thanks again! Regards, MSP
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: You had a teeny tiny spelling error in your Well, humility is best served in an open forum.... smile.gif' alt='> Well, humility is best served in an open forum.... smile.gif'> Maximus- this is the one that I spoke to you about the other day. I'd like to finish off the Free French version a bit further before I send it to you. It is from a picture in George Forty's book "Patton's Third Army at War", and I am having a bit of trouble making out what appear to be some markings on the hood (or painted out markings, I'm not sure?). I should have something for you to review by this weekend. MSP
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: looks awesome dude.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> O.K., I admit failure....How did you manage to make the image appear? It doesn't show up at all in my post (at least at my computer...) Sensi Manx & Old Dog- I have failed! I am not worthy... I shall return to my hovel and ne'r post again... Many thanks russellmz! Regards, MSP
  19. O.K., this is my first attempt at doing this (although I have had some gentle coaching by Manx and Old Dog), so here goes.... Below please find a pic of a mod that I am currently working on, which is getting close to being completed. There are currently two Commonwealth versions, two American versions, one winter version, and a Free French version which is too basic at this point to show. The one Commonwealth version w/ the yellow air recog pennant on top is from a picture in a book about the Normandy landings that I have. The others are non-specific, but I have tried to include details from other pictures which I have which have a historical basis. One question that I have, that maybe someone can provide an answer for- the picture that I have of the British White Scout car clearly shows a white star peeking out underneath of the a/c recog pennant on the hood. Another picture on the same page shows a British Universal Carrier going through Bayeux (sp?) w/ a white star on it's side plate. Another picture in the same book shows a Canadian Uni. Carrier with a white star on it's front glacis plate. Now, I am probably ignorant about this, but was this a common recognition symbol used by allied forces in the ETO (the white five point star, that is.)? And was this used throughout the war, or only in the time period in / about the Normandy landings (say June - August '44)? I'm just curious, becuase I am wondering if I should be looking at this as a common detail on the mod I am working on for the Sexton SP gun, and other vehicles. Well, thanks for any / all feedback. As soon as this mod has been reviewed and critiqued, and updated accordingly, I will be giving it to Manx to host on his site. Regards, MSP [ 04-18-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ] Now updated so-hopefully- the image link works! [ 04-18-2001: Message edited by: Feldgrau ]
  20. As someone who has only recently started posting mods, I would like to thank Manx for his excellent site, and also for his support. Truly first class... MSP
  21. Maximus, Thanks for the comments! I appreciate you pointing out those corrections. I've sent a separate e-mail to ask a few questions regarding what you did. Again, thanks to Old Dog for posting the e-pic! This is the kind of feedback I was looking for... MSP
  22. Old Dog, My most sincere thanks! Service above and beyond the call of duty... All: if anyone has any complaints, tweaks, problems, or requests for this mod, please let me know. This was the very first one that I did, and I'm sure that there are many improvements that I could make. Thanks! MSP
  23. Maximus, I am the author of the jeep mods mentioned above. I wish that I could post preview shots of the mods which I have made here, as it would a)- allow people to look at them beforehand and decide if they're even worth the time, and - provide an opportunity for folks to critique them and offer feedback. Unfortunately, the one outlet which I had previously seen to do this (since I do not have a website myself) was the use of a site called Photopoint (or something like this). However, a week ago I was informed that my account was going to be closed because they now charge a $19.95 fee to maintain an account there (as opposed to being free, as before). I can understand their need to do this to remain in business, but unfortunately being someone who is on a tight budget (read has a family who demand to be fed), I can't afford this. So, perhaps someone out there knows of another source for this sort of service, still free, of course. If so, then I would be happy to start posting preview shots in the future. Regards, MSP
  24. I suspect this is a case of a historian reporting verbatim what was conveyed to him...i.e. Lt. Welsh and Pvt. McGrath saying something to the effect that E Company was attacked by 'Tigers'. A quick check of my references does not indicate that there were any 'Tigers' operating in the area of the 17'th SSGvB where this action takes place. This sort of thing is not totally uncommon. Chas. MacDonald, a quite respected historian, wrote in his book 'The Battle of the Heutergen Forest' of Panthers armed w/ "88mm cannons"; that and this were probably nothing more than simple mistakes in reference checking (and editorial support unfamiliar w/ the details about which their authors were writing). OTOH, maybe there were some stray PzKw VI's of the sPz-Abt 501 detached to 17'th SSGvB, but I can't find any reference to it. MSP
  25. These look great! I sent a Zip file to DraGoon @ CM Outpost of a hi-res jeep mod that I did, but he has been having problems with his Web provider. But it's funny, even though your's are low-res the colors appear very similar. Again, very nice work!
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