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Status Updates posted by c3k

  1. Referencing the "Bug/Glitch" thread, on May 5/6 you asked about a savegame showing slow bailouts from the Vulcan/M163.

    I mantissed this on March 3rd. Mantis 8788. With savegame.

  2. CptMiller,

    Do you have a savegame or (preferably) bts file for your artillery test v3 vs v4?


    1. IICptMillerII


      No, but it is easy enough to set up again. Just unpack the Tutorial campaign from CMRT, add some artillery of your choosing to the Soviets, and dump it on the Germans. The Germans come in fixed fortifications on a hill, so its a perfect test template. You can very quickly see the issue in v4 if you drop arty on the Germans in their trenches on the hill. Caliber/training/leadership/morale has no effect. The infantry will always bail from the trenches as soon as a single round lands near them. If you want a link to the video I made I can provide that. 

    2. IICptMillerII


      Actually, I spoke too soon. It turns out I do still have the scenario file. I've attached it here for you. This is the final version of the scenario I ran, and features the Germans as Elite Fanatics with +2 leadership. In other words, their stats are maxed out. The result is the same, once off map artillery begins landing around them, they flee. Note, the artillery for the Soviets in the scenario are 82mm mortars. Its not even heavy artillery. 

      Training Campaign Elite Fanatics.btt

    3. c3k



      (I have no idea why my message started as a 'status' message. Shrug.)

      I'm a bit familiar with v3 and v4 issues. ;)

      I'll use this test for an apples-to-apples test.

      Thanks again.

  3. Okay, I'm stumped: how do you do that cool user tag/blue highlight thing???

    Don't tell IMHO: he'll tease me forever. ;)


  4. c3k


    Long time no see! I just found your thread in the cmbn activation subject.

    The activation thing can be a pita. If anyone from BFC says something that conflicts with my info, well, I think we both know who should be listened to. ;)

    The first issue is making sure you've got the right upgrade file. (Don't get me started.) There is a full-up, all-in-one, version 4.0. Then, there are also a bunch of incremental upgrade files. Grab the all-in-one. (I don't have immediate access to that file depository right now. I remember it had ~21 files in it. You've got to hunt around and pick the one you need. If I could, I'd give you a screenshot of all this.)

    Download that one. Run the install.

    (Hmm. Some assumptions: First, take ALL of your previous install and move it somewhere else, with a new name. "CMBN OLD" is fine. This way you'll have a clean install. You can import your saves and your mods later.)

    Okay, so, you've run a clean install. Now, navigate to that install folder. Hit the "activate new products" icon INSIDE that folder. (This makes sure you get the right one.)

    That should open a window for activation with your new code.

    You should get a confirmation of activation method. If not, nothing I can say will help. Time to open a ticket.

    After activating successfully, run it. You've got to redo your options (resolution, detail, etc.). Next, you can reinstall your mods and savegames.

    The biggest issue in my experience was choosing the right "activate this product". (Beta testing: I got to activate ALL of the games about 20 times each over the last year. CMFI is still in testing...or else I'd be pbem'ing you on that "Fields of Mars" game you sent...a year ago. Anyway, the only sure way to get the right activation window is to open the shortcut from inside your clean installation folder.)

    Let me know if that helps.


    1. sfhand


      Thanks Ken,

      I have an open ticket... I was able to activate CMBS, CMRT, and CMFB today. CMBN is not cooperating however. This is on a new laptop. I am going to rebuild my desktop so I am not even going to go into the issues I was having with CMBS on it. My old laptop has an installation of CMSF I can't unlicense. I'm going to worry about that later though...

      How are things with you these days? Gaming wise i have been sucked into the Dark Souls universe. I better brush up on my CM before Italy is released.

      Thanks for reaching out!


    2. c3k


      Real life got busy...and so did beta testing. The behind-the-scenes headaches from CMFI have been far more than anticipated.

      I'm currently trying to finish up some games I never got to. Right now, Witcher 3 is filling my gaming time...which has been less and less these days. Dark Souls looks good. I put it on my "I should pick it up when I have time" list. Of course, there's about 2 dozen other games on that same list. ;) Ops tempo at work has picked up. That's not bad, but time is time.


    3. sfhand


      I'm a big Witcher fan... however, I only got part way through Blood and Roses when my Dark Souls addiction kicked back in (Dark Souls 3!). Unfortunately it is difficult for me to play both sword fighting games effectively with their different control schemes, I keep pushing DS buttons for Witcher and vice versa.

      Have you tried IanLeslie's  Whose Turn Is It? If you were interested in trying it I think it would keep your installations managed for you. If so we could play and test it out!


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