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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Turn...what turn is it? 15:00 to 14:00 Not much... DMS still drops big shells around the bridge. I thought it too risky to do that...and got wounded for my inattention to detail. In return, Blue 2 and Blue 3 seem to have the river valley to themselves. Hungry Abrams on the prowl for prey... Ken out.
  2. Great Scot! Push the WHAT button?!?!? The game is FAR from lost. Yes, I lay prostrate, under the ministrations of a buxom nurse, but I'd rather be in the field! My combat force is still capable of, well, not winning, but certainly can keep DMS from winning. Were I to surrender, would DMS ever find out if he COULD HAVE won? No. It would be an empty chalice he brings to his lips... I fight.
  3. Well, I thought it went without saying that an Abrams can't blow up. The amount of ordnance needed to kill it should be enough to drop the bridge. --- Okay, that's SERIOUSLY gamey. I'll taunt him with it for a few turns. Meanwhile, I'm letting two other Abrams (Blue 2 and 3) run amok on him. Should be fun. They're already about to enter his village. I'm going to then have them rip through his setup zone, then sweep back against him, pushing towards the bridge.
  4. Nay, I'll have Ian toss me across his shoulders and then swing me at DMS!
  5. The battery gets drained as you pass TSA checkpoints because that's how the NSA bugs your phone. While you're standing there, the run a hard-look program, sweep-back, GPS breadcrumb, email, text and web trace. You don't think the TSA cares about you? It's a setup, man...
  6. Hah! The victory conditions CLEARLY stated that to win, the player must have his named unit standing upon the bridge at the end of the game. The clock ticks, but DMS is not there, is he? The rules also state that any player who destroys the bridge immediately loses. I hope he tries to kill that Abrams! We'll find out what's tougher, a bridge or a tank... Gamey? Hell yeah.
  7. Directed energy for CAS? No. Blinding is bad press. It's easier to damage eyes than it is to burn. That's pretty bad press, too. As far as equipment, there is a HUGE difference between cutting the stressed aluminum skin of a missile or aircraft, and burning through the steel of a tank.
  8. Heh, heh, heh. I've just parked my Blue 1, the HQ Abrams RIGHT on the bridge. If DMS destroys it and makes the bridge drop, that'll be a strike against him! My men are glad to have the assignment.
  9. My pair of Abrams will run amok! Like a herd of unstoppable elephants! Like a pack of derms! They will crush, uproot, destroy, and demolish my enemies! Plus it'll be fun to punish DMS. Some more.
  10. A lesser man would be dead! My radioman was stunned to see the injuries I'd sustained. He hoped, err, thought, that they were fatal injuries! No! I can command while supine and exsanguinating! Turn 15 16:00 to 15:00 As stated, my goal is to find DMS and drive an Abrams over him! My men's bloodlust will be slaked by nothing less! Out.
  11. Turn 14 17:00 to 16:00 His men carry on! DMS' arty stonk was well timed. My men were ALL in motion right there. This has been a turn which brought singing to the hall of the blood god! Gah. Summary: the artillery his red-based your humble correspondent. But I am NOT despondent! Red B has been blasted. Really. A crater appeared under them: that's never good. White A and B both took losses. Sniper took a hit. Sigh. Soon I'll have nothing but Abrams...and IanL DMS is absolutely hammering me these last two turns. I do not care! I have ordered my men to drag my limp form onto the bridge and then to go forth, find DMS, and grind him beneath their tracks! I order the Abrams to be unleashed!!! Now it gets real. Ken out.
  12. Turn 13 18:00 to 17:00 Killing on the Kharalyk: A Bridge Too Far: A Leader Eats Lead: Etc. This may have an effect later... Perhaps the lack of effective artillery was due to a delay? My blood pumps out, but not as fast as my orders! Ach. I did not spare myself, and neither did DMS... If only, if only... Nice stonk. Now that I have fallen, at best I can hope for a draw. More!
  13. There are two turns to post... There has been MORE mayhem, more fun, more, more, more!
  14. Bradley driver had just cracked his hatch. It entered there, exited through the open rear door, did the same with the next one, then followed several open windows?
  15. Meanwhile, DMS is keeping up a furious turn pace... Turn 12 19:00 to 18:00 We left with that solitary BTR having been spotted by Blue 3. Shall we see? Another BTR gets spotted... I have ANOTHER close call... LOL, I almost ran right into that burst! Instead, I now head towards the green arrow. I THINK DMS has a large area fire going on. I'll hit the green arrow, then I'll cross the bridge, and go to ground BENEATH it!! Like a troll, I shall await unsuspecting travelers... To support that, I'm pushing across the bridge... Ken out.
  16. Turn 11, the end and the plan Okay, that ALL happened in one 60 second span. Whew. Next turn, as shown, my infantry teams move forward. My personal self runs away, er, into the attack, by crossing the street and finding a new home. IanL joins nearby. I'm pushing my Abrams right up to the foot of the bridge. I'll sit there next turn, then the following turn, infantry will cross. Then Abrams, then me. Ahhh. A good turn. Sure, his Kornets were probably out of ammo, but a kill is a kill. Ken out.
  17. Turn 11, more bridgework... This should pretty much have disinfected the bridge area. Next turn, I'll find out. The next few shots show how close DMS just came to winning (or limiting me to a draw)... The fickle finger of fate came close on that one! More...
  18. Turn 11, another sector... Looking at the shoreline, just left of the bridge, I'm trying to find his BTR and any survivors. I've tried to coordinate Red B and Blue 3 moving towards this area. Changing view and looking across the water.... (Notice how ^^^ that spot was done by my Humvee in the background? More eyes means better spotting.) More....
  19. Turn 11 20:00 to 19:00 28,000 words... Okay, if a picture is worth 1,000 words, that's about right. More stuff happened. I have yet to have a boring turn. I don't know about DMS. On with the slide show... And looking a little to the left, I see where an HQ is sitting. The one I'm really hoping is DMS... More...
  20. Clouds, man, clouds! Why do you think the CIA has been so focused on changing the weather? First, your secret agents create rain, THEN your planes rule the skies! Or paint them silver. Heat and the F35: yeah, the fuel is a heat dump. They designed this one too close to the bone, IMHO. They're actually cooling the fuel down before loading it. C'mon.
  21. Turn 10, final thoughts... So...Red 2 sweeps hard to my left. Blue 2 and 3 advance, but Blue 2 first are targets Kornet 2. Blue 1 area targets the DMS HQ for a bit, then moves to the shore. My sniper team rushes past White Squad to gain the corner near the 4-way intersection at the bridge. Eyes to protect the right of Blue 2... I hope you like me showing the detailed paths for Blue 3 and Red B. Pausing, facing, and movement speeds need to be considered when moving into ambush territory. Red B may get some (more) splash damage from any APS firings, so that'll be something to be cognizant of. In another turn or two, if nothing unexpected shows up, I'll be in position to rush some men across the bridge. Then, when I destroy whoever machineguns those men down, I'll rush some MORE men across the bridge. I expect the second effort to be successful. Then an Abrams (or two) will follow. Ken out.
  22. Turn 10, continued... More pix, to save the words. Overall, the turn was a wash. My suppressive fire didn't do too much. Kornet 2 did not fire anymore (that I know of). DMS is dropping some artillery (I suspect 120mm mortar) on my right, straddling the river. Trying to leverage out my vehicles from the last few turns, perhaps. Kornet 1 moved, but probably only because he'd fired off every missile he could. Kornet 3 is due for some arty. Show that one in a bit. All known distant infantry contacts from last turn are still present. I found some near infantry (just on the far side of the bridge). They died. I'm sure there are a few more survivors crawling about. Thermals will find them. Next up, my plans... More.
  23. Turn 10 21:00 to 20:00 After the last turn, a bit of a pause is in order. Well, at least for OTHER men. My men beg me to continue forward. Very well... That Kornet did force Red 2 to retreat. They're a bit fragile. I don't know why. After all, it's only all the OTHER members of their platoon who are dead. Hmmph. More...
  24. Give me a bit, and I'll send you a dropbox invite. Check your pm in a few hours... Ken
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